The Last Primal

Chapter 633 - 633 - Intention

Bright and early the very next morning, the two doors of their rooms were opened up and the group came out one by one. Like yesterday they were all wearing their patched, rags, albeit free from the dust of the road yesterday.

Regardless, they still looked like a rag-tag group of beggars as they walked down to the empty ground floor. The chubby skink innkeeper's morning roar greeting them.

"Good Morning you guys! Did you all sleep well?" The man asked, beckoning for them to head on over to the nearby tables. "Sit down y'all, breakfast should be ready in a few minutes! It's nothing much though so don't have high expectations!" 

Turning around with a fit of guffaw the innkeep looked much more hospitable than last night, making everyone slightly perplexed. Aiden was confused at first, but when he noticed that his marker in the system have turned green, he was no longer too bothered by it. 

Though it was strange, and he couldn't really explain it, he at the very least trusted the system's abilities to judge people correctly. Knowing that it was capable of even managing his growing divinity and could even create marvels like an entirely new world seemingly from scratch, Aiden was assured that he could rely on the system's judgment in these matters. Even if he couldn't trust it completely, the system or the intent behind its creation wasn't harmful to him. 

'[He certainly seems much calmer than yesterday.]' As he was thinking whilst gazing at the kitchen door where the rotund middle-aged man had vanished to, Enya's voice rang out in his mind. 

'[Hmpf! He better be! If he disrespects Master any more, I will happily slice him up!]' Ryg, the sword spirit chimed in, a slight tint of annoyance still audible in her voice. 

Whilst Aiden was lost in the discussion going inside both his mind and soul, the chipper, young voice of a certain little princess suddenly reached his ears, pulling him back to reality in the next instant.

"[Reptilian] Papa! What are you looking at?" Tolliah asked, looking curiously at Aiden. Following the direction he was staring at, she too looked at the closed wooden door leading to the kitchen.

Thinking she had understood the matter, she smiled and gently patted her father's tighs just as she plopped down there and took her 'seat'. 

"[Reptilian] Don't worry, Papa! If you are hungry, you can have some of mine! You need to be your strongest, after all, you need lots and lots of energy, hehe!" She giggled in the end, fidgeting a bit and taking her spot in his lap. 

Meanwhile, the captains situated around his table looked at them with a matching smile. Madam Dara, who obviously took the closest seat, right next to them reached out and gently patted the little girl's hooded head.

The little girl giggled at the attention she was receiving, clearly enjoying the moment.

Aiden didn't reply, just enjoyed the present. He looked away from the door, turning his attention back to the people sitting around them.

Just as he was about to speak up, however, his words froze in him as he gleaned over his system's map again. The familiar yellowish dot of the Guard Captain from yesterday was standing right outside the building. He was clearly waiting for something or someone.. most likely them. 

'What does he want? Why is he here again?' He wondered, a deep frown appearing on his face as he gazed at the entrance with a growing solemn outward disposition.

The sudden change in their leader's expression didn't escape the captain's attention either. Barely a second later, Aiden could feel their mental probings, as they wanted him to open up the connection.

Accepting their request, they immediately asked, almost in tandem.

'[Reptilian] What is bothering you, leader? What happened? Did the Temple Guards find us out already?' 

'[Reptilian] T-that's impossible! We haven't even stepped foot into the inner city yet! H-how could they have…' The voice, Pyre gasped as she thought of something. She turned around, casting her piercing gaze towards the kitchen.

'[Reptilian] Did that fat pig sell us out?'

'[Reptilian] Impossible! How could he even know who we are?'

They began to argue instantly, pondering the possibilities of the potential trouble that their leader must have sensed but have not shared with them as of yet.

After a bit, they finally heard him speak. His youthful, vigorous voice, betraying the aged sound he had in his current form filled up their shared connection.

'[Reptilian] No. There's nothing to worry about, the innkeeper does not know who we are. Also, you don't need to be wary of him, he is friendly… well somewhat.' Aiden spoke, taking a momentary pause before. He patted the little girl's head as he continued a few seconds later.

'[Reptilian] There's… someone waiting outside. For now, I'm not sure what he wants, or if who he is really looking for.'

Aiden's words surprised the team, they turned silent for a few moments before eventually, a question came from Draghan, the Elite Warrior's captain. 

'[Reptilian] My Lord… Do you know who he is?' He spoke, somewhat coldly, albeit not because of disrespect. Taking a short pause, he added a second later. 'Was it the same figure from yesterday?'

'[Reptilian] Yes. A Guard Captain from the Temple Guards. However… he is different. He doesn't seem to be hostile… at the very least.' Aiden confirmed, nodding his head.

'[Reptilian] What should we do then, my lord? Should we go out and meet with him? Or… should we escape?'

'[Reptilian] Could it be a trap?' Someone added.

'[Reptilian] No, it shouldn't be.' Aiden spoke up again. 'He is alone at the very least…. Hmm…' Thinking about it for a moment, he made up his mind. 'I will meet with him, you guys stay here and protect Tolliah.'

With that, he severed the connection, not allowing his captains a chance to protest. In the next moment, as he picked up the cheerful little lizard girl, he earned a pout together with a questioning gaze all the way as he was placed in Madam Dara's loving embrace.

"[Reptilian] Papa has to meet with somebody. Stay with Auntie Dara for now, okay? I will be back soon!" Aiden said, gently rubbing her left cheek with the back of his right hand.

"[Reptilian] Be safe papa, and come back quick! D-do not worry, I will keep your food safe!" 

Although she was reluctant to see him go, Tolliah surprisingly didn't complain. Instead, she looked serious, as if she was vowing to keep not just this breakfast but an entire kingdom safe. As if she was swearing up to a knight's code, making Aiden smile at her and nod, before standing up and turning towards the exit.

With calm, confident strides he walked towards it, all the while keeping his attention on the screen floating in front of him, watching the lonesome yellow marker as it stood still, waiting for something. Or somebody.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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