The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 885: Break the Deadlock

Chapter 885: Break the Deadlock

Break the Deadlock . . .

Cha Eun Xiao pondered the situation and expressed his perspective with a hint of pragmatism. He contemplated the intricate web of conspiracies woven by Saint Sunlight Sect and Saint Starlight Sect, suspecting their ulterior motives in the long-standing collusion between the two brother sects. It seemed evident to him that their intentions were to undermine and potentially annihilate Cold Moon Palace. He spoke bluntly, insinuating that the Sky Soul Hall, once completed, might not be allowed to exist for long.

He posited the grim possibility that a single Sky Soul Hall might eventually fall under the control of the stronger of the two brother sects, exposing the underlying tensions beneath their fa?ade of camaraderie. In his view, the relationship between these sects was merely a charade, and their actions were far from brotherly.

He questioned the sincerity of their fraternal bonds by highlighting their ruthless pursuit of the most promising talents within Cold Moon Palace. Why would they be so intent on eliminating their sect's great genius, Cha Eun Xiao, if they were truly brother sects?

Cha Eun Xiao conveyed the belief that Cold Moon Palace's withdrawal from the three factions could potentially relieve the pressure and adversarial focus on their sect. With Cold Moon Palace out of the picture, he speculated that Saint Sunlight Sect and Saint Starlight Sect might shift their focus to competing with each other, sparing Cold Moon Palace from further hostilities.

The heavy sighs of the three elders bore testimony to the gravity of the situation and the complex web of deceit and betrayal that they had unwittingly become entangled in. The true extent of the espionage network within their sect had been a stark revelation.

Meanwhile, in the Boundless Space, Erhuo was restless, clamoring for Cha Eun Xiao's attention. The cat's fervent desire to absorb the abundant soul power within the Sky Soul Hall was unmistakable. However, Cha Eun Xiao, the guardian of the Boundless Space, chose to keep Erhuo within its confines, denying access to the tempting power.

Erhuo's pleas and protests filled the space, but Cha Eun Xiao was resolute in his decision. He understood the potential benefits that absorbing the soul power would bring to Erhuo and the Boundless Space. Still, he held back, choosing to prioritize the principles of gratitude and responsibility over personal gain.

Cha Eun Xiao's resolve mirrored his character. He was willing to repay kindness with gratitude and to stand firmly against injustice, never crossing the boundaries of morality. The concept of repaying kindness with enmity was inconceivable to him, a testament to his unwavering principles and strong sense of honor.

Cold Moon Palace had showered Cha Eun Xiao with unwavering kindness and support throughout his time within their ranks. In light of this, he could not bring himself to slyly appropriate the immense power concealed within the Sky Soul Hall. Such a deceitful act was beyond his principles, and he was resolute in his decision to refrain from such treacherous conduct.

Lei Dadi, with a mix of concern and determination, informed Cha Eun Xiao that he would communicate the young cultivator's perspective to Changtian, the sect's leader. Regardless of the sect's eventual course of action, it was now out of Cha Eun Xiao's hands, and he was to have no part in it any longer. The sword attack had convincingly staged his death, and from that point forward, Cha Chongxiao was officially deceased.

Lei Dadi emphasized that this fabricated death was, in fact, the best protection that could be offered to Cha Eun Xiao. By masquerading his death, they ensured his safety more effectively than any other approach. The three elders bore no grudge against him but rather felt a complex mix of emotions. While there remained a profound sense of vengeance that simmered within them, it was coupled with the relief of knowing that Cha Eun Xiao was still alive.

It was clear that if Wu Huitian had indeed succeeded in killing Cha Chongxiao, the three old men would have launched a relentless vendetta. They would have stopped at nothing to avenge the young man's death, even at the cost of their own lives. Yet, the revelation that Cha Chongxiao had survived presented an entirely different scenario.

After the assassination attempt, Cha Eun Xiao had emerged unscathed, and this unexpected twist had inadvertently transformed the situation into a powerful cover for his continued existence. Lei Dadi's assertion that nothing was more effective than a faked death at ensuring one's security held true. In essence, the world believed Cha Chongxiao to be deceased, and the truth of his survival was inconceivable.

With Saint Sunlight Sect and Saint Starlight Sect in the dark about the powerful individual they had nearly killed, they were entirely ignorant of the storm they had stirred. Cha Eun Xiao's capabilities, identity, and potential remained hidden from them, unbeknownst to their costly error.

As Lei Dadi proposed that Cha Eun Xiao should part ways with Cold Moon Palace, a surge of uncertainty gripped the young cultivator. He tentatively inquired about leaving the sect and embarking on his journey through the martial world as an independent cultivator. This opportunity, though unexpected, represented his long-cherished desire to explore the world beyond the sect's boundaries.

While he had longed to venture into the martial world, his opportunities for leaving Cold Moon Palace had been limited. The sect had sheltered and protected him, viewing him as a valuable asset and safeguarding his well-being. The perils of the outside world necessitated caution, but the circumstances now seemed to offer a chance for Cha Eun Xiao to set out on his own path.

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