Chapter 585: There Was Indeed Someone

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Sihai had a good impression of Yang Mu, who was not talkative and agile.

He smiled and said, “Brother Yang, please lead the way.”

Yang Mu nodded and brought Chu Sihai and the others up the mountain.

The group walked and stopped in the rugged and dangerous forest.

From time to time, pheasants and hares darted out of the grass and fled in all directions, but they did not find any large wild beasts. They did not even see a goat.

Chu Sihai said to the accompanying secret guard, Ding Si, “This mountain is a little strange. Logically speaking, there should be goats, badgers, wild boars… After walking for so long, I haven’t seen these things.”

Ding Si nodded. “From the looks of it, there are indeed people gathering on the mountain. The wild animals in the mountain have already become their food.”

Chu Sihai glanced at Yang Mu, who was rushing along. “Brother Yang, what wild animals did you hunt here three years ago?”

Yang Mu smiled shyly.

Chu Sihai nodded and pointed at the pine forest in front of him. “Everyone is tired after traveling for a few days. Let’s rest here early tonight.”

Ding Si looked around and said to Chu Sihai, “Head Shopkeeper, the terrain here is too high. It’s easy to be discovered if we light a fire. Let’s eat dry food!”

Chu Sihai looked at them. “Alright, everyone, find a big tree and climb up. I’ll be on night duty in the first half of the night. We’ll take turns in the second half.” After everyone agreed, they found a big tree and climbed up.

The next day, before the sun set, the few of them climbed over a mountain beam and went down the mountain to the valley.

Yang Mu pointed at a large mountain opposite and said, “It’s on that mountain.

There’s a waterfall there. The cave is behind the waterfall.”

Chu Sihai wiped the sweat off his face. “Find a place to rest tonight. We’ll travel tomorrow morning.”

Chu Sihai looked around. There were big trees, vines, and bushes everywhere, giving off a feeling of isolation.

“You’re still craving a stable life. I saw that the Big Boss, who came back last night, looked a little off. I think something must have happened outside.”

“So be it! Damn it, if we want to fight, let’s fight him well. If this continues, we’ll be crippled.”

Listening to their complaints, Ding Si thought to himself that two must have come from Liang Village. It seemed that they were tired of staying in the mountains. He would go back and tell the Head Shopkeeper the news first.

Chu Sihai saw Ding Si appear from behind the waterfall from the tree and hurriedly slipped down from the tree.

He looked at Ding Si and asked anxiously, “How is it? Is anyone there?”

Ding Si smiled and nodded. “Yes, the two traitors guarding the entrance of the cave came from Liang Village. I heard them complaining. They’re obviously tired of living like this.”

“A hundred people left Liang Village one after another. If they’re all here, including the original people, there are at least two to three hundred people.

We don’t have enough people.”

Chu Sihai thought for a moment. “Guard here with the three brothers and check if there are any other entrances. I’ll bring Yang Mu back immediately and bring people over.”

“Are we going to kill the people who come out?” Ding Si asked.

“If someone comes out, follow them to take a look. After capturing them alive and asking them questions, destroy them. Don’t alarm the other bandits. It’ll be difficult to find them if they escape into the deep mountains.”

Ding Si replied, “Yes.”

Chu Sihai woke up Yang Mu, who was sitting on a big tree branch. “Brother

Yang, let’s go down the mountain and call someone.”

“Okay,” Yang Mu agreed and slipped down with Chu Sihai. The two of them disappeared into the night.

Ding Si and the brothers left behind arranged the time for the night duty.

He climbed up the tree where Chu Sihai was hiding and leaned against the tree trunk with his eyes closed.

Chu Sihai and Yang Mu walked for a while until they could not even see their fingers. Then, they lit torches and walked through the forest.

It was midnight before they climbed onto a tree and rested for a while before continuing on their way..

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