As both attacks failed to connect and ultimately resulted in nothing more than a couple ripples distorting the veil of reality for a brief moment as they were absorbed by the invisible runic barrier, the bronze masked priest cackled with a sinister delight under his mask.

"[Reptilian] Ahahaha… That was a good attempt, I suppose. However…." The priest sneered sinisterly, just as the last rune finally flared up and activated. "…now it is my turn!"

Following his manic cackle, the rune burned with majestic golden light, rapidly losing itself in its own luster, turning into nothing more than a sphere of light in a manner of a few seconds.

A mighty roar resounded filling up the entire area in the next instant, shocking everyone but the priest itself. Every one of the skinks who heard it felt that instinctual fear, their entire bodies shivered with terror. Those innocent civilians who heard it, felt the strength escape from their legs and their knees buckled as they knelt down on the ground.

As for the elite warriors of the Temple Guards they were still trapped inside the small fiery magical cage. Whilst their expressions did reveal a deeper frown, none showed any real signs of scare or had their strength escape their bodies. They were, after all, the best of the best. If they couldn't even overcome the trials of their own race's limitations, they wouldn't have reached the 'True Elite' stage.

The bronze masked priest was obviously immune to the effects of her own spell, he was long since trained to withstand these effects. He remained stout and looked eagerly at his two maidenly opponents, already expecting them to shiver and dread in terror. His sinister mind was already envisioning the delightful aftermath as he would gain two new quite satisfying toys to pass his ever-present boredom with.

However, as his eyes landed on the two, his dreams were destined to become nothing but mental dust and speckles of delirium. His expectations were far off from reality, as neither of the two ladies, -nor the fiery slender beauty at the front, nor the buxom one at his back have had any change in their posture or their demeanor.

The Ancient Dragon's Roar that reverberated in the area seemed to have absolutely no effect on them. Neither did they seem to falter in their stance, or showed any weakness at all.

In fact, it seemed to have only made them even fiercer, angrier.

"[Reptilian] You dare to taunt us with such a pathetic cry and mimic the Young Master?! HOW DARE YOU!" A raging exclaim reached the priest's ears coming from the back.

Suddenly, several dozen invisible distortions, waves rippled across the protective barrier; the busty assassin behind him, have resumed her second round of attacks in the forms of stabs, jabs, and unarmed strikes with a renewed ferocity and vigor.

"[Reptilian] Although we tend to not be on the same page… On this one, I have to agree with my friend there…" Yet, unfortunately the old priest couldn't shift much of his attention towards his back as the dark orange tinted flames once again engulfed the crazed-looking slender figure before him.

Her eyes were burning with even more power due to the unquenched emotions that she was filled with. She slowly lifted both her arms, whilst both her open palms faced the priest, all of her fingers danced to an unknown tune.

"…How. DARE. YOU!" She uttered each word, slowly, gradually adding more and more power into the cast after each word.

"DIE!" With her last word serving as the catalyst, another, a larger sphere of elemental flame materialized between her joined palms and fired out with a shocking, sudden momentum.

The magical fiery sphere rotated around itself as it hurled across the distance with a blazing speed, drawing a sparkling tail of bright deep orange tail of particles and afterimages in its wake.

The priest, feeling a premonition, realized that the carried power of this attack might actually be more than what his barrier could actually withstand and successfully block if he were to count in the constant chipping coming from behind.

The barrier's power whilst may have seemed limitless, it was actually supported by his own pool of [Mana] which after several decades of active cultivation using the church's own secretive techniques wasn't anything to scoff at.

Yet, just the first round of attacks took away more than 20% of its initial reserve, and with the added onslaught it was forced to withstand,  as well as his own usage to complete all the spells, he was left with only a bit more than half of what he originally had.

However, by design, the spell could no longer work if his [Mana] would duck below the 20% mark, the healthy mark's threshold. Those creatures whose body was reformed with the usage of either type of energy, be it the lowest grade Stamina that mostly Warriors and those without any affinity, relied on it to use physical techniques, or its vastly superior [Mana] 20% was normally considered the already exhausted, but still healthy state. Reaching below this mark would actually be detrimental in the long run and normally one would try to avoid reaching such a stage.

In battles or wars obviously there were times when such limitations had to be thrown out the 'window' and one had to use every last wisp of his energy to just have a chance of surviving the ordeal.

Yet, those were not normal circumstances and would also result in a longer resting, recuperating period afterwards.

As for how all of this worked with the mysterious [Soul Power], the majority wouldn't even have any knowledge of even the mere theory that there could be higher forms of energy than [Mana] and would at most think that those specialized, element-infused versions would be the absolute zenith one could reach. They would even probably laugh at such an outrageous, wild thought, thinking that you have gone crazy for even considering it.

Only a select few individuals, not more than maybe two dozen that even knew about the theory, and there were probably even less back on Eora that could use it.

Well, whilst that number was in a steady decline thanks to a certain reborn Primal, apart from Aiden himself and maybe her Master… as well as a certain raggedy old lady…they were still far from being true players in the grand scheme of things.

Looking at the incoming magical infernal comet the priest's expression shifted to one of seriousness and has shed away the contemptuous zeal he had before. Though that was still left hidden behind his bronze mask, his change in stance was clear when he finally changed his boastful poise and jumped into a battle-ready one. His arms raised he began to actively channel his [Mana] into the strengthening of his barrier, focused only on the incoming frontal attack…


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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