Chapter 81

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: “Weasalopes”

South from town, there is a mountain called Amora, one year ago a hot spring was discovered there. It seems that the royal family is using it as well, so boarding facilities were constructed right away, and now there is no end to customers.

But why the hot spring was found only now, even though it’s an ancient mountain. One of the reason is that people don’t go there too often. It means that it’s inhabited by cunning monsters.

That’s why professor Elna gives merry students a piece of mind.

「Do you guys understand? This trip also doubles as training. We aren’t going simply to soak in hot water.」

「Yup, we get it.」

Keeping a smile, the teacher approached the student who gave a flippant reply and threw him over.


「During my days as a mercenary I’ve seen a lot of guys acting like idiots. However, the ones who act that way before the mission always leave us. Do you know why?」

「…I, do not.」

「Because they die. Don’t get conceited. Even if your opponent seems weak don’t get careless. That’s what I want to pass on you guys. Now, let’s move.」

As always, the teacher is so cool. It’s like a completely different person from the time when I was giving her massage. The boys who were absent minded not so long ago now showed slightly more tense expressions.

We head for the hot springs at mountain Amora.

The place can be reached by walking for half a day, the mountain wasn’t that high so climbing itself was pretty easy. Until we reached the foot of the mountain we advanced while having fun. We moved in a group of more than twenty people so it was like an excursion.

The problems start after we enter the mountain.

「Listen well, from now on monsters will regularly appear. All of you should cooperate and come up with a strategy to fight them.」

It seems that for the sake of our growth teacher plans not to meddle too much. Everyone gather up and start discussion.

「How about each of us freely engages using the fighting style they are good with?」

A few students agree with the boy’s proposal.

Hmm, I think that’s harsh. With a large number of people, it will turn into chaos. And there is a possibility of friendly fire with magic.

At such a moment, Emma fully exerts her high communication ability.

「There is a better way. Several people good at close combat form groups and set on all four sides. Magicians gather in the center and provide support when it comes to battle.」

「I see. This mountain has many trees and slopes. With this formation, we can cope with surprise attacks. As expected of Emma-san. You are not only cute but smart as well.」

「That’s not true~.」

While acting modest, Emma makes a V-sign with her fingers. Since it was directed at me I show a smile. Emma is studying about strategy and monster from books. Her hardworking side displayed its power. People proficient in close combat form groups of two to three people and solidify formation’s front and back and then the flanks. What should I do? I’ll ask Emma.

「Emma, where do you go?」

「I will match with you.」

「Then, want to go to the front?」

「That’s nice, let’s go.」

Even in term of levels or battle experience I and Emma are on the top of S class. Us staying at the position with the highest likelihood of encountering enemies will reduce risks of accidents.

「Be careful since footing here is bad.」

「Yeah. By the way, the monsters here are pixies aand… What else was there?」

「Spear lizards, as they say. Looks like it’s lizardmen who prefer spears.」

It seems they move in groups, I wouldn’t be happy if they attacked us en mass. The lodgings are near the top so let’s stay ready for the encounter.

Near an hour passed without meeting any monsters.

「Unexpectedly, there are no monsters」


「Don’t! Noir-kun, get back without stepping there!」

「Eeeh… Hah.」

My body promptly reacts to the warning given by someone. Retreating with a backstep, I put myself on guard for what is about to happen, but there is nothing.

The one who yelled right now was a long-haired boy… Yolt-kun.

「Did you sense something from that place?」

「Fu Fu Fu, Noir. I saved your life.」

He combs his long bangs upwards, picks up a large stone that was lying around and throws it forward. The moment it fell to the place where I was about to step not long ago, the ground collapsed and revealed the pitfall.

No way… So there was a trap?

「…You have my gratitude, Yolt-kun.」

「C’mon, no reason required to help your comrades.」

Making thumbs up gesture, Yolt-kun was sneaking peeks towards the girls. Girls seemed to be a bit creeped out but I was truly grateful. I mean there were several bamboo spears at the bottom of the hole.

It wouldn’t be a surprise if I was injured after falling there.

「Thank you for saving Noir.」

「E-Emma-san… I-it’s cool, I didn’t do anything speciar.」

Your wild persona is crumbling, Yolt-kun. That aside, I tilt my head puzzled.

「But who could have done this?」

「Maybe someone who does not want us to reach hot springs?」

「Do you mean other guests? No, no one would do such a thing. I think Pixies might be to blame.」

「Pixies are small. They won’t be able to make such a hole.」

It’s exactly as Emma says. Pixie is how fairies who have fallen into depravity are called. I have never seen one myself but them being small enough to sit on a palm of a hand is a famous story.

As we were racking our brains, suddenly, a soft female laugh came from above.

「I know, I do, I know.」

The one who called out to us was a small person with transparent wings… That expression might not be fitting since she was way too small. A girl that might not even have twenty centimeters in height.

Silky hair and light brown skin. If she was a human I guess she would be around the same as us?

In a relaxed manner she flies in front of our speechless faces and continues talking.

「That hole was dug up by bad humans. Humans that are called bandits.」

「And what you are called?」

「I am a monster called Pixie. But don’t get me wrong. I swear to god I will not do anything bad.」

Is she being so sociable because she wants to suck up to us? But combinations of mini size and that attitude definitely made me think that she is cute.

Looks like other students also felt the same way.

「So cute, however…」

「Yeah, pixies trick people.」

「How outrageous… Even pixies have good and bad ones. Aren’t humans the same?」

Under the gaze of cute and round eyes, everyone apologized. Intelligence was equal or even higher than that of humans. Such opponents ought to be examined first.

Name: Pixie

Level: 5

Skills: Monster Mind Control

Plain strength matched her appearance but【Monster Mind Control】bothered me. If it allows full control at her will then it’s both very powerful and convenient. But can level 5 pixie control someone of a higher level than her?

First I check the teacher. She closed her eyes. Which means, she won’t give us any advice and we should carry on at your own discretion.

「Emma, everyone, what do you think?」

「I… Think it’s fine to trust her a little bit.」

「Me too, I can’t really see her as a bad person.」

「I want to believe as well. In fact, it seems that bandits do appear around this area.」

Looks like cute is justice, and everyone’s eyes become gentler. I tried to tell them about【Monster Mind Control】but pixie was one move ahead of me.

「I love everyone! I love humans very much. Is it hot spring lodgings? I will guide you.」

Urging to follow her, pixie flies ahead leading the way. We keep our formation and go after her.

「Hey, Noir, it’s nice that she is a good monster.」

「…Yea, you are right.」

Sure, not every monster is evil. There are also those that obey humans or get along with them. Toramaru is a monster as well.

However, because we are dealing with the pixie I cannot relax. Let’s decide on the rules here.

1, Pixie leads away from the road.

2, Monsters come out but pixie says it’s fine because they are friends.

If any of these were to occur, I will perceive her as a bad monster.

「Hey listen, what is your name?」

「I’m Noir.」

「Are you the leader?」

「No, I’m not. Ain’t I too weak?」

「Ufufufu, you might be right. By the way, Noir, how about we go off the road a bit? I actually know some secluded place. There is actually one more hot spring.」

「Hot spring?!」

It seems that Yolt-kun was blinded by a hot spring and answers in an exaggerated fashion. Other students started talking about going as well, so I warn them.

「Don’t you think it’s dangerous… We are going to a hot spring anyway, so let’s just hurry to our original destination.」

「It’s cool. I have trap detection. If there is a dangerous area I will tell you right away.」

「But it’s not like you can spot everything?」

「Let’s take a vote.」

Yolt asks everyone if they want to head for the inn or drop by the secret spot. Vote by raising hands showed clearly that people who wanted to visit the secret spot were in the majority. Emma also at first raised her hand for the secret spot but lowered it after looking at me. Sorry for troubling you.

「Then, it’s decided, Follow me.」

「Everyone, let’s go!」

Pixie and Yolt-kun advance, full of enthusiasm. While I had some complaints, I chased after them, hoping that perhaps we will enjoy the secret spot without any incidents.

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