The Human Emperor

Chapter 2435 - Side Story Chapter 8: The Turkic Peace Talks!

Chapter 2435 Side Story Chapter 8: The Turkic Peace Talks!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The words drew everyone’s attention, and they all turned to the speaker.

Behind a nearby sandalwood table, an energetic figure was clapping in admiration. This man’s clothes were clearly different from the clothes of the Great Tang, exuding a foreign aura.

Behind him were several people dressed in the same way. These were foreign emissaries who were taking part in the Spring Rain Banquet.

When the officials saw who had spoken, they all chuckled and said nothing. The Hu were not fluent in the Tang language, so their praise tended to be exaggerated, but the officials understood what he meant.

The Hu did not sit down as everyone looked at him. Once the performers of the Thunderclap Drums had left the hall, he bowed in the Turkic fashion and then slowly began to speak to the Tang Emperor.

“The First Prince of the Turkic Khaganate, Ashina Cui, wishes the Great Tang eternal peace and prosperity!”

All of the officials were somewhat startled.

The foreign emissaries had all been invited to the Spring Rain Banquet, and the Turkic First Prince, Ashina Cui, was naturally one of them. But this was purely a feast meant for amusement. No one understood why the Turkic First Prince had stood up at this time.

Moreover, relations between the Turks and Tang were tense at the moment, and the frequent battles had already made the Turks a major problem on the Great Tang’s northern border. This First Prince had a special status, and his every word and action was significant.

In truth, that the Turkic Khagan’s number one successor would appear in the Great Tang was astonishing enough!

A number of major officials in the hall frowned.

But Ashina Cui was unperturbed.

“Ashina was born on the frontier and has never experienced this sort of entertainment or this kind of feast. I thank the Tang Emperor for permitting Ashina to personally experience it, truly broadening my horizon! It was no loss for Ashina to come from afar to the Great Tang!

“In addition, Ashina wishes that the Tang Emperor may live ten thousand years! Ten thousand years!”

Ashina Cui ignored the others as he once more respectfully bowed to the Tang Emperor. He exuded such grace and elegance that he did not seem at all like a Turkic savage.

The Tang Emperor waved his hand and lightly said, “First Prince is being too polite. It is fine so long as the Prince enjoys it, as it means that the Great Tang is not lacking in courtesy to its guests!”

Visitors were guests, and no matter what the state of Tang-Turkic relationships were, this Turkic Prince was at least acting properly.

“The Spring Rain Banquet is enjoyed by all of the Great Tang. Ashina wishes to use this occasion to give Your Majesty a gift!

“On this trip to the Great Tang, Ashina came with an order from the Turkic Khagan to discuss peace with the Great Tang, so as to resolve past grievances in the hopes that the Great Tang and the Turks can enjoy good relations for all time!”

All the officials were dumbfounded, and the Palace of Qilin Virtue became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Li Taiyi, who had his eyes closed as he enjoyed the banquet, suddenly opened his eyes, his sharp and cold gaze aimed at the Turkic First Prince.

The Spring Rain Banquet!


Peace talks!

That major event from his memories was finally happening!

This was the crucial juncture of the thunderclap coup! A turning point in the fate of the Great Tang!

Li Taiyi narrowed his eyes, aiming a piercing and freezing stare at the First Prince.

Meanwhile, Ashina Cui continued to speak.

“The origins behind the battles between the Turks and the Tang can only be found far back in history, but in the final analysis, it is because neither side trusts or understands each other. Several hundred years ago, both the Great Qin and the Great Han of the Central Plains invaded the Turkic steppe, and the Turks suffered grievous losses. It is for this reason that we have always regarded the Central Plains as a major foe.

“But while the Turks have seemed to come out with more victories than defeats in the many years of battle, the Great Tang is not a weak country. The Turks have lost many people, and many once-fertile fields can no longer be used as pasture.

“Many mothers have lost their children, sons have lost their fathers, families have been broken apart, and the herds of livestock and horses have been greatly depleted. I am sure Your Majesty also knows that our steppe recently suffered from a great blizzard that led to many livestock freezing to death, many shepherds suffering from starvation and freezing. Yet the war still continued!

“The Great Tang believes that the Turkic Empire will move southward, and we Turks have always believed that the Tang will emulate the Great Qin and Great Han by invading the steppe, driving us from our homes, driving us from the steppe. This is a misunderstanding from both sides.

“But this one is different. From a young age, I was taught by the Tang, and I admired the Great Tang’s culture and style. In the future, if I take the throne, I will certainly be eternal friends with the Great Tang.

“In truth, I have spent many years attempting to remonstrate with my father, the Khagan, telling him that the people of the Central Plains enjoy peace and have no intentions of expanding into the steppe.

“I know that the Tang Emperor must have many doubts, but for many years now, my Imperial Father has contemplated an end to the fighting. Yet his dignity prevents him from being the first to come forward.”

Ashina Cui paused a moment.

“In addition, on this journey to the Great Tang, my Khagan Father ordered me to present a Turkic treasure to the Tang Emperor as an expression of sincerity!

“Besides this, we are willing to pay one hundred thousand head of livestock, eight thousand warhorses, and one hundred thousand taels of gold in compensation to the Great Tang and to request its forgiveness!”

As he spoke, Ashina Cui raised his hand, revealing a gold-embroidered document that he sincerely presented with both hands.

In his hands was a peace treaty written in both Turkic and Tang languages!


All the officials within the Palace of Qilin Virtue immediately began to chatter.

The Turks wanted peace, and they were willing to hand over a Turkic treasure, one hundred thousand head of livestock, eight thousand horses, and one hundred thousand taels of gold in compensation? This was unprecedented.

“The Turkic Empire wants to talk peace? Is this real? Really real?”

“It can’t be wrong. They’ve even sent the Khagan’s heir, the First Prince. Would they really do this if they didn’t want peace?”

“Constant war over the last few years, particularly with the Turks, has drained the empire of wealth, resources, and manpower! That the Turks have come forward to talk peace is wonderful news!”

“If the war really is ended, we can reduce the burden of taxation and labor on the common folk, allowing them to return to their lives.”

The officials were all delighted to hear this news.

Two hundreds years ago, the Turks had experienced a sudden rise and begun to spread into the Western Regions, gobbling up territory. As they expanded, they gradually earned the attention of the other countries. Each Turkic Khagan was brimming with ambition and had expanded the Turkic Khaganate’s territory.

War was cruel and heartless, and no one liked it. Wars were all about sorrowful partings and separation by death, and the common people thus loathed war.

The compensation proposed by the Turks was secondary!

If they had truly come to discuss peace, then this was the best news of the banquet. It meant that the common folk of the Great Tang could return to their normal routines!

As the officials in the Palace of Qilin Virtue grew more and more excited, to the right of the Tang Emperor, Li Taiyi sipped his wine, and his eyes grew colder and colder.

A pile of nonsense!

This Turkic First Prince’s magnanimous words might have been able to fool others, but not him!

Li Taiyi would have been happy if the Turks actually wanted peace, but this was far from the truth.

From the history that he understood, it was precisely because the Tang had too easily trusted the Turks’ words of peace, trusted in their promises of livestock, horses, gold, cattle, and treasure, that the Great Tang had plunged into the abyss, never able to recover!

The Turks had chosen exactly the right moment!

The Great Tang had been embroiled in wars for many years, and the country had been emptied out, the people overburdened. The common folk had begun to loathe the thought of war and think of peace. This was human nature, for every person had a desire for peace and a dislike for war.

This was particularly true for the civil officials. They had fiercely opposed war, and over the last few years, they had sent daily memorials requesting peace talks, enough to create mountains.

The hearts of the people longed for peace!

This peace treaty from the Turkic First Prince was timely rain for the dry fields of the Central Plains.

And in truth...

Li Taiyi glanced up and saw the Tang Emperor reading through the Turkic peace treaty. Though his expression was hard to fathom, he could see a hint of hesitation.

It was clear that his father was somewhat tempted by the proposal and was beginning to weigh the pros and cons.

Li Taiyi’s face turned grave.

The influence of the officials and society had already pushed his father toward peace!

This was bad news!

The only blessing was that Li Taiyi knew his father was no incompetent sovereign. Even if he wanted to end the war, he would not recklessly make a decision that concerned the welfare of the country.

As the officials in the hall continued to happily converse, the Tang Emperor finally spoke, his voice rumbling through the Palace of Qilin Virtue. “General Wei, what do you think?”

The Palace of Qilin Virtue instantly fell quiet, everyone looking over.

Not far from Li Taiyi, a stalwart figure stood up. His body exuded the aura of a battlefield veteran. This was none other than the Lingwu Circuit Army General Commander, Wei Yuanzhong.

This was the man the Tang Emperor had ordered to the northern border to fend off the Turkic raids.

In the steppe to the north, the Turkic Empire was at the height of its power, stronger than it had been in any other moment of its history. If not for Wei Yuanzhong and the two other vital lynchpins of the empire appearing at critical moments to push back the Turks, the northern region would have already been lost.

In the empire, Great General Wei’s words held a great deal of weight.

This was the reason the Tang Emperor had asked for his opinion.


A hint of hesitation appeared in Wei Yuanzhong’s eyes.

“Your Majesty, this subject has fought against the Turks for many years in conflicts large and small. This subject considers himself rather skilled in the art of war, but when it comes to court politics... this subject does not understand too much. As a lowly subject, I recommend that whether it is in peace or war, this matter is of such importance that it is best to act cautiously and think everything over carefully.”

Once he was done speaking, Wei Yuanzhong respectfully bowed to the Tang Emperor.

Civil officials administered the country while generals guarded the border. Wei Yuanzhong was extremely skilled in the art of war and fearlessly charged across the battlefield, slaying foes and rendering great achievements for the empire, but court politics was something else entirely.

(TN: Historically, Wei Yuanzhong was more of a civil official then a general, the sole time he served as commanding general being when Wu Zetian assigned him to fend off the Turks.)

The court was not a battlefield, and martial strength had no use there. Moreover, there was a massive chasm between the martial path and the civil path, particularly when it came to political discussions.

Li Taiyi saw the hesitation on Wei Yuanzhong’s face and instantly understood.

Wei Yuanzhong cherished his soldiers. When he lost soldiers, he would personally go to the homes of the bereaved to return their belongings—a practice which had earned him widespread praise.

The Turks were using Wei Yuanzhong’s love of the people to assist them in their sham peace talks with the Great Tang.

This thought made the glare that Li Taiyi had for Ashina Cui turn even colder.

Ashina Cui had not even noticed Li Taiyi at this time. Seeing Wei Yuanzhong’s reaction, he subtly smiled, a smug feeling in his heart.

Everything was going too smoothly!

So long as he continued to push matters along and feigned civility, the peace treaty would be signed.

Once they deceived the Great Tang into handing over a strategic piece of land and then found a way to kill that Wei Yuanzhong who was hindering their advance, the Great Tang would completely fall to the Turks!

And it wasn’t just the Great Tang. The Turks would repeat the process, tricking Ü-Tsang and Goguryeo into signing peace treaties, and by the end, the Turks would be the only empire in this world!

Just when Ashina Cui was inwardly rejoicing, a crisp and young voice resounded through the Palace of Qilin Virtue.

“Imperial Father, your son has something to say!”

The Palace of Qilin Virtue suddenly fell silent, everyone turning to Li Taiyi with frowns and confused expressions.

“This is an important matter of state. Why is the Third Prince making trouble?”

The officials creased their brows.

Three feet of ice did not build up across a single day of cold. The Third Prince had washed away the suspicions on him, but it was not that easy to change how the court officials viewed him.

Looking around, Li Taiyi naturally knew what they were thinking, but he did not care. His back straight and his eyes unswerving, he spoke to the Tang Emperor with an extremely grave tone.

“Imperial Father, your son does not believe that this matter is as simple as it seems. The Turks have many times more soldiers and people than our country, and they even have the advantage on the battlefield. The Turks have always been excellent fighters, admiring the strong. Given their past behavior, why would they seek peace when they have the advantage?

“Isn’t this far too strange?”

Everyone in the Palace of Qilin Virtue frowned as they began to consider this.

Even Turkic First Prince Ashina Cui suddenly turned to Li Taiyi, his heart thumping.

“The Great Tang has always been at a disadvantage when it comes to the war against the Turks. The Great Tang has primarily infantry while the Turks have primarily cavalry. Past the Yin Mountains, the terrain is flat and featureless. If not for the strategic fortifications at the Yin Mountains, the Turks would have already penetrated into the interior.

“Besides that, if the Turks persisted in their southern invasions and penetrated into the critical lands of the Great Tang, the Great Tang’s resources, manpower, and wealth would be rapidly drained as if they were being poured into a bottomless pit. It would not be long before the Great Tang was completely hollowed out.

“Besides that, the increased taxes and labor would stoke public discontent...

“Everyone, if you were the Turkic Khagan, what would you choose?”

Li Taiyi spoke every word with force and vigor, and his body radiated a majesty that could not be ignored.

Li Taiyi’s words were like a bucket of water, and many of the officials came down from their excited highs.

After all, they were veteran politicians with decades of experience. No matter how much they disliked the Third Prince, they had to admit that his words were reasonable.

“Your Majesty, the Third Prince is right. The Turks have been going from strength to strength as of late, particularly after the enthronement of Ashina Mochuo. The Turkic armies have been striking directly at the Central Plains, and the people living on the border are suffering. How could the Turks come forth to discuss peace?”

(TN: Ashina Mochuo is also known as Qaphagan Khagan. He was the second Khagan of the Second Turkic Khaganate, which was the Turkic power in the time of Wu Zetian’s reign.)

An official in a violet robe stood up and bowed. This was none other than Secretariat Director Zhou Sheng.

“Yes, Your Majesty. If the Turks are coming forward to talk peace, they must be harboring ill intentions!”

“A war declaration from them can be trusted, but when it comes to peace treaties, the matter must be approached carefully!”

In a flash, a significant number of major officials began to express their opinions.

Their words caused a subtle shift on the Tang Emperor’s face.

Li Taiyi smiled at this, knowing that his words had proved effective.

At this moment, a violet-robed rank three official seated across from Li Taiyi, clearly intoxicated, raised his wine cup and said, “Third Highness, a cessation of hostilities between the two countries is a blessing for the common folk. Why is it that when you speak of it, it seems to have a completely different taste?”

This official was part of Second Prince Li Chengyi’s faction, so he had never liked the Third Prince. Moreover, because of the embezzlement case, Imperial Censor Dao had investigated his estate, increasing the official’s distaste for Li Taiyi.

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