The Highest Bounty

Chapter 99 - The Best Ingredients in Honor of My Bestest Friends

Chapter 99: The Best Ingredients in Honor of My Bestest Friends

Lake Laker was the largest lake on Planet Derisis, shaped like a broad leaf, it spanned over eight hundred thousand square kilometers.

The annual Food Festival always chose places with an abundance of resources and large spaces for the audience. Therefore, Lake Laker was undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Gu Ding and his gang arrived early at the Food Festival site. The entrance ticket price was steep and cost three hundred Star Credits per person.

“Biggie, I don’t think Lili and I can eat our three hundred Star Credits worth of food, so it’ll be more worth it if you ate some of our share.” Gu Ding looked at Liliath, who was eating her ice cream slowly as he shook his head.

At that moment, a beautiful lady in a bikini walked toward the three of them and her eyes landed on the ice cream machine behind them.

Liliath looked at her chest that jiggled with every step. She pouted and tilted her head with contempt, “What’s the use of having such big ones? You can’t even use it as a pillow.”

“That’s a nice size, don’t you think?” Gu Ding said with full honesty when his attention went to the beautiful lady’s chest after he heard what Liliath said.

Liliath rolled her eyes at Gu Ding, “Get away from me! And don’t eavesdrop!”

“Did I say something wrong?” Gu Ding looked at Biggie beside him.

Biggie shook his head. “I’ve always heard people in the tavern saying that a woman’s mind is hard to read. Perhaps this is one of those times.”

“Biggie, let’s have some steak. Those big steaks are at least twenty Star Credits a piece. You could get your money’s worth if you ate fifteen of them.” Gu Ding grinned and pointed at the basin-sized steak on display at a nearby stall.

When Biggie saw the crystal-clear grease ooze out of the grilled steak above the charcoal fire, he nearly drooled because it had been a long time since he last ate such a meal.

“Yo, isn’t this our Biggie?” A discordant voice came from behind.

Gu Ding could tell that the voice belonged to the shopkeeper of the tavern that they visited.

“It’s only been a day, right? I almost couldn’t recognize you with that suit on.”

At that time, Biggie wore a black suit and had a dark blue bowtie on. That outfit was chosen by Liliath because a black suit was subtle, not overly eye-catching, but formal enough. Moreover, wearing black had a slimming effect so Biggie’s tummy looked smaller. As for the dark blue bowtie, Liliath wanted to add a little embellishment because Biggie looked too serious with his suit on. After Liliath’s constant pestering, Biggie shaved his entire face clean. He looked cleaner and well-groomed without his beard, too. From the forty-year-old look, he could finally pass as a thirty-something, with a rugged yet handsome look.

“Don’t forget that he’s not your employee anymore,” Gu Ding turned around and stared at the shopkeeper coldly.

“Are you the customer from yesterday?” The shop owner had previously seen Gu Ding and Liliath from the kitchen window, so he remembered their faces. “Young man, I advise you not to take him in just because he looks pitiful. He’s nothing more than a lazy slacker who eats more than he works. It’s alright, you’ll find out in a few days. But by then, it’ll be too late to kick him out.”

Gu Ding Silent Stepped and appeared in front of the shop owner instantly. With an intimidating look in his eyes, he said, “Let me give you a warning. Stop slandering my partner or I’ll beat you up!”

The store owner was scared for a while. Although he was a Level 5 Gene Body, he could not tell how Gu Ding moved so quickly. He sneered coldly and turned away.

“Biggie, you don’t need to be polite to these kinds of people. The more polite you are, the more arrogant he’ll be.” When Gu Ding turned back, he patted Biggie’s thigh. At their current height difference, he could only pat Biggie’s thigh.

“Hehe.” Biggie giggled. When Gu Ding defended him, Biggie was touched. However, he was a little worried on the inside. It was not about burdening the two of them by the amount he ate; it was something else.

“Gu Ding, I have something to tell you,” Gu Ding was about to grab a piece of meat cutlet before Biggie pulled him to the corner.

“Oh...” It was the first time Gu Ding saw Biggie being that serious. He guessed that there was something heavy that Biggie wanted to talk about.

“Despite my physique, I can’t really face humans in battle. But when it’s a beast, I have been able to easily knock down a Level 7 Gene Body since I was ten years old. However, I can’t do anything to humans.” Biggie told Gu Ding about his secret, “I don’t know why it’s so. Whenever I try to fight a human, a bloody and terrifying image appears in my mind... In the end, I end up shuddering and shaking uncontrollably.”

“It’s alright, Liliath and I been looking for a cook for a long time. Even though my egg fried rice tastes good, we can’t stand eating the same thing for many days at a time. You’re a cook, so just focus on being a good cook. You can leave the rest to us.” Gu Ding grinned. When Biggie revealed his secrets, it was an indication of his trust in Gu Ding, and Gu Ding would never let anyone who trusted him down.

“Trust is equivalent to baring your heart out. When others are willing to give their heart out to you, you should form an unbreakable box, pack it inside of that, and keep it safe.” That sentence was told by Dad, and it had been ingrained deeply in Gu Ding’s heart.

“Gu Ding, I want to prepare a dish for Lili and you during the Food Festival. Although I haven’t figured out how I’ll make it, I’ve decided what ingredients I plan on using. It’s the best ingredients you can get from this lake!” Biggie smiled. In fact, Biggie has been contemplating whether he wanted to do it before he came to the Food Festival. However, upon seeing how Gu Ding reacted when he told him his secret, he decided that he must, and he would. Otherwise, he was sure he would regret it.

When Biggie said that, he squatted slightly, and then suddenly exerted force. His body sprang out at a speed that was imperceptible to Gu Ding’s eyes. The only thing Gu Ding saw was Biggie squatting followed by a sudden vigorous movement. He even noticed the strange airflow surrounding them but once he saw it, Biggie had completely disappeared.

“He’s a martial arts practitioner with primary power?!” Gu Ding had a sudden realization and remembered the masked man that erupted the volcano with a single bullet in Planet Constlac. Although Biggie was not yet that strong, he had the same primary power as the martial arts practitioner.

“That’s right!” Neptune concurred, “It’s unsurprising for people with the Knife Heart ability to grasp the primary power.”

In less than a few minutes, a deafening roar that sounded like a giant beast came from the lake. However, the roar sounded like it was a cry of pain.

After a while, a giant figure shot out from the water and landed on the shore.

The entire scene was jaw-dropping.

“Oh gosh, it’s the giant golden alligator! Look at the ridges on its spine, it has evolved to level 8!” A bystander exclaimed.

At that moment, Biggie leaped out from the water. He was soaked but his clothes were intact as he walked toward Gu Ding while dragging the giant beast by its tail.

“I want to get the best ingredients for this Food Festival in honor of my best friends!”

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