The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 4: Fallen Heaven - Chapter 641: A Cursed Life

Avril remained silent for the remainder of the journey, tending to Oscar, Erden, and Maia. The entire family spoke not a word, even Gloria, the ever-cheerful and lively, solemn. As Gloria's healing light poured onto the afflicted areas, Avril undid the bandages and wiped their wounds clean, careful not to worsen the burns. The blackened chars left no inch of skin untouched, a darker hue on the coiling patterns resembling a frightening serpent refusing to let go. Simply undoing the bandages released a burnt smell, instantly filling her nose. Unbothered, Avril focused on Maia's treatment. She had enough of this smell since the Burning Valley.

Salve coated over Maia's delicate, charred skin. Thick, heavy bandages wrapped around her like a mummy, and Avril redressed her in white and clean robes without a blemish. Maia preferred to keep herself clean and proper, instilling the same preferences on Renn and Gloria. Perhaps her little actions may provide comfort to Maia. Resting her friend gently to lie down, Avril turned her attention to Oscar and Erden, noticing the true shape of the wounds after all the blood had been cleaned.

Avril frowned, an inexplicable weight tugging her heart, heavy and straining. Her lungs deflated as she inhaled in short choking sounds. What was it? Avril stumbled and fell on him, strength leaving her legs. She traced her finger along the unbelievably sharp cut on Oscar's shoulder. Her finger couldn't hold still, shaking as it tried to keep straight along the wound. Gloria and Renn grabbed and shook her, their mouths moving, but she couldn't hear them. They seemed to be shouting, visibly reddening.

A palm felt warm on her back, long wrinkles digging into her skin, even through her clothes. It emitted a surge of heat, spreading into every nerve of her body, and Avril heard herself gasp, rapidly panting as drool leaked from the corner of her lips. Queasy, she leaned over the edge and vomited, her head pounding. Her hair stuck to her face, drenched in sweat. Avril spluttered and panted, trying to recoup her fleeting sanity as her thoughts turned to Oscar's wound.

The wound was far too familiar, and her entire body spasmed at the recollection. The thin scar it left behind was etched in her mind, reminding her of other scars/ Where had she seen them? It had been so long that she had forgotten and finally remembered now. They were hers. A shadowy figure lingered at the edge of her sight, and she slowly lowered her head, resting her cheek on the chilled, wooden edge, unable to move like a mouse facing a snake. She faced the shadow, a shrouded figure of a young girl wielding a large scythe. Bit by bit, the shadows wisped away, scraped away by her memory recovering itself.

A fifteen-year-old girl, devoid of emotions, not a spark of light in those blue eyes, tilted her head. Avril shivered, knowing that meant her former mistress was deciding how next to torture her. At last, the name came back to her, the horrifying name haunting her nightmares, Lelith Lilisa. Her long black skirt and white-laced shirt fit her perfectly, accenting her natural beauty. The younger Lelith, formed from her memories, lifted those flat lips into a slight, disturbing smile, not reaching her eyes. The scythe resting on her shoulder swayed, its blade bobbing and glinting as it caught the light.

'You're not real…you're not real.' Avril repeated to herself. She escaped to the pages of a book, encasing herself in a plethora of great stories, words crafting a shield. However, Lelith didn't pay attention to her, stepped past her, and sat on the opposite edge, her feet right by Oscar's head. 'No.' Avril screamed, yet no sound rose from her throat, stuck in her mind. Hands clenched hard, clinging to the edge. They denied her from moving, fear paralyzing the nerves, which now felt cold.

Lelith raised her scythe and slowly lowered it. The blade, now firm and direct, sharper than the thinnest needle, reached Oscar. Its curved edge brushed his hair and scraped along his blindfold, Avril's ears bursting from the low humming, indicating how sharp it was. Lelith aimed the scythe over the thin scar and reached deeper, the blade softly sinking into the skin, a slight push away from drawing blood. Avril clenched harder, breaking the wooden beam in her palms.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Avril shouted, pushing Lelith off the boat along with her. Falling, she realized she was alone and had grabbed no one. She had forgotten it was all in her head, clarity unclouding her eyes. Chuckling weakly with tears spilling forth, Avril reached out to the airship, her hands still clenching on the pieces of wood they squeezed to a pulp. The winds roared in her ears, and a cold numbness forced her to keep falling. She couldn't fly.

'What am I doing?' Avril cried inwardly as her body went limp, splinters hitting her face. She needed to be the strong one, the calm one to care for Oscar in his time of need, but one little wound reduced her into this mess. The bright two suns showered their light on her, but the chill freezing her from the inside persisted. Remulus caught up in a second and grabbed her. He flew back to the airship and into the embrace of Gloria, their shouting clear and audible.

Unauthorized duplication: this tale has been taken without consent. Report sightings.

"Please tell us what's wrong! I can't stand to see you like this." Gloria tightened her grip as if afraid she would fall over again. "Am I not your daughter? Am I not your child? Please…." The tears felt warm as they seeped into her dress. "Please don't do that again."

"Mom." Renn held her hand. Her son's hands were shaking yet clung tightly, unwilling to let go. They felt warm. Both of her children were warm and comforting. Renn rested her palm on his head, and Avril acted out of habit, caressing that soft bed of brown hair. "We're here for you."

"Ah…." Avril coughed, brushing Gloria's hair with her fingers. She couldn't say much of anything other than a meek apology. "I'm sorry."

"Judging from that reaction, you've realized," Erden said.

Renn and Gloria stared in confusion, then back to her, awaiting her reply. Avril sighed, "You've met her. She already knows."

"We did."

"Because of me? She's afraid."

"No. Mere coincidence brought her to us."

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. We got ourselves in trouble."

"I see." Avril coughed more. A heavy drowsiness washed over her like a tide. "Renn, Gloria, can you tend to your father and Erden? She wants to sleep for a while." She didn't want to, but she couldn't fight it. Sleep claimed her and muddled her mind. Operating in the haze, she wandered, searching for a hint of light.

A loud voice knocked her away, and she opened her eyes, peering straight up at the starry night. It seemed several hours had gone by in her deep rest if that was what she could call rest. Turning her head to the side, she saw Oscar's blindfolded face before her, their noses an inch apart. She pitied him; she pitied herself. The world tormented them, giving them hope and then tearing their hearts apart. How could two unlucky people have met?

'Do you think your life is a blessing or a curse?' She recalled Oscar's question from long ago. At that time, she answered that it was a blessing even after all that had occurred in her past. But the world brought up the past to suggest her life was cursed. Her life might be cursed, but not his. Avril stroked his face tenderly, brushing parts of his hair to the side. He couldn't comfort her in his current condition, but she could. She promised to make at least his life a blessing, even if hers would remain cursed. Rising, she groaned and saw her children chatting with the young man they saved.

The young man, Auren, smiled affably, his smile open and small upturned cheeks inviting her to pinch them. He noticed her and bowed, knocking his head on the deck. "I greet the Lord's wife!" His enthusiastic shout made her jolt, the grogginess of waking up not agreeing with his liveliness. "Thank you for saving me! I will now serve Lord Draven's wife. Ah, wait, it's Lord Terr now."

"Draven…." Avril glanced at Remulus, who knitted his brow at the name. To use Oscar's master's name was not what she had expected Demon to do. Perhaps even that cold fellow learned some empathy.

"Mom!" Gloria leaped into her chest and snuggled warmly.

"You're too old to act so childishly." Renn scolded, sighing from the side. He always put on a tough front, but Avril knew best he was also delighted. Gloria snarled at him, causing Avril to scold her for such unmannered behavior.

"Auren, is it?" Avril welcomed him. "Can you tell me how my husband spent his years?" She raised Oscar's head, placed it on her lap, and cupped the ears under her palms, the same remedy she always did for him in his distress. Auren spoke fervently, worship pouring from his gaze, and described all Demon had accomplished. They conquered a continent, siphoned its wealth, defeated a major clan, gained the favor of a Primaere, and built a new academy. She frowned at the bits about the massacres of uninvolved and the aggressiveness by which Demon forced the others to submit. 'Does that idiot want to ruin Oscar's mind?'

"Uh, excuse me. Where is that beautiful lady who saved me?" Auren blushed, fidgeting and tapping his knees. "I want to thank her for freeing me from that monster!" He retold how Sirsi appeared from nowhere and asked him about Oscar's whereabouts. Apparently, two of Oscar's companions, Eve and Astrid, fought against Sirsi, their battle destroying much of the island. Auren grimaced, "Eve and Astrid were heavily injured. If not for the special Sentinel left behind answering my call, she might have killed both of them. I was taken and dragged here."

That meant Sirsi fought against her and Maia, presumably with lingering injuries from Eve's and Astrid's unique powers. She felt the gap just widened to a large chasm. How could she ever catch up to that monster? To her former mistress? Renn and Gloria hung their heads low. Anyone would after realizing that truth and knowing that Maia gave nearly everything to stop an injured foe.

"Remember. Trickery and deceit can be weapons to defeat a foe. A single moment is all one needs to kill." Remulus advised, his voice gentle and firm. "If not, then hone your other weapons. Sharpen your Prinstyct, deepen the relationship with your Anima, or utilize your spells in good tactics. The only way out is to climb. And…you needn't fight alone. Renn and Gloria are good examples of a good pair."

"Not really." Gloria stuck out her tongue.

Renn pulled on her hair, not too hard, and scowled. "This little brat who used to be so docile is now a miscreant!"

"Calm down." Remulus laughed, coughing from his wounds. His green eyes stared forward. "Sharpen your senses. We're here. The Lands of Zeret."

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