The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 901: Typical Li Wuliang!

Chapter 901: Typical Li Wuliang!

Typical Li Wuliang! . . .

With the room cleared of all others, Shangguan Zhuifeng's demeanor took on a grave aspect. "Brother Ye," he began, "you..."

Cha Eun Xiao interjected, "It's not an ideal time for this conversation. Let's discuss it when the circumstances allow. You won't be able to provide assistance, and you understand the reasons."

Shangguan Zhuifeng assumed a forlorn expression and replied, "Alright."

He continued, "However, I am committed to seeking justice for Brother Li Wuliang, whether or not it costs me my legs."

Cha Eun Xiao smiled, saying, "Your legs will be just fine. By the way, why do you place so much trust in me?"

Indeed, they had exchanged only a few words.

Shangguan Zhuifeng responded with a gentle smile, "People can remain strangers despite a lifetime of acquaintance, while others can become fast friends in mere seconds with just a few words. Sometimes, a few words are all it takes. The words you whispered, I believed only Brother Li and I were privy to them. Perhaps Xiao Monarch was aware, but I never anticipated that Brother Ye would know them as well. Your knowledge of those words indicates that you are either a close friend of Brother Li or a confidant of Xiao Monarch. Those words hold deep significance to me. I'm convinced that you are a trustworthy friend to one of them, which means you can be trusted by me. Moreover, you bear the family name 'Cha.'"

He continued in a soft tone, "Your trustworthiness extends not only to Tie-Er's life but to the entire Black Cavalry Alliance. I have no reservations."

Cha Eun Xiao, deeply moved, struggled to find the right words.

Shangguan Zhuifeng's faith and his reference to the shared secrets and deep connections among friends reminded Cha Eun Xiao of his dear departed friend, Li Wuliang.

[Li Wuliang, my brother. You've been gone for so long, yet this man continues to place so much trust in you!]

[He even extends that trust to me because of you. He's entrusted his son's life to me!]

[Fierce Blade... Your power transcends even into the heavens...]

Shangguan Zhuifeng, blushing slightly, said, "One sword crosses the sky; thousands of horses surpass the wind. Laughter of the Monarch; hero of eternity. You know these words. I assume you know their origins as well?"

Cha Eun Xiao regarded him and replied, "To the best of my knowledge, you are the one who uttered them. If you'd like to hear the full story, I can certainly provide it."

Shangguan Zhuifeng, reddening further, acknowledged, "Brother Ye, you're teasing me. Well, I suppose we are good friends now."

A warm laugh escaped from Cha Eun Xiao.

Shangguan Zhuifeng, still embarrassed, ruminated on the past and continued, "It was rather idealistic when I held that aspiration. But Brother Li scolded me thoroughly... 'Ignorant, empty-headed, madcap...' He was furious with me. He was such a quiet individual, but when he decided to speak... It was..."

Cha Eun Xiao chuckled. He understood that Shangguan Zhuifeng was still testing him. Mentioning Li Wuliang's penchant for lengthy speeches was a way to gauge Cha Eun Xiao's familiarity with the departed martial artist. Shangguan Zhuifeng wanted to determine whether Cha Eun Xiao was closer to Li Wuliang or to Xiao Monarch.

If he were Li Wuliang's friend, Shangguan Zhuifeng would place unreserved trust in him. However, if he were Xiao Monarch's friend, the trust might be slightly more distant.

Cha Eun Xiao grasped the intention behind Shangguan Zhuifeng's words. He knew the depth of an experienced man like Shangguan Zhuifeng and didn't take offense. After all, he was Li Wuliang's best friend and should share a brotherly bond with Shangguan Zhuifeng. It didn't bother him to undergo this test.

The story was genuine, and what had transpired was even more complex than Shangguan Zhuifeng had briefly alluded to.

In bygone times, the Black Cavalry Alliance held the status of a formidable organization. It cast a looming shadow over the martial world, threatening to overtake some of the most prominent and powerful sects. Shangguan Zhuifeng harbored grand aspirations to elevate the Black Cavalry Alliance to the esteemed rank of the eighth great sect.

However, the Alliance faced a significant drawback – its cultivation prowess paled in comparison to the great sects, and it lacked influential cultivators to champion its cause. Despite appearing formidable, it was common knowledge that a single genuinely superior cultivator could lay waste to their entire valley. Even if the Alliance managed to fend off such an adversary, the resulting losses would be catastrophic. This was a fatal flaw for any organization striving to attain the status of a great sect. In light of these challenges, Shangguan Zhuifeng approached Li Wuliang, urging him to join the Alliance.

His ambitions extended to Xiao Monarch as well. Shangguan Zhuifeng envisioned Fierce Blade and Xiao Monarch as the ideal leaders for the Black Cavalry Alliance, possibly even succeeding him. The decision for the top position could then be left to their discretion.

Shangguan Zhuifeng's vision hinged on gaining the consent of Li Wuliang and Cha Eun Xiao. With their agreement, the Black Cavalry Alliance could realize its dream of ascending to the status of the eighth great sect. Both Fierce Blade and Xiao Monarch were top-tier super cultivators in the Qing-Yun Realm, possessing the power to make this ambition a reality.

Traveling extensively, Shangguan Zhuifeng embarked on a mission to persuade Li Wuliang. He anticipated that if Li Wuliang approved, it was highly probable that Cha Eun Xiao would follow suit. Moreover, if Li Wuliang were to speak with Xiao Monarch, the latter would undoubtedly pledge his support. Even if he chose not to become a full member, having his name associated with the Alliance would serve a beneficial purpose. Shangguan Zhuifeng felt confident in the success of his endeavor.

The envisioned slogan for the eighth great sect had already taken shape in Shangguan Zhuifeng's mind: "One sword crosses the sky; thousands of horses surpass the wind. Laughter of the Monarch; hero of eternity." Although Cha Eun Xiao's name did not feature prominently in the first line, he occupied the last two, where both Li Wuliang and Cha Eun Xiao stood as heroes of eternity in Shangguan Zhuifeng's estimation.

However, the plan never came to fruition. When Shangguan Zhuifeng conveyed his proposal to Li Wuliang, he received a dismissive response – a swift kick off the mountainside, coupled with a stern rebuke. The ambitious plan was unequivocally thwarted.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but chuckle as he asked, "Chief Shangguan, do you recall what other choice words he had for you aside from 'ignorant'?"

Shangguan Zhuifeng gazed at Cha Eun Xiao for an extended moment, as though regarding a towering mountain from a lower vantage point.

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