The Mech Touch

Chapter 2011 Quality of Blood

Chapter 2011 Quality of Blood

Ves finished his tour shortly after he visited the Ingvar siblings.

Overall, he was very satisfied with what he had seen and heard. Touring a portion of his fleet not only allowed him to get a pulse on his subordinates, but also reaffirm his existence. Many of them hadn't seen Ves in person for a long time. In fact, a lot of Ylvainans and other people never even met him in person in the first place!

Even though his visit was a trivial matter to him, it mattered a lot to the people who professed their loyalty to him and the clan. Ves enjoyed a lot of regard among the workers. It was surprising how much of an effect a short personal appearance had made to his popularity.

When the shuttle flew back to the Scarlet Rose, Gavin approached and asked him a question.

"Have you learned what you set out to know?"

"I think so." Ves nodded while stroking Lucky's back. His cat comfortably perched on his lap. "Before I went on this tour, I didn't really possess a clear impression of what my non-Larkinson subordinates thought. Their loyalty, their dedication, their aspirations and their enthusiasm were a complete mystery to me. I could only guess at their commitment to the Larkinson Clan."

"What about now?"

"The results are better than I expected. My fears are unwarranted. While I'm aware that everyone behaves self-consciously in my presence, I am pleasantly surprised by how eager and willing even the most ordinary workers want to become a Larkinson."

"That shouldn't have come as a surprise, boss."

Ves sent a sharp look at his assistant. "I recognize that joining the Larkinson Clan is a huge step up for ordinary people. I'm not surprised that many people want to join my clan for that reason. What I was unsure about was the extent to which they are willing to mold themselves into Larkinson. What if they want to achieve the opposite and corrupt my clan from the inside? The Ylvainans are especially a matter of concern."

"The True Believers subverted your expectations though, right?"

"They're still cultists, don't get me wrong." Ves gruffed. "Even though they started worshipping me directly, their beliefs and traditions are still alien to secularists like us. However, I'm encouraged by their willingness to adapt to our customs. While it is too much to ask for them to drop their superstitions, at the very least they seem very deferential and respectful to the values of our clan."

Along the way, he encountered various groups of Ylvainans. Ves thought that the followers of the Living Prophet would be rabidly inflexible and touchy about their beliefs, but they proved to be pleasant if somewhat disturbing to be around.

Their friendly demeanor and extreme loyalty to him meant that they might just be able to fit in the Larkinson Clan!

Though they would definitely form their own clique if they joined, the Ylvainans also set a very great example in terms of loyalty and dedication. Ves would doubtlessly be able to count on their support for the times to come!

"The reason why I went on this tour was to make up my mind on how to integrate outsiders into the clan. Will I feel reassured letting outsiders become fully-fledged Larkinsons right away? What if I feel more relieved by instituting a class system that slows down the integration process? I've been dancing on the knife's edge all this while. Only now am I sure of my decision."

To be sure, Ves still held a lot of doubts, but that was nothing strange to him. Every risk he took came with dangers. At some point, he needed to pull the trigger and commit to a choice. No matter what might result in the event of failure, he would not regret the choice he made at the time!

Gavin gulped and watched Ves carefully. "What is your verdict?"

"I'm.. fully behind a complete integration." He declared. "While it isn't a mistake to institute a class system or some other way to favor trueblood Larkinsons over adopted Larkinsons, I don't think that is the direction we should be heading towards. Family matters. I think if we give outsiders the opportunity to become family, they won't disappoint us. Their dedication towards the Larkinson cause is quite strong!"

If that weren't so, Ves would never be in favor of this choice!

"Does that mean that I can become a relative of yours as well?" Gavin hopefully asked.

"Don't exaggerate." Ves replied flatly. "You may become a clansman, but don't think that every Larkinon shares a close relationship with other Larkinsons. I am not delusional enough to make such a demand. It is enough for every Larkinson to feel like they belong in a single group. I also think that this is necessary to form the strongest, most cohesive group of people that is ready to challenge the Red Ocean!"

Almost everything he was doing at this time was to further his grand expedition. Aware of some of the immense challenges he might face in the alien galaxy, Ves not only needed stronger ships and mechs, but also a loyal and dedicated workforce!

Once everyone became a Larkinson, it was much harder for third-parties to pry them apart! Ves wouldn't have to worry so much about internal schisms like the one that plagued the original Larkinson Family!

Of course, Ves happened to be the chief culprit behind that event, but that wasn't important.

Though Ves had made up his mind, that didn't mean he would get his way.

"A majority of other Larkinsons don't agree with your choice." Gavin remarked. "The Larkinson Assembly will likely go for a class system if the latest rumors are true."

"I'm aware. The other Larkinsons are entitled to their opinions. I don't begrudge them for trying to preserve what they think the Larkinson name stands for. To them, they are used to how we used to be back in the Bright Republic."

"Do you think that's wrong?"

"It isn't a matter of right or wrong. I can understand the attitude of treating our Larkinson name as something that should only belong to the truebloods. However, blood isn't everything. I've met too many outsiders today who embody the Larkinson ideals just as well as my relatives. Would it be fair to deprive them of the same status that is owed to Larkinsons who just happened to possess the right blood? I don't think so. People like Joshua deserve to become a Larkinson if he wants it so badly. He more than earned his right to be regarded as family in my eyes!"

Though Gavin looked happy at his change of heart, he still played the dutiful role of Devil's advocate.

Neither mentioned the irony of using this term to describe his current actions.

"I don't mean to rain on your parade, but you never prioritized fairness. Your fellow Larkinsons are no different. This argument won't be enough to convince your relatives to change their minds."

That was true. Ves was quite selfish, and while the Larkinsons always tried to maintain a good reputation, they weren't exactly known for their generosity.

Sure, they cared a lot about their fellow family members, but they never extended their intimacy towards others who didn't share the same name.

When it came down to it, Ves had to present an argument that appealed to their own interests instead of leaning to abstract ideals such as fairness.

The problem was that Ves couldn't come up with a compelling reason that met this condition.

He furrowed his brows. "Hmm. It will be very difficult to convince my fellow clansmen to support my choice when there is a very strong argument that complete integration will likely dilute their power and influence. They may even see it as the first step of the collapse of our clan!"

Certainly, their fears were legitimate. There was no way to tell if the clan would be able to last or retain its original values after absorbing so many outsiders without any barriers.

Perhaps Ves needed to come up with a compromise solution that lessened the objection.

He didn't want to, though. For something as important like this, half-measures would only exacerbate the tensions between the two groups. Holding back would just hamper the integration process.

At the end, he wanted the division between trueblood Larkinsons and adopted Larkinsons to disappear.

His new view was that everyone could become a Larkinson no matter what quality of blood they possessed! To Ves, it didn't matter anymore whether any clansman inherited the genes of the original Larkinson ancestor! There were plenty of bastards among the Larkinsons who possessed the same bloodline as him, so it wasn't the only determinant of someone's commitment to the clan!

"You'll be redefining what it means to be a Larkinson. Are you truly capable of selling this change to your skeptical relatives?"

"Hmm.." Ves rubbed his smooth-shaven chin in thought. "This is a very difficult matter. I have some ideas on how to approach this problem, but nothing too certain. I'll have to talk to Calabast and James and think over it. They're the most ardent proponents of this change. They should have a better idea on how to sell our views."

In the end, Ves threw in his support behind the two troublesome figures. He didn't particularly like either of them, but that didn't mean he would fall in line with them if it was in his best interest to do so. He would be shooting himself in the foot if he let his personal feelings get in the way of his interests!

"What am I thinking?" He suddenly frowned.

He felt as if he was becoming more and more like Senator Tovar and other so-called 'wise leaders'! Attitudes like this was exactly what led to the betrayals he suffered!

The leaders of the Bright Republic sold the Larkinsons out to the Friday Coalition. The leaders of the three dynasties of the Ylvaine Protectorate stabbed their own Bright Martyr in the back to preserve their state. Would Ves be following in their footsteps by taking up a decision that went against the interests of his relatives?

Ves felt more and more troubled by the implications. His principles, emotions and logic warred within him. He grew more uncertain on the correct course of action.

Too much was at stake for him to feel conflicted.

His thoughts remained turbulent by the time his shuttle reached the Scarlet Rose. As Ves exited the vehicle, he returned to his stateroom and tried to sort out his thoughts.

The Larkinson Assembly would be holding a vote in a matter of days. Ves not only needed to clear his doubts, but also present a strong argument that would sway the assembly members to his side!

"Why did I share so much power with the Larkinson Assembly?" He groaned. "Maybe I shouldn't have been so generous in splitting my authority."

As clan leader, he could still ram through his own edicts, but that was a very quick way to disillusion the original clansmen!

"Is Gloriana right?" He gradually wondered. "Will it be necessary for me to employ my Devil Tongue against my own relatives?"

His principles warred against this decision. He knew how much damage he could do when he combined his fiery words with his spiritual tricks.

"Enemies and allies, are they truly the same?"

Before he could muse any further, the hatch to the stateroom slid open.

"Ves! You're finally back!"

Gloriana walked over and swept him in a loving hug, cloistering him with her lavender scent! She rubbed his cheek against his own. "So soft! So smooth! Hihihi!"

"Ah, hello Gloriana. How was your day at the design lab?"

She withdrew from the hug. "It's not the same without you. I hope you can settle the matter of your Larkinson Clan quickly. Have you made up your mind?"

"I did."

"Then that's great! I hope you get your way, then. Let me explain what progress we made on the two projects."

She sat down next to him and enthusiastically showed off her progress.

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