The warrior was shocked with this sudden change, this unexpected turn of events!

His opponent was fast! His opponent was incredibly, unimaginably fast!

Aiden had no intention of wasting words this time around. Sensing that the crimson skink fighter Tixar was stable, besides being quite pale and dry in terms of energy, he had left with a swoosh. The only thing remaining where he originally stood was a cloud of dust that gradually settled in his wake.

His silhouette was akin to a fierce predator shattering the steel rails of its cage and he darted towards the previously haughty brawny humongous skink like a jolt of arcing electricity!

"[Reptilian] What in the…"

"[Reptilian] Such speed! Who is he?" Amidst the gathered audience, cries of alarm rang out, as the people were left shocked and perplexed by such strong display of force. An older looking dry old man, standing in the sea of endless faces grabbed his dragonhead shaped cane firmly as his complexion shifted from the previous calm and revealed an utter shock and disbelief.

His hands nervously clasped the adorned, lavish head of his walking aide, his dry lips quivered as they hesitantly parted and hanged widely. Looking at the scene in the arena stage he was shocked.

"[Reptilian] This speed…"

No one had expected that the seemingly normal match, this duel to settle the feud and bury the grudges between two elite warriors of the City Forces would take such an unexpected turn.

Initially, everyone had believed that the two first probe each other, test the others strength and limits. Dance the tune of the usual sophisticated music of duels! They envisioned a somewhat similar ending, meaning that the brawny, musclehead would ultimately triumph over the other, weaker one, once again proclaiming that the purity of one's genes would indeed be superior to that of the lesser, mutated variants.

They would no way could have expected that just shortly after the duel would break out, so many sudden changes would happen one after another!

No one spoke a word, everyone was watching the stage in shock. Perhaps there were some that still had the desire to gamble and maybe place some bets some seconds ago, but now, after observing this… this simply impossible speed of the stranger, they acted as if they were pricked and suddenly drawn up.

Amidst the shocked gazes of the sea of crowd, there was only one person, one mature skink woman that could retain the sparkle in her eyes. Garbed in similar, patched rags just like his Master, the warm smile on Vyndridolth's face only grew wider and smeared more curvaceous the more she gazed upon the Godly Scene before her.

'[Reptilian] What speed… What incredible power! Is this the true strength of the one that even He feared? Is he the one?'

Back on the stage, the look on the fierce skink warrior's face changed drastically. If one could have said that he was taunting before, now his entire face had already become smeared with caution and extreme wariness.

'[Reptilian] What in the hell is this… What is he?!'

All he could really capture with his eyes was an indistinct, blurry silhouette! Was this still the power of a man between realm of possiblities? Was this hooded stranger going to attack from the left? Or maybe from the right? His chest or perhaps aim straight at his stomach?

In his sudden shock, a vast array of ideas, theories frantically coursed through his brain. In a flash, his eyes saucered to the extreme! A fraction of a second, maybe a half of it. It took just that much but the sweat on his face, on his forehead cascaded down like a torrential downpour of rain!

His opponent… this impossible entity was coming in hot like a maddened, blood-crazed Carnosaur! A full frontall, head on collision was inevitable. No matter what he did, how he wrecked his brain at the speed of light, he could not see a way out of this clash.

"[Reptilian] F*cking hell…" He suddenly snarled and cross both his arms his body turned into a half squat form and he bellowed fiercely. "COME AT ME!"

His muscles stretched and swelled at his command, whilst his inner energy began to frantically course further strengthening his resistance. A glossy, milky white faint shine enveloped his frame. A gentle wind blew past from the surrounding, flooding in to his crossed arms. In the next second, a semi-transparent shell formed in front of him, looking like an illusion.

Inside the church and the Temple Guard forces, there weren't many talented skinks that could actually learn such techniques. Besides the fact that the paltry amount of essence that these creatures possessed, only a select few, incredibly talented Martial Art Geniuses could have a chance to study and learn the secret techniques to any form of initial success. This transparent shield, called the [Holy Turtle Shield] was one such technique that was an incredibly powerful defensive ability.

However, its fault was that it required the caster to remain stationary and could only guard against frontal assaults.

Aiden charged forward at top speed, murderous will filling the expanse of his heart. Though he by no means wanted to cause a mass murder spree, a genocide on this species, but that didn't mean that he would stand idly by with such wanton show of corruption!

In just a moment, Aiden's speed exploded to an impossible degree, reaching his utmost limit. Besides his ears, he could even hear the wind's relentless roars!

The reason the brawny skink hadn't chosen to attack was because he sensed that the hooded man's, Aiden's speed surpassed his wildest imagination. Thus, his most primal instinct to survive had surfaced, he had withdrawn his entire body in defense.

A cold sneer played at the crook of Aiden's mouth, as he ruthlessly clenched his teeth. With a tremendous charging force, he condensed a majority of his power into his right arm, which was soon followed by an ear-piercing swishing sound that thundered throughout the entire square!

His right hand was followed by a gale as he struck forward!

Heavy silence loomed over the entire square. Nobody uttered a word as they focused on the majestic looking fight between the unknown, mysterious stranger and the previously haughty, arrogant warrior.

At this moment, the old man frostily gazed at the two people on the stage. Whilst no one knew what he was thinking or even who he was, wisps of his murderous intent seeped into the crowd.

Sensing the cold aura around her, Vyndridolth body jolted and turned around to snap her gaze from where he sensed the strange vibes. However before, he could completely focus his attention, suddenly a terrifying explosion boomed from the stage!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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