Kai looked at Ayaka's movement closely to not even miss her glance. After all, it might become the clue to her Time Bomb that she had hidden in this area if there was any.

With her current condition, Ayaka would be the first one to be eliminated, but there was a possibility that she used this to her own advantage.

"I will win in this place." Kai grinned, making a tough face as if everything was going according to the plan.

"You think you can defeat us here?" Michelle also did the same.

Not a single person knew that these two were just bluffing. There wasn't a single plan, but as long as the opponents thought that way, they could use it to their advantage to make them a bit more careful.

"Shadow Slash." Michelle released the first attack as a black sword slash ran through the ground, going directly to Kai.

Kai, on the other hand, raised his sword and slashed the Shadow Slash in just a single swing. There wasn't even a single resistance before the Shadow Slash disappeared.

"Is this really all your strength, Michelle? It's already dark you know." Kai narrowed his eyes.

"It's not dark enough." She shook her head. "I haven't gotten the full power-up."

"…" Kai fell silent before glancing at Ayaka. "You are next, Ayaka."

"No, you. You will die here." Ayaka smirked as she raised her spear with one hand. "Even if I only have one hand, it's still enough to last me a couple of hours. Within that time, you will die."

"I am looking forward to what you can do." He smiled and looked at Sofia. "Your skills are amazing. I have seen how big your potential is, and I hope that you can become a strong person after the three months training."

"I am not going to be left behind by them. My objective is still the same." Sofia shook her head with a serious expression.

"Haha…If you are talking like that, it just makes the whole situation sound fake, you know."

"It's better than hiding my real intention."

"Well, maybe that's why I have started thinking of you as my friend, genuine friend." Kai smiled.

"That's the second best thing I will hear today."

"Oh? What is the best thing then?"

"Of course, it's the victory!" Sofia smirked as she raised her arm, summoning another blue magic circle on top of her head.

"Fu! Unfortunately, you can't hear that today." Kai shrugged before looking at Evan. "Come on, Evan. Why did you run from me this whole time?"

"You are going to kill me in a split second if I face you head-on. You know it better than me." Evan snorted as he felt he was the one who was being teased.

"Haha. Your reaction was priceless before." Kai wanted to laugh but suppressed the feeling.

"Oi!" Veins started bulging out on his forehead as Evan raised his pistol to the side and shot it.

"!!!" Kai widened his eyes, wondering if it was a misfire or something. He just couldn't believe that the bullet flew toward Ayaka.

To his surprise, Ayaka had already swung her weapon, hitting the bullet like a baseball. The small bullet suddenly flew toward Kai.

"Frozen Falling Stars." Sofia activated her magic as the magic circle on her hand summoned another one, thirty times larger, in the sky.

Four balls of ice then emerged from the magic circle, falling down toward Kai.

Kai raised his hand, ready to snap her finger. The four immediately covered their ears to avoid being disturbed by the sound.

After that, he summoned four magic circles simultaneously, each pointing at them before the first magic circle disappeared. He purposely used that motion to fool them and send his real attack.

Their eyes suddenly became blurry.

"This is his frequency attack!" Michelle shouted. "Avoid the magic circle. Make sure it doesn't directly face you."

When Michelle instructed them like this, Kai already made his way toward his original target, Evan.

As soon as he arrived in front of him, he slashed his Sword downward, planning to end him in this one strike.

Michelle and Ayaka appeared again. Due to Ayaka losing her hand, Michelle needed to provide more power to her, or else she would lose instantly.

Kai saw this and let his sword go, allowing him to bend his body a bit more than he was supposed to. In that position, he clenched his fist and struck Evan's abdomen.

"Gah!" Evan spat out a mouthful of blood and was blown away.

Sofia appeared next to him.

Having anticipated this movement, Kai bent down even more and threw a kick toward her.

Sofia blocked it with her hand. Luckily, Kai had already lost its balance, so the power of the kick wasn't that much.

It was still something she could handle. At the same time, she punched Kai on the stomach, trying to replicate what he did to Evan, albeit he was Kai, not Evan.

When he saw the punch coming, a magic circle appeared and stopped her fist.

Grabbing his sword again, he struck the two weapons from above again before using that as a support to launch him to the air with his body spinning.

"Sound Blast." Kai activated another magic and flew toward Evan, trying to use this confusing situation to kill the second person.

"Fire Net."

"Ice Wall."

Ayaka summoned her Fire Net right in front of him while Sofia created a giant ice wall on each side of the Fire Net, stopping Kai in his tracks.

Michelle used this chance to catch up with him. Her shadow also rose and summoned a pair of Shadow Sword before releasing the same attack as her.

"Shadow Slash."

Kai used his Sound Blast again to stop his movement. When he landed on the ground again, he turned around and slashed Michelle's Shadow Slash.

To his surprise, the power in this Shadow Slash was far stronger than he expected. It must be due to the dark environment that enhanced her power to a different level. Evan shot him with a few bullets, but the bullets were blocked by Kai's Oscillation Shield.

"Tch, you are so good to the point you don't need to look where I am pointing at." Evan sighed.

"It's not me. I just used a shield, big enough to cover my entire back." Kai smiled. Just like he said, this wasn't possible if he only had ten or twenty percent of his magic power.

Before anyone could say anything, Michelle had arrived.

She suddenly confronted his sword even though her Shadow Sword couldn't stop his Vibration Sword. However, Michelle suddenly held his wrist instead and summoned a shadow, grabbing the right hand. They then pulled it back at the same time, stopping Kai's right hand from making a move.

"This is my full power." She smiled.

Since the night had finally come, she managed to use the boost that the darkness gave her to the maximum and stopped Kai.

Kai gritted his teeth and turned around to shake her off, but her position remained the same, only leaving him to face Evan instead of Ayaka and Sofia.

Sofia followed her move. She used her full power, including the exoskeleton, just to stop his other hand from moving. She literally buried Kai's left hand in her embrace, just to stop it.

"Now!" Both of them shouted at the same time.

"…" Kai widened his eyes, never expecting an attack like this. Evan appeared in front of him with his pistol and shot him. "Oscillation Shield."

The shield blocked every single bullet.

Listening to Ayaka's movement, she seemed to be heading toward him as well, so he decided to free himself first.

He had an option to launch himself to the sky to shake them, but he realized that every time he flew to the air, he was always rained by attacks. In that case, he chose the second option.

Due to his hand being buried in her embrace, Kai's hand reached slightly lower than her abdomen. There was no kindness or gentleman in the war. He pressed that area with a bit of power.

"Kya!" Sofia's body shook as she never prepared for something like this. To think Kai would utilize this kind of attack. However, they had agreed that no matter what happened, they needed to stop Kai. Sofia gritted her teeth and kept clinging to his arm, enduring whatever he did to her. Her eyes were closed, and she looked like Kai just wronged her.

Noticing how Sofia acted, he planned to fly because the first plan wasn't very effective.

It was at this time Ayaka used her fire to create a small explosion that boosted her speed for a second, heading straight to Sofia.

After finding that Sofia was harassed by Kai's evil hand, she decided to go toward Kai from her direction.

"!!!" Kai widened his eyes when he listened to this and prepared for another Oscillation Shield at Ayaka's direction. 'Evan is shooting from the front. As long as I know where Ayaka is coming from, I will be able to stop this attack once. After that, I will be able to free myself.'

Kai thought that everything was within his calculation, but unbeknownst to him, the latter had chosen the fastest but most brutal way to strike him. One that never appeared in his mind.

Ayaka swung her spear, cutting Sofia into two. The spear continued making its way toward Kai.

Kai reacted at the last second and shifted his body to the right, making Ayaka's spear miss just slightly. And he was so focused on Ayaka, his arm had been frozen this whole time.

"It's payback time." Ayaka smiled. 

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