Chapter 596: Coincidental Encounter

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ruyi turned around from the back of the house with a bundle of firewood. He smiled at the two of them and said, ‘We found firewood at the back of the house. It rained so heavily all of a sudden. Fortunately, there’s a mountain temple to shelter us from the rain. Otherwise, we would have been drenched.”

Li Yu smiled. “There are raincoats in the bag. I’m just afraid that the horse will become sick.”

“That’s true.” Ji Xiang took out the map and looked at it. “Madam, it’ll take us two to three days to reach Le County if we go faster. If we’re slower, it’ll take three to four days.”

Ruyi smiled and hit him with a branch. “You’re already so old and don’t even know how to speak. Just say that you’ll be in Le County in three days at most. Wouldn’t that be short and clear?

Ji Xiang rolled his eyes at him. “Don’t even think about eating my baked pancakes later.” Ruyi looked at him askance. “Then don’t use the firewood I brought.”

Li Yu watched the two of them bicker like children and smiled. “How old are the two of you combined?”

Ji Xiang smiled and said, “Madam, 70 years old!”

Ruyi looked at Ji Xiang with disdain. “Silly, Madam is laughing at us for being childish.”

“You’re the childish one!” Ji Xiang smiled and picked up a few thin branches. He broke them and lit the firewood that Ruyi had piled up. After taking out the pancakes and putting them on the branches to warm up, he handed them to Li


The three of them took out water bags and ate dry food. Ruyi walked to the door and looked at the sky. She turned around and said, “It looks like the rain won’t stop for a while. Madam, rest well in this room. Ji Xiang and I will go next door to guard it.”

Li Yu nodded. “Alright, everyone is tired these few days. Let’s take turns resting.”

“Yes,” Ruyi and Ji Xiang agreed and left.

Li Yu took out her sleeping bag and crawled in. She listened to the raindrops fall on the tiles and quickly fell asleep.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

Ruyi let Ji Xiang rest first. He sat alone on the threshold of the hall and leaned against the door frame. He looked at the few purple flowers on the vines in the courtyard that had been blown around by the wind and rain.

An hour later, the rain gradually lessened. Li Yu walked out of the house and said to Ruyi, “Go and rest for a while.”

Ruyi nodded and said, “Yes, Madam. There’s dry food in the bag. You can heat it up when you’re hungry.”

“Something must have happened. Looks like we really can’t underestimate this woman.”

Second Master thought of the letter Old Master Cheng had brought. It said that there were two assassinations against Third Brother that were almost successful. They were about to succeed, but this woman came out and ruined things. He didn’t expect to meet her here. He had really found her without any effort.

At the thought of how he had been hiding for the past few years, Second Master was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth and cursed softly, “B*tch, you’ve ruined my plans time and time again. I’ll definitely make you wish you were dead.”

Chu Yun and Ah Shen said in unison, “Master, let’s go catch her.”

Second Master glanced at the two of them. “Don’t be rash. The news Old Master brought said that this woman has divine power and seems to be quite skilled.”

Chu Yun said in a low voice, ‘Master, no matter how strong she is, she’s still a woman. Are we afraid of her?”

Second Master looked at him and shouted in a low voice, “Shut up. It’s different from before. I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

Seeing that he was angry, Chu Yun hurriedly knelt on one knee. “Master, punish me!”

Second Master waved at him and looked at Old Gao. “Old Gao, go and check if the people following her are in the next room.”

“Yes, Master.” The old man walked up the hall and pretended to pass by the house where Ruyi and Ji Xiang were resting. When he saw the two of them sleeping soundly against the wall, he walked to the corner and turned back to the hall.

After he turned around and walked over, Ruyi and Ji Xiang opened their eyes and stood up.

Ruyi pointed at the broken window behind them. Ji Xiang nodded and the two of them ducked out like raccoons.

Ruyi and Ji Xiang bent down and landed on their toes, quickly reaching the back of Li Yu’s house. Li Yu heard a sound from the back window and saw Ruyi and Ji Xiang standing outside the window. Then, Ruyi crawled in through the broken window hole.

Li Yu pointed at Ji Xiang, indicating that he should stay behind the window. Ji Xiang nodded and squatted down.

Old Gao returned to the hall and reported to Second Master in a low voice,

“Master, there are two people sleeping soundly against the wall.”

Second Master thought for a moment and said to them, “Old Gao, Ah Shen, and Ah Yun will deal with that woman. Ah Shui and I will deal with her followers.”

Chu Yun looked at Second Master anxiously. “Master, you can’t do it yourself. The few of us are more than enough to deal with them.”

Second Master looked at the few people standing there. “I don’t think I can count on you anymore.”

“Yes, I understand.” The four of them knelt on one knee and whispered..

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