Chapter 59

Translator: “Kell” Editor: “Weasalopes”

With the help of Luna-san, Emma and I slayed a ferocious dragon. We then managed to get the top spot in our exam for Hero School. On top of that, we were completely exempted from summer classes.

The days went gently by, and now — summer break had arrived!

「Noir! Rise and shine! It’s morning already!」

Morning of the first day of summer. I could hear my father, who came to wake me up, and my sister talking just outside my door.

「Father, it’s Onii-sama’s summer break starting today. Please let him rest some more.」

「Oh, is that so? But I want to see Noir’s face before I head out.」

「Please. Let him rest.」

「Okay. If you insist.」

I could tell my father was dejected. I was still sleepy but decided to step out of my room.

「Good morning, Father, Alice.」

「Oh, Noir! Good morning, my son, son, sunshine!」

「Here’s a good morning hug for you, Onii-sama.」

Alice swiftly leapt into my arms, rubbing her cheeks against my chest. I stroked her head gently. Her hair, meticulously cared for, was silky smooth. I got LP from doing this too, which was a good thing.

「Nice sibling love.」

My father spread his arms wide, ready to embrace us, when Alice held up a hand, stopping him.

「It’s our time right now.」

「When will my time come, then?」

Alice smiled gently, but didn’t answer. He looked wistful, and I could barely hold myself back from laughing.

「Ah, puberty. No one even said anything about my sunshine joke.」

「It was too tough a joke first thing in the morning. You should take it down a notch next time.」

「I’ll keep that in mind.」

He seemed to be seriously thinking about a new joke. I went down to the living room and greeted my mother and Toramaru.

「Good morning, Noir. Summer break starts today, right?」

「Yes. But I’ll try not to slack off too much.」

「Hmm. That is a wonderful attitude to take. Let us do something together while you’re on your break.

「Yeah, we should.」

I had plans this summer, though not entirely specific. To conquer the hidden dungeon’s 6th floor and up and go on some quests. I’ll focus on these two first. Still, it’s my precious summer break. All work and no play sounds tragic.

「How about going on a trip?」

「A trip, huh? Sounds like a good idea.」

Alice’s suggestion made me excited. I had a two-month break, so I could go a little ways out of town. I’d like to invite Emma as well.

「I’ll do the chores today. You can all go.」

「Thanks. I’ll do my best today!」

「Sorry for the trouble. I’m going then!」

「I’m off, Onii-sama.」

I went outside with Toramaru to see them off then started cleaning once I got back inside. I grabbed a broom while Toramaru was catching some mice.

「They’ve been around for as long as I can remember.」

「We can’t do anything about it. This house is quite old.」

「Building a new one sounds good.」

I saved some money already. I want to save up some more so I can build a new house. That’ll be one of my goals this summer.

After finishing the chores, I started getting ready. I had plans with Emma to go to the guild.

「Are you coming, Toramaru?」

「I appreciate the invitation, but I have to watch the house. If it bothers you, though, I can come.」

「It’s quite all right. Okay, then. Thanks. See ya later!」

When Toramaru was in the front yard, you could see him over the fence even from the road outside. There were probably not a lot of thieves who’d dare rob the house upon seeing him.

I made my way to our meeting place. I found Emma walking her usual course; a path with trees evenly spaced on both sides. She looked depressed. Emma, who was always full of energy, had a gloomy expression, her eyes downcast.

「Hi, Emma. You seem down in the dumps.」

「Oh, I didn’t see you there. Sorry.」

「No, it’s okay. I just got here. Anyway, you don’t look too well. Are you okay?」

「I-I’m fine. It’s nothing… really.」

She wasn’t speaking straight. I was curious. It was clear something was bothering her but I refrained from pressing the issue further. I decided to just wait until she tells me herself, and we made our way to the guild.

「Noir, have you heard of the Phantom?」

「Not sure. It doesn’t quite ring a bell.」

「He’s a thief causing trouble in the neighborhood lately. He’s quite infamous.」

「Ah, yes. I think I’ve heard of him. The one who steals from nobles only, right?」

「Yes, that guy! So about the Phantom…」

Emma stopped, fidgeting her fingers, looking hesitant about something. I was about to tell her she could talk to me about anything, but before I could, she shook her head, then smiled sweetly.

「It’s nothing! Anyway, if you’re free, you wanna come with me to a social party this weekend? Actually, I insist!」

「It’s a party for nobles, right?」

To be honest, I wasn’t interested. Emma’s family were barons who were acknowledged by the other nobles ever since the olden times. But the Stalgia family were not.

A lot of people didn’t see quasi-barons as real nobles. They were rarely invited to parties, and even if they were, they were only met with ridicule.

「I have to dance there. If I didn’t bring anyone with me, I’ll end up dancing with some other boy. If I had to, I’d rather dance with you.」

「I suck at dancing, though.」

「I’m not very good at it either. But what’s important is you put your heart into it.」

「All right. I’ll make some time.」

「Thank you~! I really love that part of you!」

She embraced me, and didn’t let go for a while. Thanks for the LP.

We arrived at the guild of Odin. A veteran adventurer saw us and started talking to a newbie.

「You’d best remember those faces. They only recently joined, but made it to rank C already.」

「They don’t look that strong.」

「You can’t judge a book by its cover. Oh, right. They even took down a dragon the other day.」

「A dragon?! Someone as cute as her?」

「Stop looking at her face and breasts. You better not lay a hand on her, or that guy with her, Noir, will kill you.」


They seemed to be talking about something rather disturbing.

「Would you really kill your competition?」 Emma asked, grinning widely.

「People tell me I look like someone who can’t even harm a fly.」

Anyway, jokes aside. Something felt off with the guild’s atmosphere. My guess was it had something to do with Laura-san who didn’t feel like working at all, head on the counter table.

「Hello. Did something happen?」

「That voice… Noir? Yeah, something really bad happened.」

She grabbed my hand, on the verge of tears, then rubbed her cheeks with it.

「All right. Stop right there.」 Emma said, forcibly separating us.

「What’s your deal? I’m feeling down. Please don’t get in the way.」

「So why are you feeling down?」

「Well… something was stolen from me. Something important.」

Laura-san bit her lower lips, clearly frustrated, then continued.

「A thief came into my house.」

「Sorry to hear that. Did he steal your money or something?」

「No, not even a cent. Instead, he took my underwear.」


「What’s worse is he only took my favourites and my lucky ones that I wear only on very special days! The not-so-appealing ones he didn’t bother with… Haaa… I just wanna die.」

She dropped her forehead on the table and didn’t move. It must’ve been one of those underwear thieves. Women would rather have their money stolen than their underwear, I guess.

Emma chuckled silently, looking delighted. Laura-san seemed to sense that.

「What are you laughing about, Emma-san?」 Laura asked, irritated.

「Nothing~. So they stole your lucky underwear, huh? I’m so sorry to hear that.」Emma said flatly.

「You sure don’t sound sorry.」

「I’m sorry. To. Hear that.」

「Fine, then. I won’t entertain you today.」

「Do your job, woman!」


She was being stubborn, mood turned sour. Emma, as if not willing to lose, grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the entrance.

「Wait! I didn’t say I won’t entertain Noir-san too!」

「Ahahaha. We’re going somewhere to hang out~. We’re currently on break too~」

「Oh, yeah?! In that case…」

「Come on, Laura-chan. Please do your job.」

Adventurers were lining up, pleading with her. It looked like she hadn’t even done anything today. Laura-san couldn’t say no to them.

「Okay, fine! I swear once I get married, I’m quitting my job as a receptionist!」

On my way out, a thought crossed my mind. Maybe it was the Phantom who stole her underwear? I shook my head. No, that guy only targets nobles.

「All right. We part ways here.」

「Huh? Aren’t we going somewhere?」

「I uhh… have some matters to think about.」

「You can talk to me anytime.」

「Ehehe… you’re so sweet, Noir. If I really need help, I’ll take you up on that. Bye!」

I wasn’t expecting us to part ways so early. The day’s still young. Guess I’ll visit go visit Master or Luna-san.

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