The Highest Bounty

Chapter 192 - The Battle Situation In The Prison

Chapter 192: The Battle Situation In The Prison

Gu Ding hurried out of the port, knowing that he would not stand a chance with such a tight lockdown.

The regular army stationed at the port was not an obstacle to Gu Ding. However, the ten-men Hunter squad led by Noami was a great threat to him.

Eight of the ten people in the Hunter squad were Rank-11 Gene Bodies. Only Noami, the squad’s captain, and King Kong, the squad’s vice-captain, were an exception as they were Rank-12 Gene Bodies. Besides that, the ten people knew Ultimate Arts. Although their Ultimate Arts was incomplete, it was enough to generate a certain amount of increase in combat effectiveness.

Although it would not be difficult for Gu Ding to get rid of a Rank-11 powerhouse if he activated Ultimate Arts Level 11, it would be impossible for him to get rid of a Rank-11 powerhouse quietly. In such a scenario, as soon as there were sounds of fighting, the two Rank-12 powerhouses would immediately rush to the scene to provide support. Therefore, the chances of him sneaking into the port at night, taking out one or two Hunters, and snatching a spaceship were almost zero.

After finding a safe location, Gu Ding dialed Lilliath’s number.

“Gu Ding, are you all right?” Nearly half the day had gone by; Lilliath and the others were worried. If Gu Ding’s visit to the prison had gone well, they would have heard from him in an hour at most. Nevertheless, it had been four to five hours since they last heard from him.

“I’m fine. For some reason, they’re putting the port on lockdown. There’s also a Hunter squad here. Don’t come. I should be able to get away on my own. We’ll find another planet to meet up later.” Gu Ding seemed calm.

“The port is under lockdown? You didn’t cause any trouble, did you?” Lilliath did not think that it was good news.

“Thorso recognized me but he had no proof, so he didn’t do anything at first. However, he wouldn’t let me go just like that and had the Army put the port under lockdown. In a fit of rage, I asked Neptune to unlock all the prisoners. As a result, the entire Leoben Prison is now in chaos,” Gu Ding gave a general account of what had happened. “It doesn’t matter though. I’ve changed to a second mask. No one should recognize me.”

“What are you going to do now?” Lilliath thought it was better to have a plan in such situations.

“I’ve thought about it and there are three ways to do it. The first is to seize the opportunity and grab an Army spaceship when the guards at the port are slacking. The second is to wait for the prisoners to get out of prison to create chaos and leave amidst the chaos. The third way is to wait for the Army to lift the port’s lockdown and get aboard a tourist ship or cargo ship. After all, they can’t keep the planet’s port under lockdown for so long. Not to mention, this is a tourist planet.”

“Who are the people in the Hunter squad?” Lilliath was trying to help Gu Ding find a better way.

“Two Rank-12 Gene Bodies and eight Rank-11 Gene Bodies.” Gu Ding then told Lilliath about his biggest obstacle so far, “The main thing is that the ten men are well guarded and I don’t think I’ll be able to find an opportunity. If I want to grab a spaceship, I’ll have to fight at least one of them. However, with my powers, I’ll need to wait until my third Damage Stacking proc to kill a Rank-11 Gene Body. By the time I kill one of them, the others would have realized and found out my location. I might not lose even if I encounter a Rank-12 powerhouse, but there’s certainly no chance of me winning.”

“Therefore, the biggest problem is the two Rank-12 captains.” Lilliath understood what Gu Ding was trying to say. “In that case, we’ll dock the spaceship in the port and get Elsa and Tagore to help you take care of it. Once those ten people have been taken care of, you can get on board immediately. In any case, the port’s armor-piercing cannons as well as the other spaceships will fail under Neptune’s control, posing no threat to our Golden Eagle.”

“That sounds feasible, but let’s just wait, and I’ll see if I can escape by myself. If possible, I don’t want you to get involved in this affair. Although it doesn’t look very serious at the moment, we don’t know what will happen next. After all, this incident was caused by my own willfulness, and you should not bear the consequences.” Gu Ding was aware that his actions this time were unwise. Nevertheless, he did not want to leave any regrets in life, so he had insisted on seeing Perrett. He also admitted that his behavior this time was a little selfish, which was why he did not want the other members to get involved in the matter. There was a chance his own personal crisis would turn into a crisis for the entire crew.

“What are you talking about? We’re partners, and what partners do is have delicious meals together and deal with challenges together. Otherwise, how could we call ourselves partners? We’re coming over now. We’ll be there in about half an hour. We were worried that if we got too close, we’d be spotted by the Army, so we docked the spaceship a little further away. Get Neptune to open the platform canopy and lock the port’s armor-piercing cannons,” Lilliath said and hung up.

Gu Ding ended the call and looked in the direction of Leoben Prison. His biggest worry at the moment was what might be happening there. “Check what’s going on in the prison, Neptune.”

Neptune immediately projected surveillance footage of the prison.

The battle between Thorso and Breid was still ongoing. The twelve men behind Breid had joined the battle as well, but Thorso was still holding his own against them.

“How did Thorso get so strong?” Gu Ding was surprised to see such a scene. Gu Ding had fought against Thorso before. Although he knew that Thorso had not used all his strength at that time, the situation of the battle in the video showed that Thorso could kill him with one finger.

“He’s capable of fighting across three large ranks. Not to mention, with that incomplete god item in his hands, no demigod can match him. It is only natural if he can defeat Breid.” Neptune was not surprised at all. He was aware from the start that Thorso had held back a lot of his powers when the latter fought Gu Ding.

In the video, black chains were spread all over the place. They were almost everywhere, thwarting Breid and his men’s movements each second. Meanwhile, each of them could be seen trying to dodge and avoid being chained. Two of the thirteen men had found themselves wrapped in cocoons after being caught by the chains. So far, nothing had been done to them. Two others were hit by the black plumb bob at the end of the chain and had fallen to the ground with serious injuries–they were no longer a threat.

Whenever the black plumb bob was about to attack, it would quickly change its size from that of a fist size to that of a giant sphere which was two meters in diameter, crushing its opponent. The bones of the two men who had been hit were completely crushed, and their internal organs were dislocated due to the shock of the blow.

The black chain, like a thousand twisting little snakes, densely crept all over the broken prison gates. It formed a black wall of snakes that wriggled and closed the exit, leaving no space in between.

On the battlefield, there were only twelve men left. Ten of Breid’s men, except Breid himself, were only holding on and dodging as best they could. Nevertheless, Breid was not at ease. He moved at a speed so fast that even if the video’s playback speed was slowed down by a hundred-fold, Gu Ding would only be able to see a blue outline of his body. It was as if he was completely out of sight. In stark contrast to Breid, Thorso was basically standing where he was without any motion. His energy was all focused on commanding the chain to attack.

“Breid is also a Natural Streamer. His ability is lightning, so he has terrific speed and attack power. However, his power is being restrained by the chain whereby his lightning will be absorbed if he uses it. Hence, you can see that he’s not using it,” Neptune explained beside Gu Ding.

“If that’s the case, they won’t be able to escape at all.” Gu Ding watched longer for not more than a minute and came out with a conclusion, “The doors are sealed, and the prison walls cannot be broken. The only way is to get rid of Thorso, but Thorso has a powerful and almost near god item. His attack and defense are one complete entity.”

“You’ve only seen the surface.” Neptune gave a different opinion, “You must take into account the fact that all the prison guards have been killed. Even the deputy warden has been killed. Only Thorso is left, he’s struggling to hold the fort.”

Neptune projected more than twenty camera images as he spoke–they were all pictures of corpses that belonged to prison guards. Gu Ding frowned as he saw the images. He knew that none of it would have happened had it not been for him. He was responsible for the deaths of nearly two hundred prison staff. In the images, dozens of combat robots that had been destroyed could also be seen. Additionally, all of the prison’s equipment had been smashed to pieces. The prison had been overrun by more than eighty thousand prisoners, and Thorso was alone...

“No matter how strong Thorso is, he won’t last for too long as he’ll eventually use up all his strength. Besides, his greatest enemy now is not Breid who is fighting him head-on but the vultures who have been hiding for more than half an hour. Breid may be the prison’s bully, but there are two other men in the prison who are just as good as him. One of them is a Dark Sectors’ Insider. His name is Tulu, codenamed Slayer. He didn’t like power, and his only hobby is killing, so he didn’t have any minions in prison. Nevertheless, Breid never dared to mess with him. The other one is Ghostwalker who hails from the Abyss. People of his race are natural killers. He was ostracized by humans because he was an abyss creature, but it has to be said that no one dared to provoke him. The two men have been watching the ongoing battle from the surveillance camera’s blind spot for more than half an hour. The moment Thorso shows any sign of weakness, he will inevitably receive a fatal blow. It is only a matter of time before the over eighty-eight thousand prisoners get out.”

Neptune projected a photo of Tulu and Ghostwalker as he spoke.

The man on the left was about the same height as Biggie; the gnarly muscled and fierce-looking, middle-aged man was Dark Sectors’ Tulu. On the other hand, the man beside him was thin and slightly rickety. His skin had a rocky tint to it, and his eyes were an inhuman bloody red–his pupils and irises were invisible, and his hands had no fingers. Sharp thorns covered his arms from their elbows down, and their maroon color made it look like they were poisonous.

Just as Gu Ding was still looking at the two pictures, the battlefield where Thorso was in changed abruptly...

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