Chapter 512: Encounter With Nono

Cerulean Galaxy, Planet Allen, the most desolate planet in this galaxy.

The living conditions on Planet Allen were extremely harsh. There was a lack of fresh water, and there were all kinds of piled up trash. People from the same galaxy jokingly called it a slum where inferior people lived.

All the executives who were sent here would secretly sigh that they were unlucky enough to not get much profit, and they would still have to suffer here for ten years!

Anyone who had connections would hope that before the end of their ten-year term, they could ask someone to send a letter to the Milky Way Galactic Alliance to transfer them out of this planet.

It was morning on Planet Allen.

The gray sky was shrouded in a hazy air current. All kinds of rusty metal garbage were piled up into small mountains, and under the gray fog, they gave off a metallic luster.

A young woman was lying next to the pile of metal garbage. Her white dress was now covered in dust. Only the blue diamond necklace around her neck was still dazzling.

Her beautiful face was very weak. Her face was pale and her lips were abnormally white. It was obvious that she had not drunk water for a long time.

Her thin and small body was like a weak flower in the wind and rain. It was about to be blown to the ground by the wind and wither.


Su Wan was in the darkness for a long time. Suddenly, she felt as if someone was talking in her ear.

It was a language she had never heard before. Su Wan could not understand what the person was saying.

However, that person kept nagging at her. That person’s voice was very anxious, as if they were determined to wake her up from the darkness.

That person’s voice was also very strange. It was like the voice of a ten-year-old child. Su Wan could not tell if it was a boy or a girl. She only thought that his or her voice was very cute.

If it was more appropriate to describe it, it should be called “budding.”

However, no matter the budding voice, if it kept talking in her ear, it would also start to get annoying.

Was it a child who was playing a prank on her?

Su Wan sighed in her heart. Suddenly, she felt as if her body was being run over by something. She could not stop the pain.

All the bones in her body were screaming in pain. She felt as if she was being squashed.

Su Wan opened her eyes with great effort. In a trance, it was as if she saw a huge mountain blocking her way.

Whose child is this? Stop making noise, okay?

Su Wan wanted to see clearly who the child was, but her eyelids were so heavy. After opening them for a short while, she could not help but close her eyes.

I’m so tired, I want to sleep...

Don’t be so noisy, I’m really tired...

Just as Su Wan wanted to completely fall into the darkness, an image suddenly popped up in her mind.

On the cliff in the middle of the night, the meteors were as bright as day. She held Jiang Xuecheng in her arms, desperately waiting for the arrival of death.

But she was still conscious, and she could still feel the existence of her body!

Did this mean that she was not dead and that Jiang Xuecheng was not dead too?!

When she realized this, Su Wan quivered. She thought that she had moved a lot, but her body was too tired, so she could only scratch the ground lightly with her fingers.

Su Wan was anxious and immediately wanted to shout the name of Jiang Xuecheng.


When she said this, she realized that her throat was extremely hoarse, as if it had been burned by fire.

Su Wan’s voice was extremely soft. It was so weak that it sounded like a whine coming from a kitten’s mouth.

“Xue... cheng...”

However, it was after such a weak cry that Su Wan suddenly heard a familiar language.

It was still the same cute voice of a child. However, it was no longer in a language that Su Wan did not understand at all. Instead, it was in authentic Chinese.

“Warning, blood sugar level is low, nutritional value is extremely uneven, water deficiency level two.”

The other party’s tone was as if he was doing an academic report. However, with the tone of the child, it did not feel serious at all.

Su Wan tried hard to lift her eyelids, but it was as if there was a thin layer of gray fog in front of her. She could not open her eyes.

“Who are you... are you talking about me?”

Su Wan’s voice entered their ears. The other party hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they still answered.

“My name is Nono. I am talking to you. Why don’t you use the interstellar language? Chinese is such an ancient language. I’m afraid not many people know it now.”

Nono was a robot that had been input into many languages when it was created. It was proficient in many aspects of knowledge. It was given as a birthday gift to the son of a planet’s executive officer who was younger than ten years old.

Unfortunately, its original owner was extremely fond of the new and disliked the old. After having Nono for half a month, he abandoned it.

When it was first sent to Planet Allen, Nono’s fuselage was still brand new. However, the conditions here were too harsh. Nono had only stayed in the metal dumpster for two months, but its shell had already aged beyond recognition.

If the energy in Nono’s fuselage was not replenished, it would lose its function.

Although it knew that it would soon be thrown into the incinerator to be smelted, it had been programmed by the designer to enter a self-preservation program. Nono still entered a state of self-hibernation on a regular basis, hoping to slow down the loss of energy.

It did not expect to sense a weak life form as soon as she activated it today.

Nono had been programmed with the order to save its master first, but now its master was gone. It had only seen one person after so long. Nono could not bear to see her die just like that, so it kept wanting to wake Su Wan up.

Su Wan was stunned. This child was called Nono?

But what was the interstellar language? Was it a language that was more widespread than Chinese?

But that was impossible...

Just as Su Wan was puzzled, Nono’s fuselage suddenly emitted a beep. It was a warning from the self-hibernation program.

Nono was shocked. It tried its best to yell at Su Wan three seconds before it went into hibernation.

“I’m going into hibernation. From time to time, some residents come here to steal garbage. If you see them, you must remember to ask them for help! Otherwise, you will die if you continue like this!”


Su Wan was temporarily confused about the situation. She vaguely sensed that this place did not seem to be the cliff near the lavender field.

But since she did not die, shouldn’t she be sent to the hospital? Why did she hear from the child called Nono that this place seemed to be a garbage dump?

Since it was discarded trash, why did the residents still steal from it?

And most importantly, where was Jiang Xuecheng?!

It had been too long since she drank a drop of water. Before Su Wan could think clearly about these questions, she felt waves of fatigue.

Su Wan’s head was dizzy. She could not resist the dazed darkness and finally fainted again.


The gray airflow in the sky finally dispersed, and the brilliant light illuminated the surroundings.

A little boy sneaked into the metal garbage dump. He skillfully dug around in a pile of abandoned metal, trying to find any valuable small pieces of metal or materials that could still be sold.

Suddenly, a gray figure appeared in the boy’s vision.

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