The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 918: You Are Alive, Brother!

Chapter 918: You Are Alive, Brother!

You Are Alive, Brother! . . .

Erhuo responded to Cha Eun Xiao's insistent urging with an expressive meow, accompanied by a disdainful twist of its mouth.

[Why the rush? It's not like the darkness or the peculiar spatial shape in here slows me down at all. I suppose it's more about helping you keep up, you relentless human. How shameless of you to rush me!] Erhuo's thoughts seemed to carry a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

For what felt like an interminable amount of time, they continued their journey through the pitch-black cavern until a glimmer of light emerged on the horizon. It was but a faint flicker, akin to the first light of dawn heralding the end of night's reign.

The sight of that tiny beacon infused Cha Eun Xiao with renewed energy, and he quickened his pace toward the elusive light source. In his eagerness to reach it, he struck an inconspicuous clod with unintentional force, sending it skittering ahead, even as he pressed onward.

As he advanced, Cha Eun Xiao found himself basking in the warm embrace of sunlight. The sudden transition from darkness to the brilliance of the sun temporarily disoriented him, forcing him to shut his eyes against the unexpected brightness. Gradually, he acclimated to the radiance and gingerly opened his eyes.

What he beheld left him utterly flabbergasted.

Before him stretched an expanse of frigid, snow-covered terrain, transforming the cave's depths into a vast valley, encased in ice and snow. In this forbidding landscape, towering mountains ascended to kiss the very heavens, their surfaces as impenetrable and unyielding as the sky itself.

The colossal mountains were not only unscalable but also impervious to any form of weaponry, which meant no one could possibly harm them. Moreover, there was no visible path or road to navigate the snowy expanse, leaving only the icy embrace of uncharted mountains.

A curious feature at the foot of one of these towering peaks seized Cha Eun Xiao's attention. Almost entirely concealed beneath the thick blanket of snow, he discerned the mouth of an irregular hole, suggestive of repeated entries and exits by some mysterious entity or entities.

A hunch emerged in Cha Eun Xiao's mind, and he couldn't resist calling out, "Hello? Is there anyone here?"

His voice resonated through the valley, its echoes creating an otherworldly atmosphere, reminiscent of a dream-like realm. Yet, before the echo could dissipate into silence, another voice reverberated through the valley, seemingly conversing with itself.

"Such an insufferable hole, and now there's another person here? Am I fortunate or unfortunate?" The voice was tinged with a curious mixture of weariness and disdain, and it too echoed throughout the valley.

This unexpected dialogue transformed the already surreal landscape into something akin to a fantastical dreamscape.

But for Cha Eun Xiao, the sound of that voice stirred an overwhelming rush of emotions. His blood surged with excitement and jubilation, his face flushing with happiness. He couldn't help but unleash a torrent of expletives and laughter, revealing his immense delight. He hollered at the top of his lungs, "Li Wuliang, you infuriating bastard! You wretched, despicable scoundrel! You're alive! How in the world are you still breathing? You absolute scamp! You actually survived!"

It was as if Cha Eun Xiao's fervor had caused the entire valley to tremble. His joy was so infectious that it resonated in the echoing voice of the mountains, almost causing a cascade of snowslides that threatened to bury the mountains beneath a blanket of pristine snow.

From the depths of the cavern, a man emerged, a formidable figure with a robust build and a rugged beard. He stood there like an immovable mountain, gazing at Cha Eun Xiao with a mixture of bewilderment and familiarity. He seemed perplexed by Cha Eun Xiao's impolite choice of words but simultaneously struck by a profound sense of recognition.

"Who are you? How... How do you know me? And why are you addressing me so... informally?" The man stammered, grappling with his own surprise.

However, to Cha Eun Xiao, the recognition was mutual. He laughed uproariously, his laughter echoing across the snow-covered valley. "Who am I? I'm your master! I'm your darn master, you rogue!" Cha Eun Xiao closed the distance between them, his raised fist initially resembling a punch, but at the last moment, he transformed it into an open palm. With a flourish, he extended his hand toward the man and swept his five fingers through the air, conjuring thousands of subtle gusts.

In the wake of his movement, the air shifted and formed a distinct word: 'Xiao'. Cha Eun Xiao didn't stop there, continuing to swirl his hand through the air, causing the word to rotate and advance toward the man.

"You may not remember me

Cha Eun Xiao's unexpected arrival had left Li Wuliang in a whirlwind of emotions. Shock, confusion, happiness, and surprise vied for dominance within him. He gazed at Cha Eun Xiao, his words tumbling out in a mix of wonder and disbelief. "You... what's happened to your face? Have you died and been reborn in another body? A Walk-in?"

Li Wuliang's astute perception and deep familiarity with Cha Eun Xiao were readily apparent. He had detected the essence of his dear friend in the palm strike, the manner of speaking, and even the facial expressions. In an instant, he was certain that the person before him was none other than his closest companion, his brother, Xiao Monarch. Cha Eun Xiao's physical appearance might have changed, but the essence of who he was remained unmistakable: Cha Eun Xiao!

In spite of the overwhelming recognition, curiosity gnawed at Li Wuliang's mind. He couldn't help but wonder about the events that had brought Cha Eun Xiao to this point, knowing the immense disparity in their respective cultivation levels. While Gu Jinlong, the body's original owner, was a mere third-stage practitioner in Dao Origin, Cha Eun Xiao had achieved the pinnacle of the ninth stage back in their shared history.

"Long story," Cha Eun Xiao responded, shaking his head with a warm smile. "But for now, I'd love to take a look at your abode. I'm quite curious to see how it turned out. Hahaha..."

Li Wuliang, still grappling with a sense of disbelief, felt as though he might be ensnared in a vivid dream. Cha Eun Xiao gently urged him back into the cave, an action that left Li Wuliang in a state of suspended reality, as if he were experiencing a waking dream.

This was Fierce Blade Li Wuliang, once a figure of world-shaking renown. Yet, time and circumstance had transformed him. Dressed in tattered rags that scarcely concealed his form, his upper body bore the traces of countless battles—copper-toned skin adorned with a tapestry of bruises and scars.

His disheveled hair and beard spoke of neglect and the passage of time, suggesting he had long foregone such mundane grooming. His attire consisted of mere shreds of cloth fastened around his waist, accompanied by a few scattered feathers, which might have served either as embellishments or as a practical means of covering his more private areas.

However, even under these crude conditions, his physical stature remained an awe-inspiring spectacle. The same observation had struck Cha Eun Xiao when he first encountered Guan Lingxiao, who shared a similar imposing build with Li Wuliang. But now, in Li Wuliang's presence, Cha Eun Xiao recognized the subtle yet profound contrast.

Guan Lingxiao, although tall and imposing, could be likened to a towering mountain—one that commanded respect but could still be scaled. In contrast, Li Wuliang transcended this comparison, projecting an image greater than any mere mountain. His presence was overwhelming, akin to an entire mountain range.

He radiated an innate dominance, a force of nature. Standing there, his shoulders appeared capable of shouldering the heavens themselves. Li Wuliang, despite the scant attire and unkempt hair, exuded power, virility, and an indomitable spirit that was almost palpable. He wasn't merely a mountain; he was a living embodiment of colossal strength, a testament to the endurance of the human spirit.

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