The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 898: How Many Enemies

Chapter 898: How Many Enemies

How Many Enemies . . .

As Cha Eun Xiao expounded, the room fell into a hushed silence. There were no further queries or protests. Everyone comprehended the gravity of his pronouncement.

Their arduous journey to this conclusion had been protracted, and the identity of the assailants remained closely guarded. None of the dan-makers or therapists who had previously attempted to aid the young lord were privy to these confidential matters.

It involved a confluence of sensitive secrets.

But Cha Eun Xiao's inexplicable insights gleaned from the young lord's wrist left no room for underestimation. He was no ordinary individual; his mastery had become apparent.

Cha Eun Xiao introduced a subtle flow of spiritual qi into Shangguan Tie's body. His eyes remained shut as he spoke methodically, "Jing Breaking Fist, especially at lower levels, requires direct contact with the young lord to cause injury. This indicates that the individual employing the Fist attack possesses a lower level of cultivation."

"Mai Blocking Finger... The young lord sustained only one strike from this Finger attack, yet it was significantly more lethal than the other two assaults. This suggests the assailant used the Finger attack when facing the young lord head-on. After this critical blow, the battle concluded. Therefore, this attacker is likely the most formidable of the three."

"The young lord's internal organs have sustained widespread damage, with multiple fractures in his Jing and Mai. He has endured these wounds for an extended period and, regrettably, I believe he is currently on the precipice of death. His condition is exceedingly challenging to remedy."

"It is my assumption that, despite being severely wounded, the young lord endeavored to make his way back to safety after the confrontation with the attackers. Regrettably, his desperate return exacerbated his injuries. However, not returning would have resulted in certain death. His decision was a calculated risk."

These revelations captivated the room's occupants, and they eagerly awaited Cha Eun Xiao's further insights, clinging to the hope that a glimmer of positivity might be forthcoming.

"As dire as the young lord's condition is, there is still a prospect for recovery. The Qing-Yun Realm boasts a wealth of invaluable materials. By keeping him alive and continually providing these resources, we can gradually nurse him back to health. Yet, there is a chronic poison deeply entrenched within his body—a formidable obstacle."

"The severity of the poison is one aspect; however, its formation was not a sudden occurrence. He has harbored this poison for an extended period, likely more than a year. In essence, he has been afflicted for several years, a grim revelation."

"Chronic poisoning for such an extended duration suggests that someone—a figure in close proximity to the young lord—has inflicted this poison upon him. This individual must possess unique skills and the opportunity to administer such a poison."

The conclusion Cha Eun Xiao offered was nothing short of astonishing, prompting shock and consternation. It was Shangguan Zhuifeng, the elderly man, who expressed his outrage most vociferously.

"In light of these findings, it is essential to be forthright. This poison is distinctive, as it must be administered in precise quantities—neither too much nor too little—to be effective. Managing the poison's dosage is a pivotal aspect. Additionally, a minuscule amount of this poison can enhance the flavor of any food."

"The most covert method to administer such poison is by introducing it into the young lord's soup over a prolonged period. It accumulates within the body, remaining dormant. However, when the young lord fell victim to the attackers, his compromised immune system allowed the poison to surge and wreak havoc."

Cha Eun Xiao's tone remained even as he expounded, "I understand my explanation may seem unconventional, prompting potential doubts. My intention is merely to share my knowledge and provide enlightenment. Although some of you may not have directly encountered this specific poison, the name 'Heartbroken Flower' may ring a bell."

As the others grasped the significance of the flower's name, their faces reflected a moment of realization. The Heartbroken Flower was a species associated with ancient myths—a seemingly innocuous yet deceptively dangerous bloom.

This poisonous flower did not wield immediate lethality but had a unique trait: its venom could accumulate within the body. When the accumulation reached a critical point, it unleashed a devastating and inevitably fatal effect.

Cha Eun Xiao continued, his eyes remaining closed as he provided insight, "Legend has it that once this poison reaches its tipping point, it will take the life of anyone afflicted, regardless of their strength or cultivation level."

He proceeded to elucidate, "The young lord's immunity waned due to the severity of his injuries from the attack, rendering him susceptible to the accumulated poison. Notably, he ceased consuming the soup following the assault, which contained the poison. Consequently, the poison remains within him, though it has not yet precipitated a fatal outcome. Paradoxically, the extensive injuries he sustained acted as a deterrent to the poison's progress. If he were to resume consuming the soup and further augment the poison's accumulation, I fear..."

The implications hung heavily in the air, unspoken but understood by all.

Their expressions bore the weight of dread and apprehension.

In a fit of intense frustration and anger, Shangguan Zhuifeng, seated in his wheelchair, unknowingly shattered the chair's handles with his vice-like grip. His eyes burned with ferocity and a thirst for vengeance.

Yet, Cha Eun Xiao appeared unperturbed by the incident. He opened his eyes and resumed his discourse, addressing the assembled members, "In addition to the numerous wounds he has suffered, the young lord harbors an inconceivable anomaly—a reservoir of frigid qi concealed within his body. This unique power can only be harnessed by practitioners of a martial art typically exclusive to women."

He deliberated further, "Fortunately, the individual responsible for this act of sabotage remains of limited cultivation. The young lord, at the time of the assault, was either vulnerable or unaware of the assailant's intrusion."

Cha Eun Xiao painted a harrowing picture, "Five distinct forms of injury have converged upon him, presenting an ordeal of unparalleled suffering. His resilience is nothing short of miraculous, given the circumstances. This alone could have resulted in his demise. However, your adversaries have exhibited prudence in the face of your efforts to save the young lord. In your quest to secure his healing, they covertly dispatched a counterfeit therapist, poised to reintroduce the poison."

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