The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 990: What A Brave Man…

Chapter 990: What A Brave Man…

What A Brave Man…

When Song Fei observed Song Xuan's growing anger, he couldn't help but derive immense satisfaction from it. In the past, Song Xuan had occupied a higher rank within the clan hierarchy due to his unparalleled talent, a fact that had always irked Song Fei.

Indeed, this dynamic represented a significant humiliation for Song Fei, given that he was the eldest son of the clan leader. Nevertheless, Song Xuan's eventual decline was inevitable, and the fall from his once-exalted status landed him on the same level as those at the bottom of the clan's hierarchy.

As far as Song Fei was concerned, he now held the power to dictate and exercise authority over Song Xuan, who had once surpassed him. This newfound authority allowed him to indulge in his most malevolent impulses, bullying and tormenting Song Xuan to an intolerable degree.

For Song Fei, deriving satisfaction from tormenting a former clan genius like Song Xuan became an addictive pleasure, one he couldn't seem to get enough of. He reveled in taunting Song Xuan, questioning the efficacy of Song Jue's return and whether it could genuinely improve their situation. To Song Fei, it was a source of great amusement to witness the ups and downs in Song Xuan's life.

As this exchange unfolded, it sparked a surge of emotions within those who were nearby. Cha Eun Xiao looked up, his eyes filled with delight upon hearing Song Fei's revelations. The realization that Song Xuan was related to Uncle Song sparked a sense of camaraderie and admiration for the man who stood beside them.

Cha Eun Xiao's mind raced with thoughts. He perceived an opportunity to extend a helping hand to Uncle Song, recognizing that the return had not been met with warmth and acceptance within the clan. His own mission of rectifying the situation took precedence, but he now had more information to work with.

Xuan Bing, too, experienced a significant shift in her disposition. Upon learning of Song Xuan's connection to Uncle Song, her earlier hesitations evaporated. The knowledge that they shared a common goal prompted her to lend her support to Song Xuan's cause.

Amid these collective thoughts, Song Xuan, appearing disheartened and embarrassed, turned toward Cha Eun Xiao and his companions. He conveyed his regrets for involving them in the clan's business and implored them to depart. His gaze transmitted a silent, urgent message that implied, "Leave now. Distance yourselves as far as possible from this situation."

However, Song Fei intervened, his gaze now fixated on Xuan Bing. An unusual and unsettling excitement emanated from him. He invited Xuan Bing to unveil her face, all while wearing a bizarre, anticipatory grin. His fingers tingled with eagerness as he rubbed his hands together, demanding, "Come on, quickly! Show me your face. Let me determine if your countenance is worth my attention."

Song Fei's unexpected, bold advances sent shockwaves through Cha Eun Xiao and Han Bingxue. Their eyes widened, nearly popping out of their eye sockets in astonishment. Despite Song Xuan's humble presence and Song Fei's domineering attitude, it was the audacious attempt at flirting that left them utterly flabbergasted.

[Did he just make advances toward Xuan Bing?]

[How audacious!]

[That's incredibly bold!]

[He's physically weak, but he has an immense amount of audacity!]

The audacity displayed by Song Fei evoked a sense of bewilderment and amazement from those in the vicinity, including Cha Eun Xiao. He marveled at the young man's ability to draw trouble upon himself with such flair, almost as though he were setting a record in seeking his own demise.

Eun Xiao mused, [This young man truly excels at embroiling himself in dangerous situations. He must be on a quest for some kind of death-seeking accolade, and he's succeeding admirably! This is an unparalleled feat of boldness.]

He considered that even an infamous figure like Wu Fa would likely be impressed by Song Fei's audacious behavior, perhaps awarding him an ironic, metaphorical "thumbs-up."

[This is a unique spectacle. In the entire history of the world, has anyone dared to speak to Xuan Bing in such a manner? He truly stands alone in his audacity.]

Meanwhile, Xuan Bing herself was taken aback by Song Fei's words. She had never encountered anyone who dared to address her in such a manner.

Confusion enveloped her as she uttered, "What... What did you just say?" She questioned her own perception, struggling to believe that anyone could be so bold in their words.

[Did he genuinely ask me to remove my mask so he could assess my appearance?]

[To determine if he should "play" with my face?]

[Is this... even possible?]

The incredulity in Xuan Bing's thoughts revealed that she doubted her comprehension of Song Fei's intent. His audacity far exceeded her expectations, making her reconsider her assumptions about the local population.

[Here, in the Oracle District, a non-cultivation region, could it be that such audacious individuals exist? Perhaps I've underestimated the audacity of these people...]

Despite her shock, the truth remained that Song Fei lacked the strength to be so insolent toward Xuan Bing. Even if he possessed the combined power of every male member in the Song Clan throughout history, it would still fall short of enabling him to show impudence to Xuan Bing.

A guard accompanying Song Fei couldn't contain his impatience and snapped, "Can't you hear? Or are you pretending to be dim-witted? Our young lord desires to view your countenance. Understand? Are you unfamiliar with the language?"

Another guard chimed in, "Young lady, simply remove your mask. Allow our young lord the privilege of beholding your face! If your countenance is so frightful that it scares him, how shall we proceed? Perhaps her face is so startling that you want to see it."

Song Fei burst into laughter, gazing at Xuan Bing with a flirtatious expression. "Look at her body; it's perfection. I highly doubt she possesses an unsightly face. What do you think? At the very least, even if her countenance is truly unattractive, it won't matter. I can't discern her appearance in the darkness. A splendid, unclothed body suffices for my needs... provided I extinguish the lights and conceal her face in obscurity..."

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