The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 928: Can You Speak Hawk Language?

Chapter 928: Can You Speak Hawk Language?

Can You Speak Hawk Language? . . .

The wound on Cha Eun Xiao's butt wasn't particularly deep. Just as the golden hawk was about to peck him, he swiftly moved forward, and the hawk's attack barely grazed him before he managed to evade it.

While Cha Eun Xiao remained unscathed at first, it wasn't long before he began to feel pain in the affected area. He gingerly reached back to inspect it and found blood on his hand. The realization that he had narrowly escaped a potentially grievous injury washed over him.

He realized how fortunate he was to have acted decisively. Had he hesitated even for a moment, the outcome could have been far worse.

"That was swift!" The golden hawk had initially been confident in its attack but was stunned when it failed to land its blow. It turned its fierce gaze towards Cha Eun Xiao in bewilderment.

The golden hawk couldn't comprehend how a mere human could move with such incredible speed.

His escape was akin to a rabbit evading a pursuing hound, covering a vast distance in mere seconds. The golden hawk was perplexed and infuriated by this turn of events, for it hadn't anticipated its prey being so nimble.

As it came to terms with the situation, the golden hawk let out a furious scream. Its enormous wings carried it towards Cha Eun Xiao, its movements imbued with swiftness and determination.

The golden hawk was resolute in its pursuit and displayed an incredible burst of speed. The air behind it cracked as it moved, and a dark black hole briefly appeared in its wake before slowly closing.

As Cha Eun Xiao pushed his limits, he endured the pain and exertion, relentlessly striving to escape the deathly threat. He marveled at the unfamiliarity of this realm following his absence.

As he continued to flee, the sky suddenly darkened, and the golden hawk drew near, soaring above him. In a state of panic, Cha Eun Xiao cried out, "Oh, bloody heavens... I'm finished... Li Wuliang, you scoundrel... This is all your fault. I cared for you, looked out for you, supported you... and now I find myself in this terrible predicament."

In the midst of his terror, Cha Eun Xiao's words became increasingly incoherent as he ran aimlessly, resembling little more than a frantic, purposeless escapee.

"Erhuo, do you have any ideas? What can we do about the creature up there?" Cha Eun Xiao implored Erhuo. The cat had been his savior in dire situations before and had performed remarkable feats. It had been instrumental in defeating Gu Jinlong when it was still known as Brother Egg, and it had neutralized the red and white clouds and chaotic soul power. Cha Eun Xiao was hopeful that it could once again come to his aid against the formidable golden hawk.

Erhuo, lounging comfortably in the Space while being pampered by several snakes, responded with a disinterested "Meow."

"It's a spiritual beast," Cha Eun Xiao urged. "Come quickly!"

The cat, suddenly alerted, leaped onto Cha Eun Xiao's shoulder. It was ready to face whatever threat lurked above.

But the moment Erhuo saw the golden hawk, it became enveloped in darkness. The hawk swooped down, and Erhuo's composure was shattered. Its fur bristled, its meow turned fearful, and its eyes took on a blue hue. In sheer terror, Erhuo made a hasty retreat back into the Space.

Cha Eun Xiao was rendered speechless.

[In the most critical of moments, you decided to flee... and now you blame me?]

"I thought you were capable?" Cha Eun Xiao asked awkwardly, running for his life.

[In this perilous situation, you've shown a remarkable talent for fleeing... and you blame me?]

"I excel when dealing with other matters, but this... This is a resounding no," Erhuo expressed its frustration.

"Why not?" Cha Eun Xiao was utterly panicked. [You abandoned me when I needed you...]

Erhuo shook its head and explained, "I truly can't assist in this. That creature isn't one of the Twelve Spirits... You'll have to confront it with your genuine strength, and there's a significant likelihood that my power is much weaker. I'm just a small cat, and I haven't developed chaotic blood yet... It's quite reasonable."

"Twelve Spirits..." Cha Eun Xiao was nearly dumbfounded.

[You've been acting so arrogantly, as though you're invincible. I put my faith in you. Yet here you are...]

[It's maddening...]

Clearly, Cha Eun Xiao had not fully comprehended Erhuo. The Twelve Spirits might refer to twelve different beasts or perhaps twelve categories of beings. It seemed logical, but he was currently fleeing for his life, and his words were hastily chosen. All he cared about was whether Erhuo could provide assistance. The intricacies didn't matter in the heat of the moment.

The golden hawk was now hovering above Cha Eun Xiao's head. He had exerted himself to the point of injury to create some distance between them, but the hawk had rapidly caught up to him. It appeared there was no escape.

He couldn't outrun the hawk, and there was no chance of defeating it. He contemplated the idea of succumbing to the hawk as its prey.

His speed and strength were inferior to the hawk's. He realized he needed to outsmart the predator.

He suddenly halted, and as he prayed silently, he hoped for an unusual response from the hawk. [Please, let the hawk understand my plea.]

The hawk was right above Cha Eun Xiao, preparing for a final, lethal dive. It hadn't anticipated Cha Eun Xiao stopping so abruptly.

It flew past him, a mere hundred meters or so ahead, and then unexpectedly halted, even reversing its direction. It beat its colossal wings and looked back at him with a perplexed expression.

"Good heavens!" Cha Eun Xiao exclaimed, flabbergasted. "Can... Can the hawk fly backward? What on earth? Is it unwell? A supernatural creature? Malevolent?"

It defied Cha Eun Xiao's understanding completely.

Nevertheless, no matter how astounded he was, he had to remain calm. The hawk was poised to strike any second.

Cha Eun Xiao knew that if the hawk attacked, he would have no chance of survival. It was pure wishful thinking to imagine he could withstand such an assault.

"Hold on!" Cha Eun Xiao stood upright and addressed the hawk. "Mr. Hawk, let's have a conversation!"

The hawk ascended several meters and stared at Cha Eun Xiao, appearing confused and displaying an unmistakable hostility.

[Is this man... speaking to me?]

[But... I don't think he speaks hawk...]

[Can you speak hawk?]

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