The God of Sky and Earth

Chapter 747: Dark Ghost Emperor!

Chapter 747: Dark Ghost Emperor!

Afterward, Su Yi asked Xi Wuqing, his gaze still fixed on the auction platform. The first-grade Star Cloud Ganoderma of the Demonic Void Realm, this is like truly stepping into the realm of the demonic clan, a valuable treasure.

"Not bad, the Star Cloud Ganoderma, is extremely rare. If we miss it, who knows when we'll encounter it again!"

Xi Wuqing's voice also trembled, as he had prepared for a very long time to find this rare Star Cloud Ganoderma, which was elusive and hard to come by.

"The Star Cloud Ganoderma, having overcome its initial difficulties, is a material used to refine many yellow-grade pills. Its most important effect is probably well-known to everyone. The Star Cloud Ganoderma from the Demonic Void Realm is the main ingredient for refining the high-grade yellow pill called Soul-Replenishing Heavenly Pill. This pill can enhance the quality of one's spirit. With the Star Cloud Ganoderma from the Demonic Void Realm as the main ingredient, the medicinal effect is optimal."

On the auction stage, the elderly man introduced with a slow and powerful voice, unknowingly capturing the intense gaze of the entire audience with each rhythmic pulse.

Many subtle energies filled the room, all pulsating in unison upon the jade box.

The words "elevating the quality of one's spirit" were enough to ignite a fervent gleam in anyone's eyes.

Especially for alchemists, craftsmen, and Soul Tamers, enhancing the quality of one's spirit is an irresistible temptation that cannot be resisted!

Su Yi could sense that at this moment, there were numerous subtle energies filling the room, accompanied by an enigmatic wave of spiritual power. It seemed that many alchemists, craftsmen, and Soul Tamers were concealed among them.

Even though Su Yi didn't fully understand, he knew that elevating the quality of one's spirit was an irresistible temptation for alchemists, craftsmen, and Soul Tamers.

Su Yi quietly pondered to himself, suspecting that there were likely many alchemists, craftsmen, and Soul Tamers hidden within this auction today, all of whom had come for the Star Cloud Ganoderma.

"I won't waste any more time. The first-grade Star Cloud Ganoderma from the Demonic Void Realm has a starting price of three thousand three-star Yuan Stones. The bidding increment is one hundred three-star Yuan Stones!"

The voice of the old man echoed, clear as it landed in the ears of everyone in the room.

"What? A Three-Star Yuan Stone!"

The entire audience was amazed. It had always been a Two-Star Yuan Stone, but now this Star Cloud Ganoderma was unexpectedly being auctioned for Three-Star Yuan Stones.

A Three-Star Yuan Stone , is equal to one hundred Two-Star Yuan Stones.

Three thousand Three-Star Yuan Stones, that amounted to three hundred thousand Two-Star Yuan Stones.

He called out a bid, one hundred Three-Star Yuan Stones, which was equivalent to ten thousand Two-Star Yuan Stones.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that although it is said that one hundred Two-Star Yuan Stones can be exchanged for a Three-Star Yuan Stone, the truth is that no one would exchange a Three-Star Yuan Stone for a Two-Star Yuan Stone.

Three-Star Yuan Stones, how rare they are, very few people have them.

"Three thousand one hundred!"

"Three thousand two hundred!"


Some people were surprised, but one after another, bidding voices suddenly echoed through the room. The voices were scattered and came from different corners.

"Not easy at all!"

Su Yi looked down, his gaze following the sound of the bids, and it wasn't hard to know that those who were speaking up were the owners of the recently elusive soul auras.

Many alchemists, weapon craftsmen, and Soul Tamers were present at this auction, clearly having come for the Star Cloud Ganoderma.

"Five thousand three-star Yuan Stones!"

Not long after, a determined voice reverberated throughout the entire venue. From a corner of the auction on the left side, someone directly bid a price of five thousand three-star Yuan Stones.

Five thousand three-star Yuan Stones, this price is already extremely high, equivalent to five hundred and twenty thousand two-star Yuan Stones, equivalent to fifty million one-star Yuan Stones!

Such a price clearly caused a moment of silence to fall over the auction, capturing the attention of many gazes.

In that corner on the left side, a figure in a black robe sat upright, dressed plainly, seemingly intentionally hiding under the black robe and hood. However, when lifting the gaze, a pair of profound eyes appeared, staring fixedly at the auction podium with intense passion.

"I didn't expect this person to come as well," Alice exclaimed in surprise.

Xi Wuqing spoke up, his private box conveniently offering a bird's-eye view of the corner, where his attention was drawn to that figure.

"Do you know that person?"

Su Yi asked, 'Someone who can bid with five thousand three-star Yuan Stones surely can't be simple,' he pondered.

Xi Wuqing said, his expression slightly darkening. 'I guess you could say we know each other. We've crossed paths many times. That guy is also a wandering cultivator, known as the Dark Ghost Emperor, a Soul Tamer and an Alchemist. He's quite powerful, but he's cunning and treacherous. Definitely not a good person!'

"Dark Ghost Emperor!"

Su Yi took a few more glances at that figure. From Xi Wuqing's words, Su Yi could also hear that although Xi Wuqing sounded disdainful, there was also a hint of absolute seriousness. It seemed that the Dark Ghost Emperor was truly not simple.

"Five thousand one hundred!"

Xi Wuqing finally spoke, his voice trembling slightly and his fists clenched tightly.

The price was five thousand one hundred, and there were still people bidding. As for the Dark Ghost Emperor, his gaze suddenly turned towards them, accompanied by a subtle and unsettling aura. His expression didn't look very friendly.

Su Yi glanced at Xi Wuqing with disdain. "Five thousand one hundred three-star Yuan Stones," he thought to himself. "Just a few days ago, he claimed to be poor when we had to pass through the spatial channel. Seems like this old guy is always crying poverty."

It seemed like Xi Wuqing had caught a glimpse of Su Yi's thoughts. His lips twitched slightly, and he whispered to Su Yi, "Even if I sold everything I own, it would still be difficult to gather this exact amount. The Star Cloud Ganoderma is extremely rare!"

Su Yi rolled his eyes in response. "This old guy sure knows how to hide," he thought to himself.

"Five thousand two hundred!"

"Five thousand three hundred!"

"Five thousand four hundred..."


Finally, inside the VIP box, the bidding began to escalate.

"Six thousand eight hundred!"

Suddenly, the price of six thousand eight hundred echoed throughout the entire venue.

Su Yi's eyes were filled with curiosity as he followed the sound and looked across. It happened to be a box diagonally opposite where Tianxuan Sect was situated.

The voice sounded youthful and familiar, it was the voice of Liu Xiaohu. He must have been bidding for Tianxuan Sect.

At such a price, the gazes of Dark Ghost Emperor and Xi Wuqing trembled fiercely.

Around the auction, many gazes were fiercely pulsating, filled with intense heat and twitching faces. However, they were unable to raise the bid any further. The price of 6,800 three-star Yuan Stones was not something that many could afford. The price of 6,800 also caused the entire room to calm down once again.

"Don't you want to bid higher since you're so determined to win?" Su Yi asked Xi Wuqing in a low voice.

"It's so tall, how could it be this tall!"

Xi Wuqing gritted his teeth, his gaze flickering, his fists clenched tightly, though he wasn't sure when they had become so tense.

This Star Cloud Ganoderma, Xi Wuqing was determined to obtain it and came prepared for the auction.

But Xi Wuqing never expected that the price would soar to such an extent, surpassing his expectations. He simply couldn't afford to offer a higher price.


Su Yi could tell that Star Cloud Ganoderma was very important to Xi Wuqing. It seemed inevitable that he would obtain it. However, today's situation seemed somewhat unusual. Many people had come specifically for Star Cloud Ganoderma, causing its price to skyrocket.

Perhaps now, with this price, Xi Wuqing felt embarrassed at his empty pocket. He couldn't possibly offer a higher price anymore.

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