Chapter 78

Yun Sister thought it was just an ordinary day. After having breakfast, she went to the fields with her in-laws. When it was almost time to go back, she said goodbye to her in-laws and headed home to prepare lunch.

When she pushed open the yard gate and saw Li Mingwei and Dong Shan sitting in the yard, she was really frightened. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. She immediately rushed towards Li Mingwei and the two hugged each other happily.

"Yun Sister!"


A few tears welled up in Yun Sister's eyes. The grievances she had suffered these days finally found an outlet and poured out all at once.

Hearing her miserable cries, Yun Sister's husband's face darkened. If you didn't know better, you'd think his family had mistreated her terribly.

Seeing his expression, Dong Shan lightly coughed and went forward to separate the two women. He smiled and said, "I know you have a close relationship, but there's no need to cry like this after just being apart for a few months. It makes others laugh."

Li Mingwei stopped crying and glanced at Yun Sister's husband. Seeing the gloom in his eyes, she couldn't help but worry about Yun Sister's situation.

Yun Sister came to her senses and immediately wiped away her tears. She smiled apologetically at them, "I haven't seen you for so long. I lost control for a moment."

She went behind her husband and introduced, "This is my husband, you can call him Qing Yang. That's Mingwei, my best friend before I got married. That's Brother Dong, Mingwei's brother-in-law. They lived right next to my parents."

She emphasized Mingwei's position, making Qing Yang feel a little better. He smiled at the two guests and invited them to sit down, "You've come a long way. Please forgive me for not welcoming you properly. Yun, go get your parents. We should entertain our guests."

Li Mingwei stood up, "Let me go with you."

Yun Sister looked at Qing Yang. Seeing that he didn't object, she nodded and walked out with Li Mingwei holding her arm.

After they had walked some distance, Li Mingwei asked, "What happened to his leg?"

Today, she and Dong Shan had asked all the way to their door. They knocked for a long time but no one answered. They thought no one was home. Suddenly the door opened and Li Mingwei saw the man sitting in a wheelchair inside. She immediately had a bad feeling.

If he was Yun Sister's husband, that would explain why he didn't come for the wedding procession or to pick up the bride.

Yun Sister sadly closed her eyes for a moment before saying, "He wasn't like this before. I heard he fell on the mountain and injured his right foot, leaving him lame. He walked with a limp and was afraid of being laughed at, so he simply stopped walking."

It would be difficult to get along with such a stubborn person. Li Mingwei couldn't help but feel worried.

"How does he treat you?"

"He's quite good to me," Yun Sister nodded and added, "He just has a bad temper. As long as I don't do anything he doesn't like or make him angry, it's fine."

"But what if you do make him angry?" Li Mingwei frowned.

"Nothing much. He just smashes things and vents his anger, but he doesn't hit me." Seeing Li Mingwei's expression getting worse, Yun Sister patted her hand to reassure her, "Really, it's fine. You'll see when you meet my in-laws. They're quite easy to get along with."

"Then how could they raise a son with such a bad temper?"

Yun Sister said awkwardly, "He wasn't born with a bad temper."

Li Mingwei sighed. So it was due to inferiority. People with disabilities often have some inferiority, just like her. Although her body was healthy, sometimes she also felt inferior to others, inevitably generating some resentment.

But she always dealt with it herself, never randomly venting her anger on loved ones like Qing Yang.

She and Yun Sister looked at each other helplessly and went to the fields.

As Yun Sister said, her in-laws were very nice. When she said she had come from Qingshi Town to see Yun Sister, they immediately threw down their hoes and warmly brought her home, wanting to kill a chicken for her to eat.

"You didn't let us know you were coming. We haven't prepared anything. Today, let your uncle kill a chicken. Tomorrow we'll go to the market to buy meat for you."

"No need, no need." Li Mingwei looked cautiously at Yun Sister and lowered her voice, "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Why are you leaving so soon?" Yun Sister reluctantly grabbed Li Mingwei's hand and pleaded, "Stay a few more days."

Yun Sister's mother-in-law chimed in, "That's right, stay a few more days. It's rare for you to come. Spend more time with Yun Sister."

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to stay longer. The main thing is I still have work to do. Coming and going back already took four days, so..."

She had originally planned to stay one more day, but Yun Sister's husband's attitude made her feel they shouldn't stay longer. What if she accidentally made him angry and they just left with a slap on the butt? He might take it out on Yun Sister.

"Then we can't delay your work."

Yun Sister frowned. She didn't believe Mr. Jin had given her four days off and still refused to give her one more day.

At lunch, they ate chicken. In the afternoon, Yun Sister's father-in-law specially went to the market to buy meat for them. He also bought wine, enthusiastically making Dong Shan feel a little embarrassed. He drank a few more glasses with the father and son.

Yun Sister tidied two rooms for them, making the beds and laying out the sheets and blankets, then went back to her own room. She carefully looked at Qing Yang.

Qing Yang's face was also a little flushed. He sat in his wheelchair with his head propped up on his hand. Seeing him like this, Yun Sister went to the kitchen to boil hot water and helped him wash up, then supported him into bed.

She cowered apprehensively by the bedside and lowered her head, "Can I sleep with Mingwei tonight? She's leaving early tomorrow. I want..."

"I want to talk with her."

Qing Yang said sarcastically, "Talk about how bad I treat you here?"


"You want to deny it? You cried so miserably today, anyone would think I was abusing you. Is that what you mean when you say I've made you suffer after marrying into this family?"


Yun Sister lowered her eyes, knowing there was no chance of getting her wish today. She got up, washed up, blew out the lamp and went to bed to rest.

As soon as she lay down, Qing Yang immediately rolled over to pin her down. He reached to untie her clothes and nibbled her ear, warning her, "Don't even think about leaving me for the rest of your life."

Yun Sister closed her eyes and hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder, "I never thought about it."

Whether Qing Yang believed her or not, she really hadn't thought about it.

When she found out her parents knew about Qing Yang's disability but still married her off for the high bride price without telling her, she was no longer a Meng.

Other than this family, she had nowhere else to go. How could she think of leaving him when at least he gave her more than her own parents?

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