The Last Primal

Chapter 642 - 642 - The Battle Continues

The bright daylight still glaring brightly, even though their master, the rotund ball of fire, had already crossed over its zenith and was slowly crossing into the descending curve of its repetitious arc, the grand battle amidst the ruins of the ancient city was still going on. 

Many individual battles were fought in the thick of the battlefield. Copious amounts of blood were spilled, the loud clanks and clashes of metal against metal was enriched by the occasional blood-curdling cries of the defeated. 

The previously greenish carpet of weeds and grass was now bathed in a pool of crimson blood and gore. Torn limbs, guts, and mutilated organs swam in the now ankle-deep sea.

Still, amidst the many fights, there was one particular that dominated the landscape.

*Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!*

"W-What the…? I don't even see him anymore!" Sara wondered as she looked at the two fighters going at it.

Just a moment ago, she was still listening and frowning at the annoying speech of the arrogant Lord Bart, but then… suddenly she realized that he was now gone from her vision, she could only feel the presence of something around, behind his opponent, Naybeah!

Still, it seemed that despite such incredible speed and agility the man was capable of unleashing, it was still not enough. Each of his blows, each of his attacks were blocked or parried by the brawny blonde woman.

"Hmm, I have to admit your reaction time is incredible. You are somehow capable of blocking and reacting to my attacks? I have never seen such a thing." Said the voice of a gentleman behind Naybeah. Lord Bart seemingly regained his composure once more, dropping his sneers replacing them with his earlier theatrical-sounding tone.

"You are not that bad either… Despite how contemptuous you act, you can still showcase such exceptional ability. You also have your secrets as it turns out…" Said Naybeah.

"Haha, you flatter me. Let's see how long you can hold out then." Said Lord Bart, just as he charged forward again, turning his entire figure blurry in the process.

However, just as they were about to clash against each other again and their weapons would collide with another loud ring, a large shadow protruded into their sonata. A bulky frame, with a bald head, glistening with a mixture of sweat and droplets of his enemy's blood intruded in between the two.

"How dare you have such ideas about her! I will tear you apart B*STARD!" The bald man, like a fierce barbarian facing a ferocious beast, roared as he jumped in front of Naybeah. 

"Huh? Jai?" Naybeah muttered, not sure how to react or what to say. She was completely baffled and stunned by the unexpected intrusion. Still, not even a few seconds later, her surprise slowly soured, a deeper scowl returned to her face.

At the same time, Lord Bart also halted his charge, stopping in his tracks as he looked at the bald mass of muscle with an incredulous look. 

"Who in the gods' name are you?" Was the only thing he could blurt out as he looked over the man. Whilst it wasn't obvious from the momentary stun he was facing, Lord Bart wasn't sure if he should simply cut through him like some annoying blade of weed, or just wait for what this worthless ant wanted to do.

In the end, his curiosity turned victorious, he donned a polite smile on his face as he looked at the man with an amused expression.

Yet, before he could speak and play out the scene he already envisioned, a loud slap was heard and the giant was suddenly sent flying. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY FUN!" Naybeah roared, slapping the man away like an annoying buzzing fly. Her eyes as she gazed at the poor sod, looked as if it could send sparks down at the poor mortal. She was akin to an angered goddess, clearly displeased that her 'fun' was somehow ruined by this act of selflessness.

"Interesting… You are really not like the others I have met." Lord Bart smiled as he followed the winding arc of Jai as it crashed into the ground and even tumbled a bit.

Returning his gaze as the humanoid projectile crash-landed into the woman in front of him, he spoke once again. 

"Such fiery passion… It will be so exciting to tame it!" He chuckled, returning the sinister smirk on his face.

"Heh… You are just a slightly more talented rodent. Fast, but still not worthy. Still, you at least can muster up some effort, to lighten my boredom! Come then! Show me what you can do, Mr. Noble!" Naybeah guffawed, the frown almost instantly vanishing from her face as she looked at her opponent. The excitement of a challenging battle boiled her blood, somewhat similar to when she faced the humongous bug monster before. 

Still not comparable to training with her chosen mate though…

Lord Bart didn't respond to the taunts any further. His figure once again blurred as he rushed ahead.


Not even a moment later, her axe clashed against Lord Bart''s powerful sword strike, the strength carried behind this sudden attack was surprisingly strong, pushing the strong amazon back a few centimeters!

"Hmm…! You're strong…" said Lord Bart, sounding slightly surprised for a brief second, as he sent a series of attacks to both sides in quick, rapid succession.

*Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!*

Still, despite the effort, the speed of the strikes, each one of them met the large round face of the woman's battle axe. She blocked and parried each and every swing, with uncanny agility, matching his own. 

This unexpected speed and almost supernatural reaction time caught not just Lord Bart but even Sara off guard. Whilst she witnessed several of this brawny amazon's fights and was aware of her outlandish strength, she never showcased such swiftness before.

"Why… How…" Lord Bart muttered in between the blocked attacks.

"You are getting annoying, pest!"

Naybeah suddenly used her powerful hands as she punched Lord Bart's stomach, which was protected by an armor, away! 



Lord Bart fell over the ground with a loud boom, several meters away! His body was fine, but the blow itself felt like someone threw a cannonball to his stomach.

The prowess of this blonde amazon was incredible!

Taking a moment to stand up and dust himself he suddenly smiled! He felt his blood pumping as he returned a similar maniac-looking smile to the woman's direction. Finally, a worthy opponent! How long was it that he met someone that could challenge him in any way, and he wouldn't be able to simply toy away with the enemy? 

He couldn't even remember the last time he was challenged in such a fashion!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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