The Magician of Sound

Chapter 266 - Shadow Possession - Union

The battlefield started getting heated up, but the one that had been scorched by that 'heat' was those inside the city.

Kai was lying on the ground, specifically a crater.

"It's really a monster." Kai gritted his teeth. Not long ago, everything was according to their plan. Kai managed to cut half of the spider's web while Ria was guarding him. Yet, he never expected that there were so many underground creatures below their place.

Although his sensitivity in the ground was weakened by the fact that he didn't place his ears on the ground, it still gave him the sound from two kilometers downwards. And yet, around one hundred creatures suddenly bypassed that barrier and headed straight to them.

The creatures were obviously ones without eyes because deep underground, they had no light to see. Still, Kai never expected that the ones coming were far stronger than a normal magical beast.

Due to the extreme environment inside the ground, they had a resistance to poison and heat. Their body was also strong as they would be crushed by rock or heat if they didn't have that body.

The moment they resurfaced, their elites started to have trouble. Their current opponent was already powerful enough for being a Rank A Magical Beast, and with the addition of these guys, it was catastrophic.

Kai obviously tried to help them, but the spider attacked him first. He deflected the attack with all his strength but still couldn't kill the momentum, resulting in him falling to the ground.

It was at this time Tasha finally made the first move. She appeared on the ground, specifically in front of Michelle, who was fighting against these two guys. A few people, including her, managed to injure their enemies to a certain degree.

If they waited for another few minutes, these people should be able to finish their fight. However, Tasha realized that the situation would worsen if it weren't solved as quickly as possible.

"Tasha?!" Michelle opened her eyes wide.

"I don't have Kai's ears, but I believe there might be more monsters coming to the surface. That's why we need to kill at least half of them so we wouldn't get overwhelmed by their number."

Michelle was deep in thought while parrying her opponents' attacks. Suddenly, her shadow shrank, absorbed to her body before many markings formed on her body.

"Shadow Possession!"

Her aura gradually turned fiercer as her swords became a bit bigger. Although she couldn't make the swords to be two-handed swords, increasing their size and weight was still within her ability.

"Shadow Slash!" She slashed forward, sending two dark waves toward her enemies. Her enemies were a dog and a white lizard. It was obvious that the dog was the one from the surface while the latter came from the underground.

However, the two seemed to have the same reaction speed as both leaped to the side to dodge this attack.

Tasha appeared right above the dog, pulling her bow. A purple magic circle appeared right in front of the bow and released the arrow from point-blank range.

"Lightning Piercer!"

*Bark!* The dog still tried to escape and bite Tasha's bow, but the arrow shattered its head like glasses.

Noticing her movement, Michelle immediately went to the other one. Because the lizard had no eyes, it tracked Michelle's movement from her aura and smell alone, immediately turning its head to the side. After that, the lizard bites Michelle's sword.

"If it was a month ago, I might not be able to beat you in this strike. Unfortunately…" Michelle suddenly waved her other sword.

The lizard immediately moved its body, trying to catch the other sword, but Michelle's aim wasn't the lizard's body. Instead, she went straight to the mouth.

Since the sword got bigger, it meant it had more reach than usual. She took advantage of it and released a dark wave using that other sword as a medium from the sword that got bitten.

"!!!" It clearly saw Michelle's move.

Her Shadow Slash could only be used on the ground because the dark wave itself could only travel on the ground. And yet, Michelle just made it travel by using her own sword.

The Dark Wave then circled around the lizard's body and cut it into pieces.

She looked at Tasha and smiled. "It seems you are bolder than your usual fighting style."

"It's still incomplete. Just like yours." Tasha shrugged.

"Fair enough." Michelle shrugged while glancing at their situation. "Our job is to help those elites, starting from the strongest because they have injured their opponents like me."

"No. Your job is to go to Kai. I know that you have been sneaking behind us and training with him… It's time to show your progress. In the meantime, I will teleport all these monsters to the sky." Tasha shook her head, having another plan in her mind.

"!!!" Michelle opened her eyes wide. "Are you serious? All of us are scattered, so if you use that many Teleportation Magic, won't your magic…"

"Don't worry. I have trained my magic with Elder Rapakha for a few weeks. I can somehow control my magic power as to not waste a single magic power due to my current control. Teleporting all of them won't be much of a big deal, so go!"

"…" Michelle looked at her for a few seconds before nodding her head with a solemn expression. "Then, I shall wish you luck."

"You are the one who needs it." Tasha smiled.

The two then leaped to their own destination. Tasha immediately appeared from one battle to another, teleporting many magical beasts to the sky.

"Woah! This is the legendary magical beasts rain that we have heard inside the base?"

"It's marvelous!"

Many exclaimed in surprise and astonishment. However, the S rank spider saw this and wouldn't let Tasha do as her wish.

The moment it saw this situation, it suddenly leaped and spurted out its web all over the area, trying to soften the ground with a few layers of its string.

"No, you won't!" Ria gritted her teeth and summoned many giant swords to block a few areas.

And yet, the spider seemed to not care that much. It might be because he had done his best that those who could survive meant they were not lucky.

At the same time, as one would expect from A rank beasts. Although it wasn't comparable to the S rank magical beast, they still had enough intelligence to slowly move their body in the air, so they could land on the webs.

Half of the town was covered in a white sticky web. They looked like a net between buildings that would catch the falling magical beasts. And the fact it came from the S rank magical beast, it was strong enough to not be cut by something other than Kai's Vibration Sword.

However, as one would expect from the elites. They immediately thought of another way to kill these falling beasts.

Many magic circles appeared on the ground or in their hands. The Fire Magicians shot a barrage of flame magic to burn the web while blasting the monsters. The Earth and Ice Magicians immediately created a huge wall that even pushed the web itself.

With the hard ground like this, the web that stuck on its surface wouldn't have an effect. At the same time, the Wind Magicians immediately blew the magical beasts that might be saved by the net and pushed them outside the range of the web by using their wind magic.

The other Magicians also did the same, synchronizing their moves to match the situation. If they were not capable of doing this, there was no way they could come together with Ria to this place.

Those who didn't manage to land safely got either crushed into pieces or died mid-air. Tasha let out a long sigh, feeling a bit drained. But she still glanced upon the east where Kai fought the spider.

In the meantime, Michelle arrived right behind Kai.

"Kai… Let's do it!"

Kai glanced at her before listening to their surroundings. After checking it was safe, he nodded.

"Shadow Walk!" Michelle then sneaked inside his shadow.

"Oh! I have never seen anything like that. Did she just enter your shadow? Wouldn't it become a powerful weapon, especially for espionage missions?" Luckily, only Ria was in the area as she exclaimed in amazement. She stepped to the side to avoid the spider's attack.

And yet, the surprise didn't end there.

The same marking as the ones on Michelle's body suddenly formed on his body. The same black rose appeared right below his eye.

"Shadow Possession! Union!"

"Ho?!" Ria could somehow understand what they were doing.

"If I don't have darkness, then I shall become the darkness itself. That is the concept of Shadow Possession. However, there is also another famous idiom. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. I shall become her light that will shine brighter than others, so the shadow can get darker as she envelops me with that shadow to increase my strength." Kai smiled.

Michelle nodded in agreement. She realized this concept to be the missing piece of what she lacked. Rapakha was the one who made her realize this as she quickly trained this step with Kai as soon as they returned to the base.

This was the Shadow Possession – Union.

Still, if one asked where Michelle is right now? She was inside the black markings on his body.

"And this also comes with another benefit." Kai smiled as he raised his sword before swinging it down. "Shadow Slash!"

The dark wave ran through the ground and climbed the wall, slashing a portion of the tower.

"With this, Michelle can channel her Shadow Power to me. I only need to channel it at the right time while she controls her own ability… And of course, this can't be used if the partners do not trust each other and know them for a long time to the point they know each other's habit." Kai smiled and continued.

"And with this, I shall bring the spider down with your help."

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