The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 3: Empire's Stand - Chapter 531: Entering The Spotlight

Another day without nightmares of the shadowy woman welcomed him, another break of dawn welcoming him with the dim light seeping through the curtains. Refreshed, Oscar yawned deeply and stared out the window. It was a clear day as the two suns peeped over the horizon. However, he couldn't bring himself to be happy. The Summer Gala was tonight, and he had much to prepare for. As he groaned from the realization of today's tiring schedule, Arlen, the peachy and cheerful maid, wheeled a cart of snacks and tea into the room.

"Good morning, my Lord! Mrs. Bertin arrived just a few minutes ago. She's waiting in the guest room where she's preparing everything for today." Arlen beamed a bright smile and poured out the tea while humming a nursery rhyme.

Oscar sighed heavily, sipping the hot tea and then downing it in one gulp, the fiery mixture burning in his stomach and snapping the drowsy away. Endure it for now. He repeated to himself. First, he took a quick bath to rinse off the morning sweat and went on to see Mrs. Bertin. The guest room was transformed into a center of nourishment. From his left to right was a chair in front of a tall mirror, a table full of vials of skin care lotions and tools for cleaning out every nook and cranny of the body, a reclined seat with a bowl of heated water and towels, a sectioned off dressing room, and a small elevated stage with mirrors almost surrounding it.

Mrs. Bertin noticed his arrival and bowed, "Good morning, Lord Terr. There are many items to be checked off today. First, we have to take care of that hair. It's already grown well since I last saw you."

He didn't share her enthusiasm nor the lively expressions of the maids by the entrance. A sense of relief welled in him to hear Mrs. Bertin remark that Erden also needed to be groomed and readied for the Summer Gala. Laughing loudly in a mental transmission, he waved farewell to Erden, who growled while being led by Mrs. Bertin's assistants. As Mrs. Bertin rambled on about all the intricate details she would have to adjust, he zoned out and allowed her to continue her work.

Minutes turned to hours, and outside the windows, the two suns completed their journey to the highest peak and journeyed downward. In the late afternoon, Oscar exited the dressing room and stood on the stage, mirrors reflecting every angle of his figure. His hair was trimmed nicely and parted so the bangs would not flow straight down but curved slightly to the sides, letting his onyx eyes take center stage. Gripping his white-gloved hands, made from the finest cloth, he shuffled and stretched his body. Mrs. Bertin had fulfilled his request and tailored the suit to be suitable to move around in for battle.

The mirror reflected every inch of the outfit well. A black ceremonial uniform suit covered his upper body, silver buttons lining from top to bottom, silver tasseled shoulder pads broadening his already stalwart figure. On the left side of his chest, by the heart, two badges, one of a dragon and the other of a trident, gleamed from the focused light of the chandelier above. Kicking straight up, the black pants held their shape, not a single rip.

"Thank you, Mrs. Bertin. This suit is perfect." Oscar thanked the prized seamstress.

"There is one more attachment. The perfect fit for a hero." Mrs. Bertin lifted a squarely folded cloth. She slowly unfolded it and revealed it as a blue cape, sapphires glinting along the edges. The golden trident coiled by a great silver dragon was embroidered on the back of the cape. Receiving it, Oscar swung it around and latched it onto the slight hooks on his shoulders. Mrs. Bertin nodded in approval, "Now it is finished."

"My Lord, the Pavilion Master is waiting for you in the main hall." Sirsi bowed.

Oscar bade farewell to Mrs. Berkin and laughed at Erden, who was finely groomed; the white fur was trimmed and washed, and the antlers, wings, and hooves were polished to a crystal shine. Downstairs, the Pavilion Master smiled in satisfaction at his appearance and hurried him to the carriage, departing for the Imperial Palace. As the guest of honor and the focus of the Summer Gala, he needed to arrive earlier to go over the schedule and be introduced to the people by the Emperor.

Stolen from its rightful author, this tale is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Busy and loud, these two words fitted the current Imperial Palace. Oscar darted his gaze around to the increased patrol of guards, the servants running along with baskets, and others engaged in conversations of where to put this or what to do with that. Before, the palace was calm and silent, but now, it was rowdier than a tavern. He couldn't go a second without hearing someone yell or stomp around. After turning a few corners, Remulus led him into a side room. The familiar Dragnar Ancestor, Caires, smiled and puffed from his pipe, wearing the same silver robe with golden embroidery.

Next to him was another figure, slightly shorter than Caires, not as bulky, and lacking the facial hairs. Compared to Caires, who imposed like a hammer, this person could be likened to a sharpened blade. Wearing the royal ceremonial silver outfit with a golden cape, this man was undoubtedly the Emperor, Julius Evergrant Dragnar, Celestina's father. Oscar only saw this man from afar twenty-two years ago before setting out for Ashen Grove, and not a single wrinkle of time cut on the seemingly young face.

"Well met, Oscar Terr. As the Emperor, it gladdens me to know someone of such loyalty and ability has returned." Julius clasped Oscar's shoulder and spoke loudly, a friendly approach that eased Oscar's nerves. But he soon felt the grip strengthen, not enough to break his shoulder, but powerful enough to pressure him. The emperor's face darkened as he said, "But I'm not handing my daughter over to you."

"Huh?" Bewildered, Oscar felt there must be a misunderstanding between them. Before he could speak, Caires grabbed Julius's wrist and forced it away, freeing Oscar from the draconic grip.

"How many times do I have to tell you, little brat? He's not interested." Caires laughed, waving the emperor's wrist around like a toy. "Sorry, Oscar. This one is an overprotective moron, especially after the close call in the Floating Islands of Edin."

"As if anyone can resist my daughter's charms. She takes after her mother." Julius wrenched his hand free and glared at Oscar with the same draconic golden eyes. "Hero or not, marrying my daughter will take more than that."

Oh great…Oscar contained the sigh about to come out. He heard the Dragnar Family cared strongly for their own, but the emperor's overprotectiveness seemed unusual. He removed the left glove and showed his ring, his gaze softening at the golden diamond like Avril's eyes. "I'm already married and have no intention of marrying anyone else. And no, I won't change my mind."

Before Julius could speak further, Remulus scowled, "Enough, Julius. The Summer Gala is starting soon. You can gripe about your nonexistent fatherly fears later and focus."

"As you wish, Pavilion Master. Oscar, friend of my daughter–" He emphasized the part about his daughter, "-today's Summer Gala is to honor you and your contributions to my Brilliant Drake Empire. For all of your services until now, I must thank you." Julius's demeanor shifted, a piercing stare not of hatred but of authority engulfing Oscar; the aura of the one who ruled the empire for many years was heavy. "Once all the guests have arrived, the awards ceremony will commence…."

After a detailed explanation, Julius departed with Caires and Remulus. Oscar rested on a cushioned seat and breathed in rhythm to calm down. He looked back on his life so far. A teardrop formed on the corner of his eye. He remembered his small life on the farm with his loving parents. In this room, there was only him. The empty seats meant for no one simply stood idly. How he wished his parents could be alive to sit here with him now. His father would undoubtedly embrace him to no end with that bellowing laughter and crushing grip, and his mother would most certainly be crying tears of joy.

"If only Avril were here…." Oscar voiced his last desire. He prayed and slept, hoping to meet her again in his dreams. But after the initial meeting, it never occurred again.

"I'm here with you. So is Demon, but who's counting him?" Erden chuckled from the side.

"Thank you. That's right. At least I have you and also Demon." Oscar smiled. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling, closing his eyes for the time being. "When this is all over, when the war is done. Let's find Avril and start a farm."

'My only goal is to keep us alive. You can spend your life however you wish.' Demon voiced his consent in his own way.

"That sounds good. But what about the Fallen Heaven, New Dawn, and the blue folk?" Erden asked.

"We'll get to that when it comes to that. Right now, I'd rather enjoy life after this." Oscar sighed.

An hour later, an attendant entered and bowed, stating it was time. Oscar rose from his seat, his blue cape swaying about until it fell into place. Exiting the room, he arrived at the main hallway, a long blue carpet stretching to the wide doors of gold and silver at the end. He mounted Erden and trotted past the statues of previous emperors, their gazes fixating on all who tread down the path as if studying the future from beyond the grave.

"Now! Here is our hero! Oscar Terr!" Julius's booming voice swung the doors open.

"Let's go, partner," Oscar whispered, riding into the spotlight.

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