The Longest Day in Chang'an

Chapter 78: Haichu(21:00-21:59) Part 4

Chapter 78: Haichu(21:00-21:59) Part 4

Translator: DragonRider

The carriage fell into silence. Their heartbeats were the only sounds that could be heard, one steady and the other one rapid. Zhang Xiaojing wondered what price Elder Ge would charge this time. More names of undercover agents? The defensive disposition of Wannian County? Secrets of dignitaries?

All these were valuable intelligence, but given the risks Elder Ge had taken by saving Zhang Xiaojing, they seemed too low a price to pay. However, Zhang Xiaojing could not think of anything else of value he could offer.

The ox-drawn carriage proceeded at a gentle pace, shaking rhythmically. Elder Ge leaned his upper body forward and said in a subtle tone of voice, “There were several explosions near the West Market this afternoon. You were involved in this, right?” Zhang Xiaojing squinted his only eye and said, “Elder Ge wants to know what that was about?”

“No, I don’t. I’m not interested. All I want is an answer to this question: exactly what was it that was so powerful?”

It was not only government agencies but also underground forces in Chang’an that the explosion had alarmed. To their shock, the source of the explosion was merely a couple of wooden barrels. Underground forces had a natural interest in dangerous items containing huge power, so they had been making inquiries about it all along.

Even if Elder Ge had no intention of getting this thing, there was no doubt that he could get amazingly huge interests just by selling the name of it.

Due to the darkness, Zhang Xiaojing was unable to see the expression on Elder Ge’s face, but he knew this ox-drawn carriage would probably go directly to the Yamen(1. A yamen is a governmental office or body headed by a mandarin in feudal China.) in Wannian County if he refused to answer the question.

“I tried to convince you to leave Chang’an the last time we met, but you didn’t listen and stubbornly continued to work for the Imperial Court. You see how you’ve ended up? You care about Tang Dynasty, but does Tang Dynasty care about you?” Elder Ge’s voice was sincere and full of temptation.

Zhang Xiaojing remained silent. All Elder Ge said was true, and there was nothing he could contradict.

“This is your last chance. Give me the name of that thing, get out of this city and all what’s going to happen next will have nothing to do with you. Why are you still hesitating?”

After remaining silent for quite a while, Zhang Xiaojing finally spoke. “Fine. I’ll tell you the name of this thing.”

Elder Ge patted the carriage, appearing very gratified. At this moment, Zhang Xiaojing raised his hand again and said, “But... getting out of the city is not what I want in exchange.”

“Oh? Then what is it that you want?”

“I want you to arrange an audience with Shouzhuo Mercenary for me.”

Yuan Zai specially arranged a separate room in Jinzhao Office for Wang Yunxiu, in which bronze mirrors, toilet cases and various cosmetics were all available, and he also assigned an obedient and clever handmaid to serve her. Though the living condition was not as extravagant as that in the mansion of the Wang Family, all her basic needs were met.

Wang Yunxiu didn’t want to go back home looking undignified, which was why she felt that this was a very thoughtful arrangement.

Wang Yunxiu washed her face, re-coiled her hair into a dual bun, but hadn’t powdered her face and put on flower-shaped hair pins yet. On seeing in the bronze mirror Yuan Zai walk inside, she turned around and asked him which hair pin was prettier.

Yuan Zai respectfully cupped his hands before his chest and said, “You possess celestial beauty, my lady. I don’t dare to be so bold as to make comments on it.” Before Wang Yunxiu could make a response, he continued, “I’m here to say goodbye.”

Wang Yunxiu was stunned, “You’re leaving?”

“Since Lady Wang is safe and unharmed, I should return to my duty hunting down those thugs. Zhang Xiaojing is still at large after all.”

On hearing this name, Wang Yunxiu coldly snorted. “Don’t kill this despicable ruffian too soon after you catch him!” Yuan Zai said, “Of course. It’s just that this guy is sly, ferocious and very difficult to overpower, so I specially came here to say goodbye in order to spare myself the regret about being impertinent.”

He made no further remarks, a smile on his face. At first Wang Yunxiu was a little perplexed, and then it suddenly struck her that Yuan Zai was worried he might die during the investigation and not be able to see her again, so he specially came here to say goodbye. Upon recalling that saber wound in his chest, her heart lurched and she couldn’t help stretching out her hand trying to convince him to stay. “You’re going to leave just like this? I... Umm, my family haven’t decently thanked you yet.”

“It’s my sworn duty to fight evil and uphold justice. There’s no need for you to thank me.” Yuan Zai drew a step back and solemnly bowed.

Wang Yunxiu said unhappily, “Why am I feeling that you’re avoiding me?”

“I’m of humble blood. A petty consultant of Dali Temple is unworthy of a lady from a noble family.”

Upon realizing that Yuan Zai was ashamed of his humble parentage, Wang Yunxiu involuntarily said in a cold voice, “I’ll have my father cut off the tongue of whoever is bold enough to make carping comments!”

Though Yuan Zai appeared composed as he heard this remark, he was greatly relieved inside, since this remark indicated a fifty-fifty chance that Wang Yunxiu would fall for him. What he needed to do next was try his best to stay away from and affect to be indifferent to her, which would make Wang Yunxiu more eager to win his affections. When the occasion arose, he would be able to get a career ladder. This was what Lao-tzu said, ‘To get something from somebody, one has to give something to that person first.’

Among all interests he gained this night, this was the greatest and most long-term one.

Yuan Zai was just about to say something else when a messenger said outside the door that he had something important to report. This messenger used to work in the main hall of Jing’an Department, who had survived the fire. His voice was loud, which made him sound a little impolite to this new superior. Yuan Zai briefly frowned and said to Wang Yunxiu, “This is urgent. I’m afraid I have to be off now. The Wang Family has been informed, and soon a carriage will come here to take you home.”

Knowing that she had no reason to keep him here, Wang Yunxiu had Yuan Zai give her an ID plate and then affectionately watched him walking out of the room.

After leaving the separate room, Yuan Zai asked that messenger, “What’s so urgent?” The messenger said in a hoarse voice that they found an unconscious curator named Xu Bin when they were cleaning the back garden of Jing’an Department.

“Oh? Is there anything special about him?”

The messenger said gruffly, “Curator Xu has an exceptionally good memory. He’s the one in charge of the Great Art of Documents. And... Er... He’s also the one who recommended Commandant Zhang.”

“Oh? Let’s go and see.”

On hearing this, Yuan Zai became interested.

They arrived at a hall in the rear of Jinzhao Office, which used to be a mess hall but had been temporarily converted into a place where the injured were tended. The moment they walked inside, they were greeted by constant groans and a funky odor that filled the hall. A group of physicians provisionally dispatched here were treating the injured in a great bustle.

Xu Bin was of relatively higher status, so a corner of the hall had been exclusively assigned to him. He was lying on a stretcher, a big patch of bruise on his forehead. Yuan Zai walked over and asked about his condition. A physician told him that Xu Bin was found lying in a thick growth of grass in the back garden, that there were neither burns, saber wounds nor bolt wounds in him, but there was a severe injury caused by the force of a violent impact, which suggested that he probably had fallen over, bumped his head on a tile on the ground and passed out.

Yuan Zai’s eyes rolled briefly. “He’s a curator. Why did he go to the back garden? All others were dead, why is he alone unharmed?”

None of those people standing around him dared to reply. They all kept silent.

‘He’s the one who recommended Zhang Xiaojing, so he must be a mole as well! It was probably him who let those Termites into the back garden.’ Yuan Zai felt that this deduction was watertight, that today was really his lucky day, since everything he needed just walked up to him on their own account.

With a grim face, Yuan Zai said to his subordinates standing beside him, “Get more guards here and keep this mole under close surveillance.” Then he turned his head back and said to the physician, “Is he awake?” The physician answered that Curator Xu was responsive to voices and capable of having simple conversation but his consciousness hadn’t been fully restored yet. Yuan Zai walked over, stooped down and called, “Curator Xu? Curator Xu?”

“Ur...Ur... ” Feeble grunts issued from Xu Bin’s lips. With difficulty, he made a couple of upward movements of his eyelids but his attempt to open his eyes failed.

“Do you know where Zhang Xiaojing is?”

“Persian Temple.”

“Do you know where Wen Ran is?”

“Jing’an Department.”

Xu Bin was indeed a master of memory. Though he was in a state of half unconsciousness, he could still answer questions in a distinct manner. But Yuan Zai was very disappointed, since these two answers were outmoded and totally useless. However, Xu Bin was indeed not the one to blame for this, because he had passed out before the attack, and he didn’t even know about the attack on the main hall.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Zai asked the third question, “Are there any secret places in Jing’an Department where people can hide?”

Xu Bin kept silent for a while. Yuan Zai could feel that Xu Bin knew something but was not sure whether he should tell him. Yuan Zai stooped down to his ear and said in an extremely mild voice, “This concerns the safety of Sicheng Li and Commandant Zhang.”

Finally, Xu Bin told him. “A thatch-roofed hut beside Cibei Temple. There are wooden ladders there used for climbing over the wall. The hut is right on the other side.”

On hearing this, Yuan Zai was stunned but soon realized that he had made a mistake. Those who rushed into Jing’an Department didn’t have to stay in Jing’an Department. That man and Wen Ran must have climbed over the wall and hidden themselves in Cibei Temple.

He couldn’t quite understand why Jing’an Department had made such arrangements in a thatch-roofed hut in Cibei Temple, but this confusion didn’t hinder him from taking immediate action. Yuan Zai bade his men to have their eye on Xu Bin, emphasizing that this was an important accessory. Then he left the hall, mustered a batch of guards and headed for the thatch-roofed hut in Cibei Temple.

Halfway there, Yuan Zai suddenly stopped, raised his head and flicked a glance at the big watchtower. With a sullen look on his face, he dispatched half of the guards to quickly climb up the tower and bring Yao Runeng down.

‘The reason why Wen Ran managed to escape must be that this bastard somehow sent her a message. Even if he didn’t, it’s not the right thing to do to let this person stay on the big watchtower which is a facility of such great importance.’ Yuan Zai suddenly discovered that he was too kind-hearted, that all people related to Zhang Xiaojing should be ruthlessly eliminated irrespective of whether they were guilty or not.

They knocked at the front door of Cibei Temple and a monk opened it. Then they had a receptionist lead the way, heading directly for the thatch-roofed hut. There was another team progressing along the wall between Jing’an Department and the temple to cut off any potential retreat of the targets.

Soon the vanguard reported that there were indeed someone in the thatch-roofed hut. This time Yuan Zai didn’t make any rash decisions. Patiently, he waited for all guards to be in position, and it was not until the thatch-roofed hut was surrounded in a tight ring and even the Free Life Pond in front of the hut was guarded that he gave the order to break into the hut.

Three tall and sturdy soldiers holding giant shields rushed to the doorway and instantly forced the thin wooden door open. A woman’s scream and a man’s angry rebuke came from inside the hut, followed by chaotic footsteps and sound of struggle.

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