The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 526: Caires, The Dragnar Ancestor

Oscar couldn't comprehend the sudden request the old Dragnar Ancestor made. Marry into his family? Before him, the old Exalt had broad shoulders, the arms shown underneath the folds of his wide sleeves rippling with muscles as thick as someone's neck. Every single part of this man exuded power. His slanted, straight eyebrows rested atop his sharp pair of golden eyes, a dragon's stare. His silver hair was cut short while a well-trimmed beard and mustache surrounded his lips and chin. The Dragnar Ancestor removed the pipe from his lips and exhaled a cloud of smoke, a bitter scent scrunching Oscar's nose.

"Well? What do you think?" The old man said sternly in a voice similar to a growl. His gaze fixated on Oscar, veins popping on the backs of his knuckles and the sides of his head as his lips flattened through his broad, chiseled face. The insurmountable pressure of a King Exalt bore down on Oscar, the weight of thousands of mountains creaking the bones along his spine.

"Enough. That is too far for a joke, Caires. Stop threatening my grand disciple, you overgrown lunk." A counter pressure released from Remulus, lifting the burden off Oscar, who could breathe freely in relief. The two King Exalts stared each other down before a toothy smile stretched across Caires' face.

"You hairless stick. I was merely testing him. Quite impressive for him to remain standing." Caires breathed out puffs of smoke shaped like rings. He chuckled, "However, I'm not joking about the marriage. First, I suppose I should introduce myself. Nice to finally meet the hero of my empire. I am Caires Vanholt Dragnar, former emperor of the Brilliant Drake Empire, now known as the Dragnar Ancestor."

Soaked in sweat, Oscar bowed and introduced himself, "I am Oscar Terr, the disciple of Draven Ciaran, leader of the Black Aegis Order, and a loyal subject to the Brilliant Drake Empire." He turned his head to Erden and said, "This is my Prielapos companion, Erden."

Caires bellowed in laughter, echoing across the silent garden. He tapped the table and waved them over. "Come on in. Sit, and let's talk. Fancy some wine? I have only the best from my personal stock."

Since the Dragnar Ancestor himself poured out the wine for him, Oscar could not refuse and accepted the cup. He didn't wish to drink too much, but from the urgings of the powerful former emperor before him, he downed the cup, enjoying the refreshing taste. Heat welled in his chest, traveling up his throat to his cheeks, and his breath smelled sickly sweet. Already, his head felt heavier, about to drop dead on the table. This drink was incredibly potent.

"Seems like our hero is quite the lightweight. How unfortunate. I brought out an entire barrel for this occasion." Caire rubbed his trimmed beard and poured to fill his and Remulus's cups. "Oh well. At least this should make it easier to talk. He's too stiff, Remulus."

"Who wouldn't be?" Remulus stroked Erden's head. "Your wine is far too potent for anyone other than yourself. In any case, continue."

Oscar fought through the haziness swirling on the edges of his sight and lifted his head, straining to balance it to look ahead. He waited for Caires to speak, but each second weighed heavier on his skull, a numbness following shortly after. To his frustration, the old King Exalt took his sweet time, chugging down several more cups before letting out a satisfied shout.

Caires wiped his wine-dripping beard and said, "Like I said, I'm not joking about the marriage. I know about your close friendship with my good descendant, Celestina. Why don't the two of you tie the knot? I don't see many people rejecting your union except for a few stragglers whom I can handle with ease." He leaned in, reached out, and pulled Oscar into a friendly shoulder hug. "Do you agree?"

Oscar shuffled around in Caire's grasp. Part of him knew the request carried a certain tone to it, one that preferred and nudged him to say yes. However, since it came from a King Exalt, he felt it was less of a request and closer to an order. Locking gazes with Caires, he grappled with the intensity burning into his pupils from the draconic gleam. Was it intimidation? Or was it the natural state of the veteran ruler? Oscar smiled fearlessly and answered, "No. I can't marry into your family. I'm already happily married to another, and besides, Celestina does not like the idea."

The sharp eyes of the Dragnar Ancestor narrowed, and the arm around Oscar's shoulder tightened, clenching harder. The stifling air burned his lungs, but suddenly, Caires relaxed, letting go of Oscar, and sighed loudly, "What a waste. I can't say anything against that defiant look. That's twice now that you've withstood my presence. It's such a shame. I would have preferred for that girl to be with someone she's fond of."

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"I warned you. You never learn." Remulus snorted, crossing his arms with a mocking smile.

"One can't learn without trying. I won't pursue this notion any longer." Caires blew smoke straight into Remulus's face, not a wisp landing as they parted and wafted away from the Pavilion Master. Tapping the pipe to spread some ash on a plate, he flicked his fingers and ignited a flame to resume the smoke. "In any case, I didn't summon you here today just to speak about my favorite descendant's pairing. I wanted to see for myself the man who brought so many fortunes to my home, and I was not disappointed."

"I'm honored by your praise. It's more than I deserve." Oscar spoke humbly. "Is there another reason for summoning me?"

"The matter of the Summer Gala. Right now, even as we speak, you're a popular topic amongst the populace in their conversations, especially the nobles who see you as a great opportunity." Caires laid down his pipe, the smoke still trailing upward, and lost all pretenses and smiles, a stern face onto Oscar. "They will certainly try to pull you into their factions. I want to know where you stand."

"Despite being together for the war, they're still arguing and grasping for advantages over another. So, they want me to increase their influence, right?" Oscar couldn't understand why people behaved in such ways, but he encountered this separation mindset in the Burning Valley. All were under him and fighting for the same goal, but the little divisions and squabbles occurred over rewards, influence, and resources. Sometimes, they would argue over who had the rights over which territories, quoting who made the most contributions. A faint smile lifted as he remembered some of those fond arguments between Arc and Desmond.

"As expected from a former ruler. You understand it well. Any faction you join will soar in their influence. Your victories will become their weapons, and your actions will be their tools. I already confirmed you won't marry into any one of them, but what are your thoughts?" Caires rested his hands on the table, loud thuds resounding from his palms as the table shook.

Oscar was confused and asked, "Why must I join anyone? Can't I fight in the war without having to tie myself down? But if I must, it would be on Celestina's side."

Caires raised an eyebrow before breaking out in loud laughter, the silver robes flapping around. Remulus chuckled and said, "See, I told you that you were needlessly worrying for nothing. He's just like my son, completely and utterly distanced from the nonsense."

"You're right!" Caires continued laughing. "That's right. There's no need to have allegiances to any of their pathetic cliques. That's all I had to confirm."

"That's it?" Oscar felt aggrieved. He had suffered through the long sessions with Mrs. Bertin. And all that was for two short, superfluous questions? He dropped his head to the table, unable to keep up a front, allowing the cold stone table to soothe his numbing, heated face. "That's all?!"

"I said it before. I needed to see who exactly you were. It seems your time as a ruler was short if you can't grasp the meaning of my actions. One last item on our itinerary: we must finish this barrel. Now drink!" He filled Oscar's empty cup, and this time, Oscar accepted, downing cup after cup. Today was already a tiring day, and he decided to indulge for a little while. Oscar spoke at length with the Dragnar Ancestor about his travels, narrating each event in a lively manner. At the end of the day, when night arrived, Remulus helped Oscar into the carriage and hurried home.

Resting in the bed, Oscar felt freedom in the loose clothing, not as constricting as the tight uniform, and the calmness of a silent night. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. There was no Avril or nightmares in his dreams, all numbed down by the buzz in his head. However, a faint sound, a series of clear footsteps, echoed in the drunken haze, and Oscar woke up, his eyelids shaking open to grasp what was happening.

His spine shivered, his teeth clenched, and an unsettling itch crawled over his skin. He peered to the left and widened his eyes in shock. Something was there. No, at a closer look, it was a person. A shadowy figure loomed over him, the features hidden in the darkness, gazing at him. He could tell it was a woman from the shape of the figure. He wanted to move, but instead, his hands sunk into the bed as if he were resting on quicksand. The unknown woman tilted her head in a creepy manner. Who was she? How long had she been there? Oscar forced his paralyzed mouth open and shouted.

"What is it?" Erden perked up and rose from his sleep. Oscar opened his eyes and sat up on his bed, drenched in cold sweat. Wiping his sweat-ridden face with the blanket, he glanced around the room, the shadow woman nowhere to be seen. He communicated what he saw into Erden's mind, and his friend exclaimed, "I never noticed anything. Are you sure it wasn't a dream? You suddenly woke up and started screaming."

"I was sleeping?" Oscar groaned. "It felt too real."

'Want me to take over? You can rest within.' Demon suggested. 'I saw it too. But you were sleeping. No doubt about that.'

"No. It might be because of the wine. But if it happens again, I'll tell you when to take over." Oscar leaned back in bed, resting his head on the uncomfortable pillow. "Whoever or whatever that was, we will figure it out."

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