The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 67: Chapter: Friendly Competition (2)

“It’s an honor to meet you, Golden Sword!”

Mok Riwon smiled brightly as he made a fist-palm salute. He was delighted to meet one of the people he had been eager to meet since his arrival at the Martial Alliance.

His eyes were immediately drawn to Gwon Pyowol’s waist, where a gold-lacquered scabbard caught his attention. The sight stirred his sense of adventure.

“I’ve heard so much about your various chivalrous deeds since coming to the Alliance! It’s such an honor to meet you like this! If you have some time, perhaps we could have a conversation...”

“Ah, my apologies. I’m in a hurry right now.”


Mok Riwon suddenly realized his mistake, looking embarrassed as he spoke.

“…Of course. Now that I think about it, it’s work hours. I’m sorry. I was so excited that I was rude.”

“It’s not rude at all. On the contrary, I should be grateful that the Ink Dragon thinks of me so highly of me.”

Mok Riwon’s eyes sparkled at his polite response.

He thought that Gwon Poywol really was just like the rumors said. A serious man with good etiquette, and never said anything disrespectful to others.

Filled with admiration, he said to Gwon Pyowol.

“Ah! Don’t forget, we have the sparring match in a few days! I’m really looking forward to crossing swords with you that day!”

“Hm? The sparring match? I’m afraid I have to disappoint you.”

Mok Riwon and Tang Hwa-seo froze.

With an apologetic smile, Gwon Pyowol continued.

“I won’t be participating. I wish to give more opportunities to the other members.”

Tang Hwa-seo was the one who objected to this..

“I was under the impression that unit commanders and squad captains must participate in the friendly sparring...”

“That’s just a custom. It’s not mandatory.”

Mok Riwon’s face fell, his earlier excitement quickly fading.

“Is that so? That’s disappointing.”

“Nonetheless, I have high expectations. My members are not inferior in skill to you all. The matches will be great.”

Gwon Pyowol said, making a fist-palm salute.

“Then, I will take my leave.”

He showed no signs of lingering.

* * *

As the sun neared the horizon, Mok Riwon chatted with Yeom So-so, who sipped her tea leisurely.

“Golden Sword, is it?”

Mok Riwon nodded.

“He says he’s not participating in the spars to give opportunities to the others. I’m really disappointed...”

His expression was noticeably deflated compared to the morning.

Thinking for a moment, Yeom So-so suddenly uttered.

“Oh right. Gwon Pyowol. That guy’s Golden Sword. I’d forgotten it seems.”

“Hm? Do you know him personally?”

“Not as a friend, I’ve just heard some things about him.”

Curiosity showed on his face.

Seeing that, she chuckled and said.

“It’s probably a lie that he’s stepping back to give opportunities to his unit.”

“Wh-What do you mean?!”

Mok Riwon jumped up in surprise, and Yeom So-so explained.

“For example, the gold painted on his scabbard. Do you know what it signifies?”

“Knowing the weight of wielding a sword! That’s how I understand it!”

“That’s the issue.”

Mok Riwon tilted his head.

To him, it seemed like nothing more than a romantic and cool resolve, so he couldn’t understand why Yeom So-so was pointing it out as an issue.

“Isn’t it cool? I think it shows people the true spirit of a chivalrous hero!”

“If you only consider the intention, yes. Indeed, it’s a teaching that everyone in this martial world should follow.”

Yeom So-so took a sip of tea, then spoke in a softer tone.



“Do you know what martial artists should be most careful of?”

On her face was a solemn expression, seemingly recalling a distant past.

“Losing yourself to the martial world. Letting the ideals in your heart crumble against the harshness of reality.”

“…I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“Let’s say for example, you said you want to become a chivalrous hero, right?”


“Let me ask you. Is the chivalry and martial world you imagined the same as what you’ve actually encountered?”

Mok Riwon couldn’t help but pause. There was something that struck a chord.

The martial world he had always read in Tales of the Martial Heroes always had romance, dreams, and ideals. It possessed a deep resonance that stirred the hearts of men.

However, reality was different. The martial world was a bit more ruthless than Mok Riwon had thought.

Tang Hwa-seo had to be a fugitive despite being a victim.

The jiangshi in Blood Valley were unable to even find peace because they lacked strength.

And what about the widow he had met in Anhui, or Gwak Chil-pyo, the author of Tales of the Martial Heroes?

“…It doesn’t seem to be entirely the same.”

A bitter smile formed on his lips.

Yeom So-so nodded.

Yes, that’s the harsh reality of the martial world. It’s a world that preaches righteousness through martial arts, but at its core ultimately boils down to, only the strong survive. So you see, one can’t help but lose themselves in it.”

“You mean...”

“This is what I think. Golden Sword has become too jaded by the ways of the world.”

These weren’t empty words.

Yeom So-so had seen countless people like Gwon Pyowol during her long years living as a martial artist.

“No matter how stubborn people are, they eventually have to face reality. One by one, they start to conform. Even the ideals they hold deep in their hearts gradually bend to fit the harsh truth.”

To know the weight of the sword. Gwon Pyowol would still be following that teaching.

However, Yeom So-so was certain that it no longer meant in the sense of being a chivalrous hero.

“That man must be assigning value to his sword. Not the value of chivalry and righteousness, but monetary value.”


“He’s started to consider his own worth. As a commander of the Martial Alliance, as a swordsman..”

Mok Riwon didn’t like what she was saying.

And she was well aware of that.

His expression had become quite sullen, so Yeom So-so continued.

“A commander in the Martial Alliance is a middle management position. Therefore, commanders desire higher positions that will become the core of the Alliance. That’s because they need to be in those positions to fulfill their ambitions. What’s needed to climb to higher positions are achievements and reputation. SO that man will be wary of you.”

“Of me?”

“If he wins against you in a sparring match, it’s just breaking even. If he loses, he’ll only suffer the disgrace of being defeated by a junior.”


“That man has calculated the value of sparring with you. In the end, he must have judged that not participating in this sparring would be more positive for his personnel evaluation.”

Mok Riwon’s fists clenched tightly, but it wasn’t like he didn’t understand what she was telling him.

Practical value.

This was a concept that even Mok Seon-oh and Ma Il-seok had already explained to him.

—Won, someday you too will stand at a crossroads of choices.


—Whether to become a naive person who just chases romance, or to build your reputation for the sake of realistic chivalry.

—What’s the difference?

—If you chase romance, you can save the person right in front of you. If you pursue realistic chivalry, you can achieve greater causes.

—…I’m not sure. Which kind of chivalry is right?

—Neither is wrong. They are just different approaches.

Just different.

Mok Riwon understood.

Gwon Pyowol must be trying to rise to a higher position to spread his version of chivalry to the world. In that process, he must have judged that sparring with him would be disadvantageous.


Even though he understood, he couldn’t accept it.

His head agreed, but his heart didn’t.

Mok Riwon still felt frustrated.

“It’s too different from my ideals. Chasing achievements and self-gain without facing true challenges… that’s not chivalry to me. Am I being too narrow-minded?”

Yeom So-so studied his face.

A tightly set jaw, furrowed brow, and yet, eyes still clear and determined.

This is the face of a stubborn person.

The face of those fools who rarely compromise.

And Yeom So-so was all too familiar with such fools.

“There’s no such thing as narrow-minded chivalry. There’s only the sword.”

A big smile appeared on her face.

Then she recited.

The single principle that governs this martial world.

“Child, in the martial world, only the victor can cry out for chivalry. So there’s only one way, isn’t there?”

Yeom So-so’s fingertip pointed towards Mok Riwon’s waist. There, hung an old iron sword.

“If his greater good and calculations don’t sit well with you, then tell him with your sword—that your chivalry is right.”

Only the strong survive.

The only unchanging truth of the martial world that no amount of flowery words can hide.

Mok Riwon’s fist clenched even tighter.


Mok Riwon looked down at his sword. Unlike Gwon Pyowol’s, it was just an old sword bearing the marks of time.

“I… don’t understand complex and difficult calculations. They have no place in my heart. From the day Master first taught me the sword, I’ve only ever known one thing.”

“What is that?”

“That chivalrous heroes are those who chase romance.”

Mok Riwon placed his hand on his sheathe.

As he did so, he recalled memories from long ago.

—Master, what did you choose? Between romance and reality.

—You are asking the obvious.


—Your master is someone who cannot live without romance. Therefore, he decided to become a fool who can only see what is in front of him.

Mok Riwon recalled the gift his master had given him and raised his head, his voice reinvigorated.

“I would rather become a fool and a greedy person. I don’t want to turn a blind eye to what’s right in front of me for the sake of a greater cause.”

“Can you do that? The Golden Sword is a commander of the Martial Alliance. That means he’s a strong person who has reached the Supreme Realm. Even if you manage to get him onto the sparring ground, are you confident that you can win against him?”

“I won’t think about it. I’ll just swing my sword.”


“Master said.”

At that moment, a smile of relief spread across Mok Riwon’s face as he made his decision.

“A chivalrous hero is someone who walks the hardest path.”

Yeom So-so’s eyes widened slightly.

For an instant, she saw an incredibly ugly face overlapping with Mok Riwon’s handsome face.

—It’s fine if it’s difficult. Chivalry, by nature, reveals itself to those who stand tall in the face of adversity.

She chuckled.

“…You’re the spitting image of him.”

And once again Yeom So-so thought.

That Mok Seon-oh really did create someone just like himself.

* * *

It was late in the evening.

Gwon Pyowol was on his way to his room after finishing all his work for the day.

Even then, he was organizing tomorrow’s schedule in his mind.

It would soon be the end of the quarter, and personnel evaluations would take place.

He had fulfilled enough achievements for this quarter, but he didn’t think the other commanders had done any worse.

In other words, he needed more achievements and more perfect management.

Tomorrow is the sparring match.

The moment he recalled this, a face crossed his mind.

A handsome man with an innocent expression, expressing his deep disappointment.

It was Mok Riwon.

Gwon Pyowol felt uncomfortable when he recalled that face.

He didn’t know why himself.

Or perhaps he was avoiding the truth.

So Gwon Pyowol smiled wryly.

Those were the good days.

Time is cruel.

There was a time when I too was excited to spar with strong opponents, and dreamed of the future that lay ahead. Now, I can’t help but feel regretful, knowing those innocent days will never return.

He hadn’t lost his chivalry. The passion burning in his heart was still as strong as ever, and the ideals he wished to achieve had never left his mind.

But there came a time when he had to start considering the practicalities.

He just knew that there was a reality that couldn’t be solved through passion alone.

I want to convey the weight of wielding a sword.

I wish to show the world what a more righteous sword truly means.

For that, I need fame. And to gain fame, there was a passion I had to set aside.

While sparring with Mok Riwon will undoubtedly be a valuable experience, it wasn’t the realistic choice.

As Gwon Pyowol was walking, consoling himself with those thoughts—

“Great Expert Golden Sword.”

—someone appeared blocking his path.

It was a familiar face.

After all, wasn’t it the man he had just been thinking about?

“…Ink Dragon?”

“May we speak for a moment?”

Mok Riwon made a fist-palm salute and smiled gently.


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