The Mech Touch

Chapter 3812 Grown Up Boy

Chapter 3812 Grown Up Boy

Gloriana looked conflicted at the expert pilot who was sitting at her side.

The brother who happily held and cuddled with his niece had just conveyed an intention that did not sit well with her. She almost couldn't believe he went as far as voicing his displeasure at his mother's latest arrangement!

Did he realize how much damage he could do to the Wodins and their mother if he single-handedly spoiled a potential opportunity to bring the Wodin Dynasty and the Evern Matriarchal Dynasty closer together?

There was more than just his happiness at stake!

The Brutus she used to know was a perfectly obedient son. He had always followed the instructions and arrangements of their mother without showing any rebellious tendencies.

He did not just follow Constance Wodin's orders because they came from their mother. He did everything he could to act according to the plan that was given to him because it was an excellent development path for a boy in a Hexer society.

His diligence paid off in spades. Not only did he succeed in becoming a powerful mech pilot in a society that was reluctant to hand over deadly mechs to boys, he had broken past his limits as a mortal and become an exemplary warrior that was entrusted with greater power!

As far as Gloriana knew, her brother's life always turned for the better when he worked earnestly to meet their mother's expectations. Why did he choose to turn away from her latest promising arrangement? Was it such a bad idea to start a family with an excellent woman from the Evern Matriarchal Dynasty?

"You don't understand." Venerable Brutus repeated. "I love our mother and I am still grateful for everything she has done. If I was still back home, I would not think twice about accepting her plans for me. However, our home is about to get overrun by the Fridaymen. Why should I continue to abide by the rules and customs of a state that constantly emphasizes its superiority but has proven to be inferior on the battlefield?"

Gloriana couldn't take it any longer!

"What is wrong with you, Brutus! Our mother isn't trying to ruin your life! She is doing what is best for you, as she has always done since she has started raising you. Don't you know how many Hexer boys would want to be in your place? I might not know much about Lady Callisto Evern, but if she is like the other main branch descendents of the matriarchal dynasty, she is bound to be an excellent woman in all aspects."

Brutus sighed again. "According to the standards of other Hexers, you're undoubtedly right. That doesn't mean my own standards are the same. They've changed, sister. Traveling through the galaxies and coming in touch with different cultures has opened my eyes. In fact, the greatest examples of how much happier men and women can be are the Larkinsons! When I compare my life to that of the other men in the Larkinson Clan, I do not see any reason why I can be as free and happy as them. If I want to start a family of my own, I want it to mirror the families of the Larkinsons rather than the Hexers."

Though Gloriana still had difficulty accepting these words, her daughter was not as doubtful.

"Uncle happy?" Aurelia innocently asked.

Brutus smiled back. "Your uncle is already happy now, but he won't be if your grandmother forces me to marry a Hexer."


His answer was beyond the little girl's range of understanding. She was still a baby, after all! Her designer genetics only mildly boosted her cognitive development at this early stage. Her rapid growth process would not start until she was ready to attend school!

That didn't mean the little girl got stuck like her mother. Her thoughts were much simpler and pure.

"Family!" She cried as she stretched her tiny arms towards Brutus.

He lifted her closer so that he could embrace her small and precious form once again. He could feel the warmth flowing from his loving niece in spite of the insulating properties of their protective suits.

"Family…" Brutus said as he closed his eyes. "Family is what I am trying to strive for, sister. I am happy with how our mother has taken care of me, but I have already grown up and do not need her care anymore. I think I deserve to live my own life now. I know that if I continue to let others decide what I should do, I won't be happy anymore."


"Do you trust me?" He asked. "Do you trust my judgment on this, or do you think I'm misguided?"

His question caused Gloriana to get embroiled in an inner struggle. Her respect for her mother was warring against her adoration towards her brother!

The problem was that she loved both of them in equal measure! She did not wish to be put in a position where she had to choose one over the other, but her brother wasn't content with her indecision!

"Why must you be so opposed to our mother, Brutus? You can still talk to her and inform her of your wishes."

"Do you think I haven't tried? She heard me out, but then she went right back into negotiating an alliance with the Evern Matriarchal Dynasty!"

"You can't blame her for that! The arranged marriage she is setting up can change the lives of all of our relatives! Our Wodin Dynasty is about to complete its complete migration to the Red Ocean. I don't know if you haven't noticed, but it is dangerous out here. The more allies and backing our dynasty can secure, the greater the chance that every Wodin will prosper!"

"They can work for their own prosperity!" Brutus retorted. "Look, I am still willing to help our parents and our relatives, but I refuse to be their slave. Our dynasty will be completely fine without me. There are more than enough excellent Wodin 'boys' who can become the perfect docile partner to a personality as august as Lady Callista Evern. It doesn't have to be me. Let me pursue my own happiness."

Gloriana fell silent as she registered the earnest desire in his plea. As much as she wanted to stand up for her mother, she could not bring herself to put down the bother she grew up with. She loved him too much to crush his desires.

"I thought you dedicated your life to fighting for the Wodins."

"You're not entirely correct. I dedicated my life to protecting you." He replied with a firm expression. "Now, I have expanded my goals. I want to start my own family so that I can protect it as well. Everyone around me is growing older, and I am no exception. Cuddling with little Aurelia here has grown my desire to have my own kids."

"Hihihihi!" Gloriana's daughter giggled as he affectionately rubbed her head.

Brutus grew firmer in his desire to pursue a different life.

"I don't think you want to raise your daughters into discriminatory women and your sons into subservient boys. You may hide behind the excuse that Ves is forcing you to compromise, but I think that deep down you have reached the same conclusion as I. The old Hexer way of life is a disaster."


"The fact that you aren't able to respond immediately tells me that you do not object as strongly as you think you should." He pointedly remarked.

Brutus gave her time to sort out her conflicting thoughts. In the meantime, he continued playing and teasing his cute little niece.

In the end, Gloriana relaxed her posture.

"I am not our mother, so I can't speak on her behalf. Though I do not approve of your choice, I know better than to change the mind of an expert pilot when he has made up his mind. You will have to face our mother by yourself if she comes in person and asks you to account for yourself. Other than that… I will stand by your side and support you regardless of your decisions."

A few seconds passed before Brutus nodded. "Thank you, sister. I really wanted to hear that from you. I know it must be difficult for you to respect my wishes over our mother's intentions, but we will all be happier for it in the end."

She sighed and looked around her brother's stateroom. "What now?"

"I need to get married in quick order." He answered.

"You what?!"

"You know how our mother can be. She won't listen to me and will continue to engage with the Evern Matriarchal Dynasty until the arranged marriage is set in stone. I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident due to her obstinacy, so the best way to stop her plans from coming into fruition is to preempt her with news of a marriage on my own terms."

It was quite a clever plan, actually. There was no way the Everns would agree to continue treating Brutus as a potential partner for someone as important as Lady Callisto Evern if he was already 'taken'.

Hexers were prideful about that, and it only grew worse at the upper echelons.

Gloriana furrowed her brows. "Short notice as in…?"

"Weeks. I need to be married within a month."

"That's too short! You can't possibly find a suitable woman and go on enough dates to know whether you will be happy with her if you commit to her for the rest of your life!"

If Brutus was a normal person, then Gloriana might not be so bothered about it. The newly-wedded couple could just file for a divorce if their relationship was no longer sustainable.

He was an expert pilot, though, and people like him tended to take their vows of marriage more seriously.

"I know, Gloriana, but what else can I do to stop our mother? She cannot be reasoned with. Only actions will force her into surrender. This is why I am asking for your help. As much as I like and respect my fellow female soldiers among the Glory Seekers, they are still too Hexer for my liking. I would like your help with introducing me to a lovely Larkinson woman who is open to a fast-track relationship."

"...You're asking a lot from me, you know that?"

"That is why I don't think I can manage this on my own. You've been a part of the Larkinson Clan for years. You must know plenty of women over there. Some of them will not say no to me, right?"

Gloriana pursed her lips. She could think of several women who would love to hook up with a young and dashing mid-tier expert pilot who was directly related to the Larkinson Patriarch's wife.

She was not sure whether their love for him would be pure, though.

"I need to think carefully about this." She replied. "Don't worry. I will help you as much as I can. I just need time to form a list and investigate their relationship potential. Since your happiness is at stake, I am determined to do this right. The fit between you and your future wife must be perfect!"

"That's great. I hope you will be able to get everything done within a few weeks."

The Journeyman Mech Designer treated this challenge as another project and switched to her work mode. She considered all of the possible steps that she could take to make this search faster and more reliable.

She suddenly came up with an expedient course of action!

"I know how I can find a date for you within a day!"


Gloriana grinned. "By using the same method that has led me to my husband. We can make use of an automated matching process to quickly seek out the most compatible women among thousands of Larkinsons!"

"Are you sure it will work?"

"Of course it will! Don't worry, brother. I will whittle down the list of eligible candidates by using my own judgment. Your new wife cannot be too average! She has to be as perfect as possible!"

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