The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 87: I Don’t Want To Fight

Chapter 87: I Don’t Want To Fight

I Don't Want To Fight . . .

Although Cha-Eun Xiao maintained an unyielding countenance, an internal sneer danced within him. As he broached the topic of the Crown Prince's initial actions, he had cunningly alluded to the deceased 'Cha Eun Xiao,' who had fallen victim to poisoning. It seemed as though the Crown Prince was either feigning ignorance or had genuinely misconstrued Cha-Eun Xiao's words.

Yet Cha-Eun Xiao harbored no intention of letting the matter rest. Only through exacting retribution for the deceased 'Cha Eun Xiao' could he find closure for the relentless fixation that consumed him. This affair was not merely a matter concerning the late 'Cha Eun Xiao' but also a pressing issue that required his personal resolution.

"Meaningless?" the Crown Prince mused, his voice a mere whisper. A smile slowly crept across his features as he continued in a placid tone, "I should think not. This dinner invitation was extended with the specific purpose of engaging in dialogue with you regarding the conclusion of our ongoing dispute."

Cha-Eun Xiao rolled his eyes and responded dryly, "You've invited me to dine, signifying your intent to negotiate. However, I fail to see any need for discussion. I'm curious to hear what resolution you have in mind."

The Crown Prince's reply was forthright, "It's quite simple, really. A decisive confrontation can put an end to our dispute once and for all." He sighed, running a hand through his hair in apparent resignation. "I would prefer not to resort to such base methods to resolve this matter. Yet, as you know, there are times when conventional means fall short in settling differences. While combat may lack elegance, it has become the most viable option given our current circumstances."

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded in understanding. "You speak the truth. The situation has grown increasingly apparent. Unless you ascend to the throne, it seems there is no legitimate avenue for you to deal with me, considering my father's immense achievements and influence."

The Crown Prince's eyes gleamed with cold determination. The formidable duo, the esteemed general and his son, had become an insurmountable obstacle in his path, a troublesome matter he had to eradicate.

With a hint of bitterness, Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "In truth, regardless of the facts surrounding that incident, had your brother-in-law not intervened with me initially, he might still be enjoying a life of luxury in the capital today."

His words fell silent, leaving an unspoken acknowledgment of the loss incurred.

The Crown Prince's tone adopted a somber note as he outlined his proposal. "Lord Cha, I had considered an alternative approach that would benefit both parties. However, all routes to that end have been obstructed. Only one path remains open."

Turning to Guan Zheng-Wen, he declared, "You must engage in combat with Old Master Guan. Following the duel, regardless of the victor, it will mark the end of all complications. In truth..."

The Crown Prince gazed upon Cha-Eun Xiao with genuine sincerity and heaved a weary sigh. "Lord Cha, I harbor no desire to engage in conflict with General Cha. Once I make my stance clear to my woman, I believe she and her followers will cease to pose further difficulties. The departed souls have found rest; there is no need for any further unrest, wouldn't you agree?"

Cha-Eun Xiao's brow furrowed as his intense gaze settled upon Guan Zheng-Wen, who stood steadfastly beside the Crown Prince.

Ever since the Crown Prince had dismissed all but Guan Zheng-Wen from the gathering, he had become increasingly observant of the elderly man's demeanor. There was something distinct about him, a peculiar aura that hinted at his potential as a concealed master cultivator. In the presence of Guan Zheng-Wen, the Crown Prince felt an unshakable sense of security, fortified against any impending threats.

According to Cha-Eun Xiao's meticulous research, Guan Zheng-Wen was a well-known figure within the Kingdom of Chen. On the surface, he projected an image of an erudite old scholar, the type well-versed in books and scrolls. Such individuals often possessed razor-sharp intellect, capable of cutting words, but were usually deemed lacking in martial prowess.

However, the fact that the Crown Prince had chosen Guan Zheng-Wen as his champion in the battle against Cha-Eun Xiao shattered his preconceptions. The Crown Prince would not send his loyal followers to certain demise. Thus, Cha-Eun Xiao surmised that this elderly figure must be a masterful cultivator concealed beneath a facade, likely a superior practitioner with hidden abilities.

The current circumstances diverged from Cha-Eun Xiao's predictions, prompting him to adopt a more cautious stance. Remarkably, he had failed to detect any threatening signs from Guan Zheng-Wen, a revelation that left only one plausible explanation - Guan Zheng-Wen's cultivation surpassed Cha-Eun Xiao's. Specifically, he was at a level above the Grade of Diyuan and possibly within the Grade of Tianyuan.

Furthermore, given Guan Zheng-Wen's proximity to the Crown Prince and the unwavering trust the latter vested in him, it was conceivable that the elderly man possessed exceptional talents. He might very well be a Grandmaster-level cultivator within the Grade of Tianyuan.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but silently curse his misfortune. This unexpected encounter with such an enigmatic figure felt akin to stumbling upon a phantom in the darkness.

Guan Zheng-Wen, wearing a serene smile, gazed at Cha-Eun Xiao. His gentle expression concealed the depth of his abilities. He addressed Cha-Eun Xiao in soothing tones, "The Crown Prince is a magnanimous individual. He seeks to resolve our differences amicably through a combat. I am obligated to participate in this contest, engaging you in battle to lay our grievances to rest. Lord Cha, let us go through the motions and complete this combat. You need not be overly wary. Though I may be aged, I can still endure two rounds of combat."

With a polite cough, he continued, "I hope that Lord Cha refrains from self-deprecation regarding your martial prowess. Your cultivation likely stands at least at level 9 within the Grade of Renyuan, is it not? You stand on the cusp of advancing to the Grade of Diyuan, and considering your youthful age, you are truly a remarkable talent. As the saying goes, 'A tiger does not beget a dog.'…"

Cha-Eun Xiao responded with modesty, "You are too kind."

He had deliberately concealed the extent of his cultivation, utilizing the Lunisolar Shadow technique to cloak the full scope of his martial aura. While not completely eliminating it, he had made it exceedingly challenging for anyone to discern his true prowess. Guan Zheng-Wen had astutely detected the traces of his abilities, albeit without comprehending the full extent of his strength. He mistakenly believed Cha-Eun Xiao had reached the ninth level within the Grade of Renyuan. Nevertheless, he was indeed the most insightful individual Cha-Eun Xiao had encountered in this lifetime.

Inwardly, Cha-Eun Xiao remained skeptical of the Crown Prince's intentions. He found it difficult to accept the Crown Prince's overtures of amicability and his proclaimed desire to cease hostilities with General Cha. He couldn't help but wonder about the true motives behind these words.

"If you genuinely wish for a peaceful resolution, why invite me to dine?" Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated. "If you cease your provocations, I will have no reason to trouble you."

Guan Zheng-Wen's mention of 'going through the motions' did little to reassure Cha-Eun Xiao. The notion of a perfunctory encounter seemed improbable, given the complex web of interests and vendettas that had ensnared them all.

Cha-Eun Xiao contemplated the situation, his thoughts weaving through the intricate web of schemes and contradictions that surrounded him. He mused, [Perhaps there's a grain of truth in their intentions. It's unlikely they'd dare to murder me within the confines of the Crown Prince's Palace. In fact, for everything to reach a satisfactory conclusion, I must emerge from this situation unscathed.

This would entail concocting a fabricated narrative where they never laid a finger on me. However, they would undoubtedly be far from willing to let me slip away without consequences. Each of these individuals is fervently seeking my demise.

But therein lies their predicament...

The key to resolving this conundrum lies within the phrase 'go through the motions.']

With a measured tone and a veneer of understanding, Cha-Eun Xiao responded, "Old Master Guan is absolutely right. The ideal outcome is for us all to engage in this charade without any real harm coming to anyone. Since both the Crown Prince and Old Master Guan express this wish, I shall align myself with your desires. However, I must express my reservations. Old Master Guan, you are a man of venerable age, and I would not wish to impose the burden of physical combat upon you. Even though my martial skills may be lacking, there's always the risk that I might inadvertently harm you."

This unanticipated declaration left the Crown Prince and Old Master Guan momentarily dumbfounded.

[What just happened? Did he really say that?

Is he refusing to engage in combat with an elderly man out of concern that he might accidentally harm him?

Is he truly that audacious?]

Old Master Guan, a man of profound knowledge and grace, swiftly regained his composure after the initial shock. He spoke solemnly, "Fret not, Lord Cha. The Crown Prince has spoken, and we have all agreed to resolve this matter in this fashion. To put an end to our grievances, I am more than willing to endure several rounds of combat. Let us simply 'go through the motions.'"

Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled, "No, no, no. Engaging in combat is simply not an option. You, venerable sir, have advanced in age, and it would be wholly unjust for me to subject you to such physical strain. Moreover, consider my standing within society. Should news of such a combat spread, while the discerning few may comprehend that it was orchestrated at the behest of the noble Crown Prince, others might misconstrue it as me bullying an elderly gentleman. Such a notion is entirely unfounded and should be vehemently discouraged."

The Crown Prince and Old Master Guan were once again left incredulous.

[What did he just say? Did he really assert that black is white?

His audacity knows no bounds.]

Old Master Guan, his demeanor cloaked in diplomacy, replied with measured tones, "Lord Cha, it was you who initially declared that the Crown Prince had issued this directive. He has already affirmed his decision, which cannot be overturned. Should I be unable to withstand your attacks, I shall accept this fate without complaint."

Cha-Eun Xiao, still wearing a wry smile, replied, "Rest assured, venerable sir. I have an alternative solution that would adhere to the Crown Prince's decision without necessitating our direct involvement in physical combat. Given your esteemed age, I could never bring myself to strike you. I have the utmost respect for my elders."

Guan Zheng-Wen simmered with frustration, but outwardly maintained an amiable disposition. He responded, "I am curious to hear your proposal, Lord Cha, that purportedly resolves this matter while satisfying all parties involved."

With an air of merriment, Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "My solution transcends merely killing two birds with one stone; it might very well dispatch three or more in a single stroke. It is the epitome of perfection."

Guan Zheng-Wen's patience was tested to its limits by Cha-Eun Xiao's audacity. Nevertheless, he maintained his composed facade as he inquired, "I am eager to hear your proposition."

Cha-Eun Xiao's laughter echoed through the chamber. "My solution is bound to appease you. You possess a sterling reputation throughout the kingdom. Engaging in physical combat would undoubtedly pose a risk to your well-being. Therefore, let us resolve these disputes through a verbal combat."

"A verbal combat?"

"Indeed, a verbal combat is quite straightforward. I shall propose a move and outline my intended course of action to attack, after which you will present your countermove, complete with a defense strategy. Alternatively, you may articulate your offensive maneuver, and I shall provide a suitable defense. The outcome shall be determined by the superiority of our verbal exchanges."

Both Guan Zheng-Wen and the Crown Prince were left fuming, having sorely underestimated the extent of Cha-Eun Xiao's audaciousness.

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