The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 95: The Purple Lotus Master!

Chapter 95: The Purple Lotus Master!

The Purple Lotus Master! . . .

After a brief pause...

Xiu-Er let out a resigned sigh and remarked, "It appears that our destinies aren't entwined after all. Let me grant your final wish and usher you toward your demise."

A glint of her sword cut through the air!

Her words marked the end of Ning Bi-Luo's life.

With a swift motion, she swung her sword, directing a deadly arc toward Ning Bi-Luo's exposed neck.

It was a strike devoid of mercy, one that paid no heed to the value of life.

Yet, in a sudden twist, her movement changed. The sword, initially brimming with murderous intent, halted mid-air and formed a protective barrier before her chest. A resounding clang echoed, casting a brief flash of light across the rain-soaked darkness before quietly fading.

Her lethal weapon, poised to kill, had transformed into an impromptu shield for self-preservation.

"Who dares to launch a sneak attack in the darkness?" She lowered her sword, standing still, her cold and piercing gaze trained on the underbrush.

She had apprehended the crystal projectile used in the attack, now held between her fingers.

It was chilling to the touch—a shard of ice.

In the concealment of the underbrush, Cha-Eun Xiao snorted in disdain and rose to his feet. He derisively remarked, "I've heard tales of the House of Chaotic Storm's cunning and resourcefulness, acclaimed as the best in the Land of Han-Yang. Yet, it appears you are proficient only in devious, sordid plots."

At this moment, he bore no resemblance to either Ye Xiao or Feng Zhi-Ling. He wore a different face—a slim man in his thirties, radiating boundless vitality. His steady strides carried him through the rain, as though he could command every raindrop.

His demeanor exuded an air of peerlessness, unmatched by any other.

Xiu-Er was taken aback by the sight.

He approached her casually, emanating an aura akin to her own master's—proud, elegant, and disdainful of the world.

"They... are so alike!" A sense of alertness welled up within her.

"This man must be a peerless master! Such a resemblance to my master is no ordinary feat!"

While astonished, she remained extremely cautious, her countenance cool and composed. However, her expression turned even colder, and she spoke in a firm tone, "Compelling people to engage in prostitution? You're speaking baseless slander. May I inquire about your name? Are you aware that you're treading perilous ground by making such false accusations and positioning yourself as our adversary? Uttering falsehoods could swiftly lead you from heaven to hell."

Ning Bi-Luo's face initially reddened, then rapidly turned ashen. [She asked me to lead their assassins' group. That might not be an honorable occupation... I'm fortunate to have someone stand up for me, but this person seems to imply that I'm forced into prostitution. Am I skilled at selling my body or something? The way he speaks... it's utterly unbelievable.]

Unbeknownst to Ning Bi-Luo, Cha-Eun Xiao had resorted to such words due to his limited options when compelled to appear.

Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao believed in Ning Bi-Luo's fortitude—a conviction that made his efforts to save the man worthwhile!

Moreover, Ning Bi-Luo had once lent his assistance to Cha Nan-Tian in vanquishing the Northern Wolves. He had also come to Cha-Eun Xiao's aid on a previous occasion, even though Cha-Eun Xiao had helped him dispatch his pursuers. Admittedly, these were distinct events. Ning Bi-Luo had extended his help when Cha-Eun Xiao was vulnerable and defenseless, while Cha-Eun Xiao's assistance had been straightforward and uncomplicated.

Regardless, Cha-Eun Xiao was convinced that he needed to save Ning Bi-Luo this time. It would be a regrettable loss if such a man were to meet his demise. The mere prospect of witnessing Ning Bi-Luo's death in his presence was enough to induce a recurring nightmare.

So, Cha-Eun Xiao resolved to rescue him.

However, the question remained—how?

He was acutely aware of his own limitations. Acting recklessly could jeopardize not only Ning Bi-Luo's life but also his own.

While Cha-Eun Xiao pondered these matters from the shelter of the underbrush, Xiu-Er acted swiftly. Everything unfolded rapidly, and in the heat of the moment, Cha-Eun Xiao acted instinctively to save Ning Bi-Luo. He didn't weigh the consequences; his actions were purely driven by instinct.

Afterward, when he met Xiu-Er's icy gaze through the rain, fear gripped him. [I am hopelessly outmatched by this woman! What should I do?]

Suddenly, inspiration struck. He knew that escape was impossible. There was only one option available to him. He stepped forward confidently into the open.

Confronting this perilous situation, he exhibited the same fearless vigor he had carried in his previous life.

With a nonchalant stride and hands resting on his back, he spoke in an even tone, "My identity is of no importance. Matters arising in the martial world should be resolved by martial means. In the face of injustice, it is my duty to provide assistance."

Xiu-Er regarded him with a cool, sneering expression. "Assisting in the name of justice, huh? I had no idea you were a chivalrous man. Have you ever heard the saying, 'Those who aspire to be chivalrous in the martial world often meet untimely ends'?"

Cha-Eun Xiao smiled faintly. "Indeed, that saying holds some truth. However, I've extended my aid countless times throughout my life and have yet to meet my end. Even the House of Chaotic Storm has never harmed me, not even once. Perhaps I am an exception to that saying?"

Xiu-Er's pupils contracted, and she inquired, "Who are you?"

Cha-Eun Xiao had no alternative strategy to address the current situation, so he maintained his charade. He casually placed his hands behind his back and replied, "By the way, how is Master Bai?"

Xiu-Er displayed a mix of surprise and confusion before responding with anger, "Do you truly believe that mentioning Master Bai would make me believe or fear you?"

Cha-Eun Xiao smiled faintly and extended his hand. A ball of purple, frigid qi appeared in his palm, completely impervious to the heavy rain. The purple qi gradually took on the appearance of a purple jade and unfurled into a small purple lotus. The lotus blossomed in his hand.

This miniature lotus exuded a vivid purple hue, its tranquility undisturbed by the pouring rain, and it emitted an air of mystique. The transformation from purple qi to purple lotus was nothing short of magical, yet Cha-Eun Xiao's hand remained perfectly still.

The tiny purple lotus rested in Cha-Eun Xiao's palm, a testament to its otherworldly origins. It seemed to declare its existence as the most natural thing in the world, even though it had materialized seemingly out of thin air.

This surreal and enchanting display left onlookers mesmerized.

As the lotus took form, an intense wave of cold qi emanated from it, shrouding everything within a thirty-meter radius of the lotus. Cha-Eun Xiao extended his hand steadily, his gaze half-lidded as he observed the lotus with rapt attention. He spoke casually, "I wonder if Master Bai has ever mentioned this to you?"

Xiu-Er's eyes betrayed surprise once more, and she scrutinized the lotus carefully. She examined the area around the lotus before responding with mild curiosity, "What is it?"

Her curiosity had a calming effect on Cha-Eun Xiao.

[As long as you don't charge at me like a rabid dog, it should be a breeze to deceive a young girl like you with my wealth of experience.]

Cha-Eun Xiao let out a sigh and began to recite slowly, "The world is vast; the purple lotus is faint. It spans the ages, traverses the centuries. It blooms, and death arrives. It falls, and the sky gleams..."

This was a catchphrase used by a prominent supreme cultivator known as the Purple Lotus Master, whom Cha-Eun Xiao had slain in his previous life. The Purple Lotus Master was renowned for his control over the purple lotus, using it to eliminate his adversaries and dominate entire realms.


However, he had the misfortune of crossing paths with the Xiao Monarch—Cha-Eun Xiao. Cha-Eun Xiao pursued him relentlessly for three thousand miles and ultimately ended his life. In the aftermath, the entire Purple Lotus Gang met its demise.

Yet, no one in the Qing-Yun Realm was privy to this information, as the Purple Lotus Master had always maintained an aura of mystery, and Cha-Eun Xiao conducted such affairs covertly.

At this juncture, Cha-Eun Xiao felt the need to project an air of power, so he invoked the catchphrase.

He was confident that no one in the mortal world would be familiar with the Purple Lotus Master, but as he completed the phrase, Xiu-Er's expression underwent a sudden transformation.

She had been composed all along, yet she took a deep breath and retreated in fear. Her voice trembled as she inquired, "You... you are the Purple Lotus Master?"

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback.

[She... She's actually heard of that individual?

A girl in the mortal world is aware of the Purple Lotus Master?

The man was an enigmatic figure in the Qing-Yun Realm, always shrouded in mystery, with a true identity that was nearly impossible to discern. Many had heard of the Purple Lotus, but very few were aware of the Purple Lotus Master.]

Cha-Eun Xiao feigned relief and replied politely, "Well... I hope your master hasn't forgotten his old friend."

Although his words were courteous, his mind raced.

[This girl knows about the Purple Lotus Master. Could her master be an adversary of the deceased individual, or are they allies? In reality, are they friends or foes?] Cha-Eun Xiao had no way of knowing.

No wonder Xiu-Er had scrutinized the lotus for an extended period—she had been confirming its authenticity.

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