The Last Primal

Chapter 197 - 197 - Determination And Result

The warrior just barely had the time to raise his weapon holding arm and crudely swing it in front of him in an attempt to parry the incoming hit of the feral youth. As their weapons collided and the loud clunking noise reverberated in the area, he sighed in relief that he managed to thwart such a sudden impulse of his youthful opponent.

He looked ahead, ready to give another speech, but before he could open his eyes, his senses tingled, and instinctively blindly swung his weapon again at the general direction from which he felt the threat.

In the next instant, the sound of another collision rang out in the small arena. Although the power wasn't anything dangerous to the seasoned veteran, the ferocity of the attacks started to eat up his ease, he started to finally focus and take this challenge seriously.

With a stern look on his face, he no longer attempted to lecture his opponent but was focusing on his movements as he stood just a few steps away from him slightly to his right side.

Without any warning, Cole sprang into action once more, his figure quickly dashing forth. As he charged, he also raised his weapon above his head whilst grabbing the hilt with both hands, and cocked it slightly backward, getting ready for another deadly, but wide-arched vertical swing.

Focusing on the incoming attack, the leather-armored warrior raised his empty left hand, and with a sudden movement, he thrust it forward with a grabbing motion. At the same time, he did a right-side swing with a shortened arc around the hip area. There were no smiles, or friendliness on his face, only the stern, the focused gaze of a reaper of lives, a warrior of the battlefield.

However, just as the two sides were about to crash onto each other, the Leader who was silent all the while upstairs raised his right palm in the air, signaling for a stop in their duel. The outline of the purplish glow in her eyes lit up and shone through the darkness of the hood over her face. Standing up, the heavenly melodious tune sang out and immediately encroached the two, stopping them in the midst of their movements.

"Stop! That is enough. We have seen your determination, Cole Phamas."

Sarah spoke whilst keeping the ambiguity in her voice with the help of her innate skills. Turning her head, she first focused on the black leather armored examiner. 

"Please step back, this fight is now over. I would like to hear your thoughts, what do you think of him? Is he ready?"

While her expressions could be seen, and thanks to the strange otherworldly effect, her sex wasn't clearly distinguishable, you could still feel a knowing smirk from the way she phrased the question.

As expected, after only a brief moment of contemplation, the warrior nodded his head at the boy. Whilst he put his battle mace back on his belt, he spoke in his raspy voice with an appreciative tone as he sized the young man up once again.

"Yes, leader. He is more than ready. While his strength and skills need a lot of work before he could be called an experienced warrior, his will, his desire to grow is there."

Turning around, he looked matching the darkened gaze of the leader, he nodded, before he walked to the side, and took his place next to his still motionless partner.

Hearing the judgment of his opponent, Cole's fierceness faded from his place, a hopeful glint soon replacing it. Lowering his weapon to his side, he looked up as well, bravely matching the gaze of the mysterious hooded figure on the balcony.

After a short but tense few seconds of silence later Sarah spoke again, this time to man of the hour, Cole.

"Cole Phamas, let it be known, that from today onwards you are no longer considered a Rank 1 Adventurer of Higrove's Adventurer's Guild. Once you step out from this room, you will be known as Cole Phamas, the guild's newest second rank. Congratulations!"

Adding to her words, she gave a short clap, which the group of examiners quickly followed up. A bit later, as their claps faded, they all left the arena. Before the bald man left, however, he gave one last look at the long black-haired youth leaning against the wall, with a carefree smile on his youthful face, as if he knew he was being watched. The man scoffed with annoyance, as he turned around and left the arena as well.

The two towering statuesque warriors on the ground floor, also turned and shortly left, leaving the two boys alone to themselves. While all this was happening, Cole stood still, frozen in place due to the shock of what he just heard. 

Did he succeed? He did it on his first try and he wasn't even hurt like all the others? Is this a joke? He couldn't immediately come to terms with this possibility, and just stared in front of him, with an incredulous look on his face.

He was broken out by his reverie a short while later, with the lone clapping from the side. Turning around to face the source of the noise, he saw his friend, Aiden, smiling at him with his ever-present friendly smile on his face. His claps filled the empty arena, as he slowly approached him.

"Good job Cole! Way to go! I knew you could do it!" Aiden gave words of praise, honestly happy for his friend's success.

Seeing how his friend remained unresponsive with his wide-open eyes, still trying to come to terms with this new unbelievable reality, he shook his head with a smile as he arrived next to Cole. Lightly patting his back, Aiden continued, while gently tugging, pulling his friend towards the door.

"Come, let's leave, I'm sure Mary is worried about you! Let's tell her the good news before we head back and take a well-earned rest back at the inn!"

"Y-yeah…" Cole managed to blurt out only a meek, faint response, still lost in his thoughts, as they left the arena.


As soon as their figures appeared in the Hall, they heard the familiar sound of a cheerful feminine voice coming from the registration desk.

"Cole! Aiden! You guys are finally back!" Mary quickly put on the "Away for Lunch!" sign in front of her desk and rushed towards her friends.

Not a full moment later she arrived in front of them and started to take a closer, more detailed scrutinizing look at Cole. Seeing no visible injuries and blemishes on him, she heaved a sigh of relief before she turned her attention back to Aiden.

"What happened? Why is he acting like this?" She asked with a slightly worried tone. Although there were no physical injuries, there could be mental or psychological damages, or he may have been lost in his own despair because of a potential failing result.

"He…" Aiden began with a serious expression, stopping after the very first word. He took a long look at his friend, and sighed, lowering his head, as if trying to avoid Mary's stare. "He…" He 'tried' again, but once again, stopped after the first word.

Thinking that Cole had, unfortunately, didn't make it, she gave a compassionate smile to the brown-haired boy, as she put her left hand on his right shoulder, gently gripping it.

"Don't worry, Cole! I'm sure you will make it next time!"

As if just waking up, Cole looked at Mary with a questioning stare. 

"What are you talking about?" He asked, not understanding the meaning behind her words.

"Don't worry Cole, most who try it the first time don't succeed either. Think of it this way, you are completely fine, so you can freely try again once you have the credits saved up on your account!" Mary tried to console, not surprised by Cole's first reaction of denial. She thought it was completely a natural first reaction.

"What are you saying? I did not fail, I succeeded. Weren't you already informed?!" Cole looked at the girl suspiciously, not knowing what play she was making here. However, as he glanced at Aiden and saw the cheeky glint in his eyes, he knew what had happened immediately.

"W-what? Y-you did? B-but Aiden said-" Looking at Aiden and seeing the increasingly widening grin on his face, she realized she was fooled. The worry vanishing quickly from her face, she pouted with a hurt expression. 

She looked at Aiden accusingly.

"T-that wasn't nice you know! I was really worried about you two!" She harrumphed and turned around ready to bolt off due to her embarrassment. "If that is how you two plan to play then I guess I won't be bothering neither of you anymore. Good by-" 

But, before she could bolt off, she felt Aiden's hands on her shoulder, lightly grabbing and pulling her back.

"Stop, I am sorry, okay? It was just fun." He spoke in an honest, friendly voice, however, the cheeky tone soon resurfaced as he continued. "But I have to add, I haven't said anything…"

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