Chapter 963: Too Amorous

Too Amorous . . .

As the trio ventured together, an undeniable sense of strangeness permeated the air. The journey was characterized by a pervasive awkwardness, making the silence between them almost unbearable. Cha Eun Xiao was preoccupied with pondering the enigmatic intentions of the lady who had chosen to accompany them. His thoughts consumed him, rendering him nearly mute during the expedition.

Conversely, Han Bingxue exhibited no such reservation and engaged in incessant chatter throughout the journey. He was firmly convinced that Xuan Bing had fallen under his spell, harboring affection for him. While he acknowledged Cha Eun Xiao's youthful charm, he was confident that the bewitching Lady Devil of the realm had set her sights on him.

This mindset was not without its foundation, as Han Bingxue had encountered such infatuations from admirers countless times before. Wherever he ventured as the Frost Sword, he found that many were captivated by his charismatic allure. However, Cha Eun Xiao held a vastly different disposition from him, for he was not inclined to engage in romantic endeavors, a point that Han Bingxue fully comprehended.

Cha Eun Xiao's reputation as the enigmatic Xiao Monarch only served to further establish his aloofness, making it clear that he harbored no romantic interests. This fact filled Han Bingxue with a sense of pride, for it was he who became the object of Xuan Bing's affections. However, he also experienced inner turmoil, given his marital status. The thought of succumbing to Xuan Bing's advances left him conflicted, knowing he ought to reject her, but secretly basking in the flattery.

While he maintained a charismatic and energetic demeanor during the journey, Han Bingxue refrained from any reckless actions. He aspired to maintain a friendly relationship with Xuan Bing, teetering on the precipice of ambiguity but never crossing the line. Should Xuan Bing express a desire for more, he was prepared to decline, unwavering in his commitment to his marital vows.

He reflected on his circumstances, grappling with the notion that his handsomeness and affable nature placed him in an awkward position. This predicament left him sighing in exasperation. He grumbled, "Sometimes, being handsome and kind is nothing but trouble. I am upset. It is a crime to be as good-looking as I am."

His narcissistic tendencies were on full display, an aspect of his personality that Cha Eun Xiao found both amusing and exasperating. While the journey continued, Han Bingxue, oblivious to his own comical display, confidently attempted to strike a charming pose. Had it been his true face beneath the disfigurement, he believed that his charisma would have effortlessly captivated the hearts of many.

However, the current state of his appearance did not befit his lofty self-image. The once-handsome visage was now marred by a sea of scratches, creating a comical and pitiful spectacle. Cha Eun Xiao could only marvel at the irony, as Han Bingxue remained blissfully ignorant of his own ludicrous appearance.

Cha Eun Xiao found himself bewildered by Han Bingxue's flamboyant pretense. [What on earth is he doing? Why is he putting on such a show?] Xuan Bing, too, appeared taken aback by Han Bingxue's behavior, her gaze penetrating his facade.

Finally, Xuan Bing interrupted the charade, her voice cutting through the affected posturing. "Han Bingxue, do you genuinely believe that I have joined your company because I am infatuated with you?"

Caught off guard, Han Bingxue stumbled over his words in a state of surprise, utterly unprepared for this direct question. Cha Eun Xiao, meanwhile, was equally stunned by the candidness displayed by Xuan Bing.

Xuan Bing's icy gaze fixed on Han Bingxue, and her voice was laced with disdain as she continued, "Cease these puerile tactics employed to captivate naive young girls. You can be as narcissistic as you like, but do not overstep the bounds of decorum. Your arrogance is unbecoming. Put an end to your self-indulgence and cease acting so lecherously. Should any amorous intentions cross your mind, I will not hesitate to put an end to them."

Her declaration was punctuated by a surge of murderous intent that surged like a tempest, enveloping them all in its icy grip.

A sudden change washed over Han Bingxue as his countenance turned ghostly pale. Fear consumed him, and a single thought raced through his mind: "I am utterly powerless against this force. My life hangs in the balance, entirely within her grasp." He trembled, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

The oppressive aura of murderous intent enveloped him completely, rendering him immobile and incapable of even the slightest movement. Stuck in a petrified stance, he could do nothing but stand there, his heart pounding.

"Humph!" Xuan Bing snorted dismissively, and the menacing aura that had ensnared Han Bingxue dissipated. Finally able to breathe again, Han Bingxue stepped back, his eyes still filled with lingering dread.

He had always been aware of the substantial disparity between his strength and Xuan Bing's, but experiencing it firsthand left him humbled and disheartened. Despite his reputation as a prominent figure in the realm, he now realized the chasm that separated him from her was insurmountable. He considered himself a notable figure, but in her presence, he felt insignificant, like a mere speck of dust compared to her towering presence.

The notion of confronting her head-on, of staking his life to protect Cha Eun Xiao, seemed futile and irrational. All it would take for Xuan Bing to end his life was a casual gesture. This realization left Han Bingxue paralyzed with fear and self-doubt.

He gazed upon his own pallid reflection and acknowledged the painful truth that he and Xuan Bing belonged to entirely different realms. She was a celestial being, while he was merely earthbound, a stark contrast he couldn't ignore.

His sense of self-importance crumbled, and the notion that Xuan Bing harbored affection for him seemed utterly preposterous. In his moments of vulnerability, he came to terms with the fact that he had allowed his own unwarranted feelings of pride and vanity to cloud his judgment. In reality, he was nothing more than a stranger to her.

As Han Bingxue retreated from Xuan Bing's presence, a veil of embarrassment hung over him. The relentless, frigid gaze she directed at him remained etched in his memory, a constant reminder of his own inadequacies. He felt as though the weight of her murderous intent still bore down on him, akin to a sharp thorn lodged in his back, tormenting him with a perpetual sense of humiliation.

Despite his often shameless and audacious demeanor, this experience left him with an overpowering sense of humiliation. Han Bingxue grappled with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, seeking solace by telling himself that perhaps this was his karmic retribution for the many beautiful women he had encountered and wooed throughout his life.

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