The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 73: Aftermath

The Eggs of the Rainbow Didus. The goal of Nicholas's mission.

They were smaller than Oscar expected, only at the size of his head. But they glimmered like jewels with the many colors that adorned their surface.

If they were sold as trinkets, they would certainly be sold for a high price, though the unsuspecting buyer would be shocked to have an Exalt Beast hatch out of it.

Oscar picked one up and eyed it with wonder.

It was lucky that there were two eggs. One could be used to complete the mission, while the other was useful for himself.

According to the records, the egg of a Rainbow Didus carried special properties that strengthened the body and were a special tonic of Ein. This egg was a godsend for a Grade Four such as Oscar, who required more Ein to advance and was slower in absorbing it.

With no hesitation, he cracked open the top of the egg carefully. He didn't want to lose a single drop.

There was a bright yellow liquid, though it was closer to a mucus. In time, this would have formed into a baby Rainbow Didus, but right now, it was a prized treasure.


Oscar brought the opening to his lips and drank. His eyes shot open from how delicious it tasted. It had a soft, milky texture and bursting with a mellow sweet taste.

"Delicious!" He could not help but exclaim.

The egg quickly became a hollow shell as Oscar emptied its contents into his stomach.

Wiping his mouth, Oscar felt a surge of Ein invigorate his weary body. He felt his body becoming stronger, an effect of the Rainbow Didus Egg. His body trembled from its transformation. With this increased physical strength, the power of his 'Reis Awaken' would surely rise.

But that was not the end.

The Ein from the egg exploded inside. He quickly took out the ataerstone to purify it even more.

He felt his core spinning and hungrily devouring the Ein. He did not actively meditate to advance, so his core was starved.

He felt his own Ein increasing, and his power as a Middle Apprentice Exalt was on the rise. Unfortunately, this was not enough for him to advance into the Greater Apprentice Exalt.

"I've improved significantly. With this, perhaps I'll be able to become a Greater Apprentice Exalt before half the year's over." Oscar was overjoyed with himself.

He took away the other egg and returned to the site of the battle. The flames were dim and dying out.

"It's completely dark outside. It's safer to stay here." Oscar put together a makeshift bed and quickly fell asleep.


The next morning, Oscar was fully dressed in his Pavilion uniform. His bag was slightly heavier with the materials he gathered from the Rainbow Didus. Its large beak that stuck out like a sore thumb was the most prominent.

In his arms was a body wrapped up in the big red leaves he found.

"Just wait a little longer. I'll bring you back." Oscar held up Nicholas's wrapped body with care, rushing out and beelined for the cliff where he came from. Finding the cliff in the distance was simple with the light of day.

His feet moved fast and without pause. There was danger in staying in this place with the many other Exalt Beasts lurking inside that may want to take Oscar's goods.

However, this was the break of dawn, so the nocturnal ones were starting to sleep, and the daytime beasts were only starting to awake.

Without any issues, Oscar arrived at the base of the cliff and climbed it, tying Nicholas's body on his shoulders. The extra weight did not bother Oscar, who was physically stronger thanks to the Rainbow Didus Egg.

In a few hours, he made it back to the gates of Tufall City with ease. The guards looked at Oscar with wary eyes as they noticed the body he was carrying.

"Who are you?!" They shouted.

"This is Blue Ocean Pavilion business. Send them this message. Let my comrade rest." Oscar showed his badge and passed a piece of paper to him.

The guards took the message, reporting the incident to their superiors. However, they still held Oscar at the gates until further notice. Oscar waited patiently until the air trembled.

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"Let the boy pass. I'll accommodate him." The old Exalt smiled. He was a middle-aged man with some white streaks in his hair. He had a homely smile that made one feel welcome.

"City Lord!" The guards quickly bowed and did not lift their heads.

The City Lord of Tufall, Adam Neilman, was a Greater Knight Exalt. His strength was well-regarded as one of the best, so he was stationed in Tufall as its protector and leader.

Oscar also bowed and spoke, "I thank you for your hospitality. Can you please take care of my friend's body?"

"Of course. I am a graduate of the Blue Ocean Pavilion as well. I will take care of my juniors. Come with me." He grabbed Oscar and flew off, leaving the guards starstruck.

In a flash, they arrived in the biggest building in the center of Tufall City, the abode of the City Lord.

Adam led Oscar inside, directing his attendants to prepare a room and breakfast for his guest.

"Let my attendants know if you need anything. I have a room ready for you."

"Thank you. I'll only be staying until people from the Pavilion arrive. After that, I will be returning to the Hurin Plains." Oscar bowed.

"Oh? Were you not on a mission with this fellow? I thought you would return to the Pavilion." Adam asked.

"No, I am here for training and have taken three months' leave. I saw my friend here on a mission and heard later that they had run into trouble. I tried to save him but failed."

Adam praised, "You risked your life even though it wasn't your mission. That is respectable. I will not bother you any longer and will let you have your rest. I have other work to attend to." He left soon after.

In his new room at the City Lord's Palace, Oscar put down his bag and began to eat the breakfast on his table.

The attendants had taken Nicholas's body elsewhere, and Adam took his message to send it out.

Two days passed as Oscar continued living as a guest. During that time, he focused on meditation and living a simple life not to bother anyone. He felt uncomfortable with the attendants constantly asking him about his needs.

This simple yet uncomfortable life finally stopped. Oscar was summoned by Adam and entered his office.

Adam had a stack of papers on his table that went up to the ceiling, but papers were flying everywhere and moved into different files and folders. His stern yet warm eyes looked at Oscar, who entered.

"The dispatch from the Pavilion will be arriving soon. They'll want to meet you and me. Make sure to mind your manners."

"I understand." Oscar looked around. "Where is Nicholas?"

The attendants brought in a coffin, where Nicholas's body was placed. It preserved and prevented any further deterioration of his corpse.

Oscar glanced at the coffin with a complicated look. He reached in his bag and pulled out the core of the Rainbow Didus he had slain.

"As my thanks, I offer this core to the City Lord. As the core of a mutant Exalt Beast, it should be worth quite a lot."

The word "mutant" caught Adam's attention. He eyed the core with eagerness and did not hesitate to take it. Any common core of an Apprentice Exalt Beast would not catch his eye, but a mutant one was of great interest to Alchemists and Fabricators who loved researching these things.

"I will accept this. Let me know if you need anything." The City Lord smiled, thinking about the huge profit he had earned today.

Adam looked at Oscar with glee and knew his actions were correct. By taking in this student and caring for Nicholas's body, the Pavilion will surely reward him or offer him more accolades. Now, this core from the student was the cherry on top.

Of course, it was only a matter of course that the student should offer something. Adam had struck gold today.

Oscar internally sighed. Although the City Lord treated him nicely, that was only to the extent of being from the Blue Ocean Pavilion. It would be rude if he did not offer anything; otherwise, his treatment may change.

"They're here." One of the attendants came in and said respectfully.

Adam and Oscar went down to the main hall, where an elder of the Blue Ocean Pavilion was waiting for them. Next to the elder was a Judge of the Pavilion.

"Primary Elder. Your presence here brightens up all of Tufall." Adam bowed in reverence, followed by Oscar.

"Bring him." The Primary Elder went straight to work.

Oscar stepped forward with Nicholas's coffin and said, "This is my friend, Nicholas."

The Primary Elder looked at Oscar, "Child, tell us what happened."

Oscar recounted how he learned about Nicholas's imminent danger and the Rainbow Didus. The Judge recorded all of Oscar's words.

"Rainbow Diduses living together. A mutant Rainbow Didus. And the deaths of four students." The Primary Elder had a dark expression.

"I found their badges here." Oscar handed the badges over, which the Judge took. "And here is the Rainbow Didus's egg. Please bury Nicholas in his home to be near his family."

The Primary Elder nodded, "For this, you shall receive the full payout of the mission, and I will ensure the boy is put to rest in his home."

Next, he turned to Adam, "You have the mutant core, don't you? Hand it over. I will compensate you two times."

Adam felt a little aggrieved. He was hoping to sell this off in an auction and make the most profit, but the stern look from the Primary Elder cut off all retreats. He handed over the mutant core with a heavy heart.

"I will be taking my leave now. Don't let this get you down, child. Continue striving and working for the Pavilion."

Before the elder could depart, Oscar asked, "May I have one request?"

"What is it?" Normally, the elder wouldn't entertain a student, but this student showed exemplary behavior.

"My armament is nearly destroyed. May I ask the elder to bring this and the Rainbow Didus's beak to the Foundry? I will pay with rewards from this mission to remake my buckler with the beak."

His buckler was in a nearly shattered condition, barely hanging together. However, now there was an opportunity to strengthen it with the hard beak that caused him so much trouble.

"Very well. This is no bother to me. I will take them to the Foundry. You may retrieve it when you're back." The Primary Elder took the cracked buckler and the beak. He and the Judge soon departed.

After the guests left, Adam asked Oscar, "So are you leaving?"

"I have already packed. Thank you for your hospitality." Oscar could tell Adam had a hint of irritation in his tone, like Frederick when annoyed. He wanted to get out of there before any trouble happened.

As Oscar left, Adam muttered, "Dammit, I missed a great profit."


Oscar's business in Tufall wasn't finished. He went to his usual places to sell what he gathered from the Rainbow Didus. They all happily accepted while paying Oscar a large sum.

Oscar wasted no time returning to the golden lands of Hurin Plains. Compared to the red, grand Rust Cliffs, the Hurin Plains were like a paradise.

His blue deer anima manifested next to him with a loud grunt.

"We have two months left. Let's make the most of this time."

The Anima let out a shrill cry in agreement.

The two stepped out onto the golden plains.

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