The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 883: The Past! . . .

Chapter 883: The Past! . . .

The Past! . . .

Following these events, it became unmistakably clear to the three factions that Li Wuliang, known as the Fierce Blade, was an indomitable force to be reckoned with. The losses incurred during their confrontations with him were substantial, and the room for peaceful negotiations had all but disappeared. In response, the sects decided to deploy a formidable force of elite cultivators to mount a direct assault on Sky Soul Mountain with the intent to eliminate Li Wuliang.

In anticipation of the impending battle, Li Wuliang sent a plea for assistance to his close friend, Xiao Monarch Cha Eun Xiao. The reputations of these two exceptional heroes, Fierce Blade and Xiao Monarch, resounded throughout recent history. A joint effort between them could potentially shift the balance of power, possibly leading to the defeat of the three factions or, at the very least, inflicting such heavy losses that the victory would be a Pyrrhic one for the sects. Furthermore, with Xiao Monarch's participation, it was expected that his girlfriend, Jun Yinglian of Sky Ice Palace, would follow suit. This alliance of three rising stars in the Qing-Yun Realm held the potential to ignite a significant conflict.

Should they unite in a great war, it might alter the landscape of Qing-Yun Realm and pose a significant threat to the three factions. Even if the sects emerged victorious in such a war, the cost in terms of their top-level disciples would be staggering. Consequently, the value of Sky Soul Hall, which relied on these elite cultivators, would be severely diminished.

However, circumstances did not play out as anticipated. Xiao Monarch had ventured to Boundless Saint Domain, and although he stood at the pinnacle of level nine Dao Origin Stage, his return to the realm would necessitate a considerable amount of time.

Despite Xiao Monarch's absence, the three factions remained persistent in their pursuit of Sky Soul Mountain. Over the course of three encounters, they dispatched 99 level nine Dao Origin Stage cultivators. Fierce Blade found himself embroiled in a grueling three-day battle, culminating in a severe injury due to the devastating Three Lights Strike. Fatigued to the point of exhaustion, he met his end as the Three Lights Strike decimated both his physical form and soul. With this loss, the three factions successfully seized control of Sky Soul Mountain and extracted its valuable soul power.

Nevertheless, the war was far from over. Xiao Monarch eventually returned from the Boundless Saint Domain, only to receive the news of Fierce Blade's demise. Overwhelmed by grief and anger, he immediately declared war against the three factions. Upon his return, he embarked on an unrestrained campaign, launching relentless attacks against the sects.

Furthermore, it was revealed that the three factions had not only targeted Sky Soul Mountain but had also occupied Million Soul Mountain, Xiao Monarch's master's hometown, prior to their assault on Sky Soul Mountain. In their ruthless quest to seize control, Saint Sunlight Sect had ruthlessly exterminated the inhabitants around Million Soul Mountain. Learning of the events that had unfolded on both mountains incited madness within Xiao Monarch. Determined to avenge the losses, he waged a relentless campaign against the three factions, annihilating every disciple on Sky Soul Mountain before descending upon Million Soul Mountain, where he brutally dispatched the disciples of Saint Sunlight Sect.

Xiao Monarch's wrath knew no bounds, and anyone from the three factions who crossed his path faced immediate execution. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the sects decided to initiate a massive manhunt for Xiao Monarch. They dispatched seven hundred of their finest disciples to confront the vengeful Xiao Monarch within the realm. The battle raged on for seven arduous months.

This extended conflict resulted in significant casualties. Three hundred and twenty-seven top-level Dao Origin Stage cultivators met their end at the hands of Xiao Monarch, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The Cha Clan had dispatched two hundred and nineteen disciples to partake in this conflict, but only one hundred and five returned, highlighting the devastating toll exacted by the war.

Cha Eun Xiao listened as the grim aftermath of the fierce conflict was recounted. The casualties were stark: twenty-seven of the survivors had been stripped of their martial prowess, consigned to a life without the strength to reclaim their former abilities. Over a dozen more had suffered grievous injuries, their martial progress brought to an irreversible halt. Among the fallen, two prominent figures, Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian, had experienced substantial losses. Zhan Yunfei's soul beast lay wasted, while Zhu Jiutian's formidable Triple Feet Eagle met its demise. These losses proved insurmountable, and Zhu Jiutian was unable to recover and further his martial development, while Zhan Yunfei remained severely wounded and continued to struggle, operating at only eighty percent of his previous capabilities.

The war had taken its toll on both sides, inflicting profound damage upon the three factions, their strength weakened by nearly forty percent. It was a grave and unprecedented loss in the history of these influential sects.

Yun Piaoliu let out a heavy sigh, expressing the collective sentiment. Cha Eun Xiao, deep in thought, eventually broke his silence, addressing his masters. In his view, the responsibility for these tragic events lay squarely at the feet of the three factions. Were it not for their malevolent actions, neither Fierce Blade nor Xiao Monarch would have become adversaries. Cha Eun Xiao reminded them that Fierce Blade had spared the lives of the sects' disciples initially, and the actions of the three factions had led to the calamitous outcome.

Lei Dadi acknowledged this truth, a somber expression on his face. However, Yun Piaoliu interjected, highlighting a different perspective, suggesting that Li Wuliang, despite the sects' faults, may not have been entirely without blame. He asserted that Li Wuliang had been offered compensation by the three factions and was not entirely faultless. Cha Eun Xiao countered this view, emphasizing the importance of a cultivator's dignity and honor. Even with compensation, the humiliation of being expelled from his mountain would have been unbearable for an honorable man like Fierce Blade. The loss of dignity could cripple a cultivator's spirit, rendering further progress impossible.

Cha Eun Xiao pointed out that if Li Wuliang had given in to the three factions due to fear, it would have forever stained his reputation, leaving an indelible scar on his soul. Any honorable individual would find it inconceivable to yield in such a manner. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Lei Dadi admitted the inevitable conflict that resulted from the sects' pursuit of Sky Soul Mountain, and how it had become an unavoidable confrontation.

Cha Eun Xiao presented an alternative scenario, suggesting that the rough battle might have been averted. He posited that during the second assault on the mountain, if the three factions had confronted Li Wuliang directly and defeated him, it might have prevented the subsequent tragic events. While such an approach might have lacked honor, it was indeed reasonable within the martial world, where might dictated the course of action. The three old men, bound by their integrity, found themselves silently contemplating Cha Eun Xiao's words, recognizing the truth in his observations. Fierce Blade had shown restraint after his initial victory, adhering to the principles of the martial world, but the sects' actions during the second attempt were a transgression. Nevertheless, the three masters maintained their dignified silence, unwilling to voice sentiments against their own convictions.

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