Chapter 53

After dinner, Xiao Gang drew a large bucket of hot water for Li Mingwei, for her to wash up. She tested the water temperature and put her sore, soft feet into the wooden bucket. A feeling of comfort instantly enveloped her body.

"So comfortable!"

Xiao Gang was going to wait to pour water for her, sitting on the edge of her bed, smiling as he said, "My mother said soaking your feet will make them less painful tomorrow."

"I'm already not as uncomfortable now."

Xiao Gang blinked his eyes. "So is auntie's monthly visitor about to leave?"

Li Mingwei met his somewhat reluctant gaze. "The sixth day, I think. Aren't you going with me too?"

"I'm only going for a couple days then coming back." He lowered his head, extremely disappointed. "After auntie leaves, there won't be anyone to teach me to write characters anymore. There's still so many characters I want to learn."

A gentle hand rested on top of his head. Li Mingwei sighed and asked, "Why do you want to learn characters, is it for fame and fortune, or for making money?"

"For money," Xiao Gang answered without hesitation. Li Mingwei was stunned for a moment. This child was far too practical. Just as she was about to say something, she heard him continue, "In the village, only the village chief and Uncle Qiang know how to write. Whenever anything in the family needs writing, we have to ask them, and it costs money every time. If I know how to write, I can save that money."

"So you just want to learn writing, purely to know how to write. Have you ever thought about taking the imperial examinations for official positions?"

"Taking examinations?"

"To become an official."

Li Mingwei explained to him what was required to become an official. Xiao Gang listened hazily, not understanding anything about the county, provincial, and palace examinations. He only opened his mouth wide when he heard you could see the Emperor.

"Good heavens, Auntie, by taking that whatever trial you mentioned, you can truly see the Emperor? I've heard from Grandpa that the Emperor lives in the capital."

"That's right. When you go to the capital to take the examinations in the future, you'll be able to see him. He's the examiner for the final round of examinations."

"Go to the capital? Me?"

Xiao Gang pointed at himself, his face full of disbelief. His parents didn't even take him when they went to the county town to sell grain every year. How could it be possible for him to go to the capital, which he heard was months of traveling away. Who knew how much it would cost for food, lodging and transport along the way.

What if, what if he got lost and was kidnapped by child traffickers? No, no, he couldn't go to the capital!

He shook his head again and again. "Auntie, I won't go to the capital. I just, I just want to learn some words so in the future I won't need to ask others to write things. I don't want to go to the capital."

With such a simple wish, it would be easy for Li Mingwei to help him achieve it. She could bring him along to attend a few months of class with the new students at the academy when she returned. As long as she kept an eye on him, there would definitely be no issues.

Li Mingwei patted him. "I'm done washing. Go pour the water. When auntie goes back, I'll bring a few books for you. I guarantee I'll teach you."

"Oh, thank you Auntie!" Xiao Gang was overjoyed at Li Mingwei's promise. He diligently carried the wooden bucket out and even thoughtfully closed the door for her.

Li Mingwei fell peacefully asleep. The next day, she didn't know why but was awakened by a clamor. She got dressed and opened the door, only to be given a fright.

The yard was filled with children. Xiao Gang was busily explaining to them that she hadn't gotten up yet and telling them to go back out first.

"What's going on here?"

Hearing her voice, Xiao Gang immediately turned his head and rushed up to her, anxiously saying, "Auntie, they want to ask if you're still teaching how to write characters today."

With over a dozen pairs of hopeful little eyes staring at her, Li Mingwei couldn't bear to utter a refusal. She revealed a smile and told them to go wait for her at yesterday's place after she had breakfast, then she would be over.

Xiao Gang led his little friends from the village back out. Then Wang Chunhua came to bring her breakfast.

Wang Chunhua smiled at her. "In just half a day, look how many kids you've attracted."

Li Mingwei scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge, blew on it, and unconcernedly said, "They want to learn so I'll just teach them. Whether it was teaching Xiao Gang or teaching this group, it's the same."

"But we're going back the day after tomorrow. You wouldn't be able to teach much in two days."

It took educated people ten years to succeed in their learning. All she could teach them were some simple words and phrases.

"I know. I also don't plan to teach too much either. When I go back, I'll bring over some books and teach them through the Thousand Character Classic. After they finish the Thousand Character Classic, they'll count as literate."

Wang Chunhua frowned. Her son Duolei had studied for a whole year but had only gotten through the Thousand Character Classic and the Analects. It would probably take several months to get through those materials with that group of children, a big waste of time.

She complained, "You have things to do at the academy too. School is just about to start. Won't you be losing income?"

"Oh, right." Li Mingwei's face was all scrunched up. Would Mr. Jin allow her to take such a long vacation? With the addition of a few more people this year, it was uncertain whether the elderly gentleman could handle everything.

"How about I bring Xiao Gang back to teach the others after he has learned?" She felt a little lacking in confidence even as she said this. It wasn't a task a single child could accomplish well, adults were still needed to properly teach.

She criticized, "I feel your village chief isn't up to par. He knows how to write yet hasn't said anything about teaching the village children. He's not fulfilling his duties as chief at all."

Wang Chunhua glanced at her little head and gave her a slap. "What nonsense are you spouting. He's the village chief not a teaching sir. As long as he's managing village affairs properly that's him fulfilling his duties to the best of his ability. You can't expect him to handle everything right?"

"You're my little sister now. By seniority, you ought to be calling him uncle. Don't be blabbing nonsense after you go out."

Li Mingwei rubbed her head. It seemed this village chief commanded quite some status!

After gulping down the rest of her porridge, she grabbed a makeshift wooden stick lying in the yard and directly headed out the village entrance. It was the same as yesterday, writing on the ground something once for whoever wanted to learn it, and having them copy it themselves for practice.

When there was a lull, she took the chance to ask the children some questions. Most had similar thoughts as Xiao Gang. There were also those who wanted to become officials and take examinations, but gave up when they heard how many years of studies were required and how much it cost.

"Being able to recognize some words is good enough. Us children of destitute families can't expect more than that."

An old, aged voice sounded. Li Mingwei raised her head to take a look. It was an elderly gentleman dressed in cyan clothes. She quickly stood up and offered the small stool Wang Chunhua had brought for her, inviting him to sit.

The elder smiled as he shook his head, then casually found a rock to sit on, hands held behind his back.

He squinted at the children practicing their writing, the wrinkles on his face seeming to smooth out a little. After a while, his gaze finally fell upon Li Mingwei.

"Little miss, why do you want to teach them?"

"I didn't originally want to teach them. It was Xiao Gang who wanted to learn. Then they came along wanting to learn too, so I taught them together."

"I heard from them you do odd jobs at the academy in town?" Seeing Li Mingwei nod, the elder asked, "Young miss, how do you charge to teach?" Li Mingwei shook her head. "No need for money. I'm just casually teaching them."

The elder quickly explained, "What I meant was I wanted to ask if you could teach them more. How much would I need to pay to have you come teach the children in our village?"

Li Mingwei understood his meaning now. She politely declined, "I just help out the master in town. I can't teach properly myself."

"I see."

The elder was somewhat disappointed. After sitting for a while longer he left. Li Mingwei then heard people addressing him as the village chief. She felt puzzled. If he had the idea of hiring a teacher for the village children, why didn't he teach them himself?

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