Arnaud said, "Then, you're free to go for today and rest for tomorrow. You can go to school again the day after."

Kai and the others nodded as Arnaud finally turned around, leaving them with Jules.

After saying a few things to Sofia, Jules also returned to the Campbell Family.

Roselyn was still in euphoria as she couldn't contain her smile.

"Now that I think about it, if I'm not wrong, you're an orphan, right Roselyn?" Sofia asked politely, not wanting to be rude while bringing such an insensitive topic.

"Yes." Roselyn nodded. "There is an orphanage half an hour away from here. But if you mind, then I don't think you should come with me. I don't want to bother you."

Kai shrugged. "It's fine. There is nothing I can do in the dorm anyway." Kai shrugged.

"Indeed." Sofia agreed with Kai before saying, "It's still 1 PM, so I think it's a good time for a visit."

Roselyn nodded and stretched her hand. "Then, please follow me."

She then guided them to the orphanage where she grew up.

The building didn't seem to be that worn down. It was a two-story long building that seemed to be able to fit more than a hundred people. Considering the distance from the entrance and the building, there should be a playground and a garden between them.

Kai could even listen to the waves of laughter and excitement from the kids.

With just a slight glance from the outside, he could see many drawings on the building's wall to brighten the orphanage.

All in all, from this point alone, he knew this place was a good orphanage.

Roselyn then stopped right before the entrance and waved her hand to the entrance with a big smile on her face. "This is the place I grew up. It's called Erentia."

Kai nodded and finally made his appearance before slightly turning his head to the side and lowering his vision, finding a cute red-haired girl.

She looked at Kai with her big eyes with amazement before she spun her body and shouted, "Big sister has returned with a man! Emergency meeting! Emergency meeting."

She kept shouting while running to the playground where most of the children were.

"Wha— Alicia!" Roselyn was taken aback and shouted. She then looked at Kai, wanting to explain.

Sofia then walked past Kai and decided to tease her. "Heh, the big sister is bringing a man home…"

"Sofia!" Roselyn shouted to stop her. After training together with her for three months, their relationship improved and they didn't spite each other anymore. Instead, they just teased them to make the other party embarrassed.

Roselyn then awkwardly stared at Kai and said, "Ehm… Let's enter the place first."

When they were about to enter, Kai suddenly raised his hands to the side before two kids came out and jumped toward him. The first one was a seven years old boy with spiky blonde hair while the other one was a female of the same age with brown hair.

Both of them raised their hands as if they wanted to attack Kai.

"Attack him!"

Before Roselyn could react, Kai already appeared right before them with his hands above their heads.

"What? He disappears?" The boy widened his eyes and tried to find Kai but to no avail.

"No, he is here?!" The female, on the other hand, managed to find her and looked at Kai, who suddenly appeared next to them.

Kai simply placed his hands on the kids' heads before putting a bit of his strength to force them to land on the ground. The landing was smooth to avoid anything that could potentially hurt the kid. Kai even patted their heads a few times.

"You two are energetic, aren't you? Well, just be more careful next time. It's not polite to greet a guest with a kick," said Kai with a smile.

The two kids were simply stunned and didn't understand how Kai could do something like this. Still, they found it cool to see Kai do these amazing things that even their sister couldn't.

The boy literally looked at him with adoration, saying, "So cool!"

The female looked away as she couldn't stare at him in the eyes.

Roselyn couldn't take it and shout. "Jacque, Timothy! What are you two doing to the guest?"

The boy instinctively answered, "We heard that Big Sister comes back with a guy, so we wanted to test him. Jacque told me the plan."

"There it is… His blabbermouth." Jacque closed her eyes, resigning to her fate.

"You two!" Roselyn's eyebrows twitched as she gradually walked forward, planning to punish both of them.

"Haha, it's good to have you this energetic." Kai laughed and stroked the boy's head before stopping when someone was about to open the door again.

This time, it was a middle-aged woman with gentle eyes. She had long red hair like Alicia and wore a white shirt as well as a long skirt. "I see. You've returned, Roselyn."

"Auntie!" Roselyn's expression instantly changed and she looked at her before finding two more people behind her. The first one was a thirteen years old female with blonde hair tied into twin tails. She dressed in a loose shirt and short pants, looking at Kai with a lazy expression as if it was so hard for her to open her eyes.

The second one was a fifteen years old female with long black hair. She wore a one-piece dress that was neatly tied on the waist with a black belt. She politely greeted Kai when their eyes intertwined. "Welcome."

"Felice and Sonia are here too?" Roselyn smiled and waved her hands.

"Welcome back, Sis." The older female gently smiled at her while the younger one only nodded her head.

"I see, so this is him." The middle-aged woman walked toward Kai and smiled. "May I presume you're the famous Kai Carter?"

Kai already had activated his auto-translate function, but since the other party could only speak French, he only nodded his head with a smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot the fact that you're not from here."

"It's fine." Kai waved his hand before Roselyn translated it for him.

"How about coming in first? The kids are playing outside, so it won't be too noisy."

Kai nodded again before releasing the two kids.

"Please this way." The middle-aged woman then asked him to go inside.

When they were about to enter the building, the two kids, who attacked Kai out of the blue, thought they managed to get away from it, only to find another hand grabbing their heads.

Kai's big and reliable hands that protected them from Roselyn had finally gone, so they gulped down the moment they felt this nostalgic feeling on their heads.

"I need to talk with both of you first!" Roselyn glared at them, sending chills down their spine.

"No!" The two kids screamed.

Meanwhile, Kai and Sofia arrived inside. The living room was spacious and filled with toys, but he found a few couches where the kids could sit down.

"I'm sorry that it's a mess."

"It's fine," Sofia replied this time without even Kai answering since she already knew Kai's answer.

"Ah, I'm sorry for not greeting you earlier, Miss Sofia Campbell. It's my pleasure to meet you."

"I'm just a normal high school student. You don't need to be polite with me." Sofia shook her head.

"Is that so?" The woman then let Kai sit on the couches before she and the other two girls sat diagonally from him.

Surprisingly, the lazy girl, Felice, sat next to Kai before dropping her head on his lap. "This is different from Sonia's… It makes me sleepy."

"Felice?! What are you doing? You're rude to our guest!" Sonia tried to drag her back, but the latter already closed her eyes and slapped her hands. "You…"

Kai was amazed at first but soon chuckled. "Haha, it's normal for a kid to be spoiled like this… Though, it's not good to be that lazy."

Felice slightly opened her eyes and pouted. "Why… Why do people hate lazy people? I mean, we're not even doing anything."

Kai looked at Felice, who seemed to be able to reply to him in English. He chuckled and said, "Maybe I should change my perspective about you? You're not lazy, but bored, right?"

Felice widened her eyes for the first time and looked at Kai with a shocked expression.

Even Sonia and the middle-aged woman couldn't help but feel impressed by Kai's observation. To think Kai would figure her out in an instant.

"How… do… you know?" Sonia asked slowly because she still felt uncomfortable speaking in English. At least, it wasn't as fluent as Felice.

"Well, from her expression, her tone, her heart beat and so on. I know how she is feeling… Do you think it's creepy?" Kai smiled, thinking that if he mentioned all those things, they would feel uncomfortable. He just wanted to test the three people before him.

"Big brother." Felice surprisingly just made her head more comfortable in his lap and called him "big brother" as her approval.

"Well, we're surprised to see that someone could see through Felice in an instant. She always puts on that lazy face every day, so the others don't know what she is thinking. Even I can't say I understand her one hundred percent." The middle-aged woman shook her head in defeat, saying everything in English. She seemed to be not a normal person either since Kai could feel the rusty aura emanating from her body.

Kai only smiled and placed his hand on top of her head, gently stroking her head. He wondered if this was how it felt to have a younger sister or something since he was the only child in the family while Tasha was more to a lover than a sibling. She was a big sister as well, so this was the first time he experienced it. 

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