The Mech Touch

Chapter 2028 Defectors

Chapter 2028 Defectors

The first day of the meeting between Larkinsons mostly centered around reuniting the separated groups of family members.

A lot of trueblood Larkinsons received the opportunity to greet relatives who they hadn't seen or talked to for months.

Of particular note were the Larkinsons who had been taken prisoner. After DIVA rescued them from Spotlight, they had been brought to the Sentinel Kingdom as promised.

Not a lot of former prisoners seemed thankful that Ves arranged them to be rescued. Ves could feel the resentful stares directed at his position at the head of the banquet.

He didn't blame them for feeling this way. There was no way that Ves could excuse the misfortune thrust upon them due to his actions.

Even so, he wasn't about to apologize to them either. There was hardly any point to it considering that it wouldn't convert them into clansmen.

Ves did not exhibit any surprise when Ark Larkinson mentioned that almost all of the rescued Larkinsons preferred to follow Ark and the old family.

The goals and vision that Ark had set for the Larkinson Family appealed much more to the average family member. The Larkinsons had never dreamt of ruling the galaxy or becoming a dominant power in a star sector.

They just wanted to raise their families and live an honorable life of service, preferably to a worthy cause. They held no desire for adventure and possessed no stomach for taking risks.

Space might be boundless and full of unknowns, but the overwhelming majority of humanity was content with sticking to their familiar corner of the galaxy.

In any case, the rejection he received from so many Larkinsons didn't bother him anymore. He already poached the most open-minded and adventurous relatives from the old family. Whoever remained no longer fit with the profile of his clan.

Another reason why Ves no longer cared as much was due to the recent expansion of the clan. Even though the ten-thousand adopted clansmen still diverged from the ideal mold of a Larkinsons in many ways, their loyalty and dedication to the clan was undeniable!

Ves valued those traits more than blood kinship. Even the Kinners earned more regard than him than most of the members of the old family!

That said, there were always exceptions. Certain individuals within the Larkinson Family still earned his love and respect.

For example, Ves always valued the intimacy he shared with his closest blood relatives. Ark Larkinson and Benjamin Larkinson had both been important figures in his youth. Though he had already grown up and made his own accomplishments, a part of him would always look up to his uncle and grandfather.

He enjoyed his cordial talk with them during the opening banquet. Neither of the two older Larkinsons wanted to make things difficult for him. At no time during their discussion did they press any blame for the turmoil that Ves had directly and indirectly caused.

That said, the three couldn't avoid every difficult topic entirely.

When the conversation turned towards the question of a possible merger between the clan or family, both sides remained stubborn.

"We are all Larkinsons no matter what we believe in." Benjamin argued. "Both of you are different, but it isn't as if we have ever insisted that every Larkinson should be a carbon copy of each other."

"Nice try, grandpa, but it is far too late for that." Ves snorted. "I doubt the old family can stomach the idea of adopting new Larkinsons en masse."

Ark crossed his arms. "While I love Ves as my brother's only son, his ideas are too radical and irresponsible for us to accept."

"I think our current course is already a good outcome. Rather than try to corral a bunch of disagreeing Larkinsons in a single direction, it's best to maintain the split so that every Larkinson can get what they want. Breaking up a group is not always a bad outcome when the benefits outweigh the costs."

"Everyone has a different valuation of the costs." Benjamin depressingly remarked. "In the history of our lineage, we have never suffered a split as awful as now. The amount of friendships and kinships that have been broken the past years has inflicted a lot of damage to our sense of togetherness. Family members should always support each other. Isn't that our rule?"

Neither Ark nor Ves fully agreed with the elder Larkinson. There were only so many differences that they could tolerate.

"I think this outcome is already set in stone." Ves declared. "The best we can do is to manage our permanent split and make sure that there is as little animosity towards each other as possible. There is no need for us to part ways on a bad note."

Though every Larkinson looked a little sad at the mention of going their separate ways from each other, there was no choice.

The Larkinson Family didn't want to get caught up with Ves and his clan's antics ever again. It just wanted to find a stable home where they could resume their old lives as closely as possible.

The Larkinson Clan no longer considered the local star cluster to be their home. There were a lot more gains to be made elsewhere!

As long as this contradiction stood, a merger was off the table.

When Benjamin saw that his weak entreaties of reconciliation fell flat, he no longer tried to mind fences. In the end, his son and grandson were simply too different from each other!

As the evening began to wound down, a notable event took place at the end of the banquet.

A large group of clansmen separated from the ranks of the rest of the clan. Despite wearing their new uniforms, they slowly separated from the family members they spent the last few months with. Though they felt a bit ashamed at their actions, they had already made up their minds!

Ves silently counted the Larkinsons walking up to him. In the end, around a hundred trueblood clansmen committed to their decision to leave the clan!

The clansmen they left behind all sent resentful looks at the defectors. They especially directed their ill will towards Caratan Larkinson, who still carried the mark of shame bestowed by the Golden Cat!

Even the members of the Larkinson Family reacted with mixed emotions at the spectacle. Duty, loyalty and commitment were important values to the Larkinsons. Even though the clansmen had already betrayed the family once by joining the clan, it was still somewhat excusable due to their differences.

For the leavers to change their minds yet again due to losing heart of the risks that the clan intended to take was another matter!

Their conduct was distinctly dishonorable. They had made their choice, but backed off very quickly after they encountered actual danger! If they were soldiers of the Mech Corps, they would have faced disciplinary action if they tried to desert!

Nonetheless, Caratan Larkinson and his band continued to march forward even though all of the attention turned it into something akin to a walk of shame.

"That's less leavers than you initially expected, right?" Gloriana whispered to him as she maintained a very authentic-looking smile.

The initial estimate he received was double the current figure. It seemed that in the intervening months between their journey from Kesseling to Cinach caused a lot of trueblood Larkinsons to reconsider their choice!

The warmth conveyed by the spiritual network and the close intimacy that every clansman shared towards each other probably did much to change their minds.

While Ves wasn't exactly pleased with retaining the clansmen who had been feeble-hearted enough to signal an intention to defect, he did not wish to make this spectacle uglier for everyone involved.

Though Caratan Larkinson received a lot of nasty looks after he had been kicked from the Larkinson Assembly, the stubborn pride of his bloodline compelled him to maintain a straight and dignified demeanor.

He refused to show any shame or defeat! He did not regret the choice he made!

Once the old man stopped in front of Ves, he bowed his head in a stiff manner.

"I wish to formally withdraw myself from the Larkinson Clan. Do I have your permission to leave, patriarch?"

Everyone turned their attention towards Ves. Wearing his red-and-white clan uniform and holding the Larkinson Mandate under his arm, the clan patriarch looked incredibly serious.

"You have my permission to leave."

Just as Caratan was about to turn around and loosen the collar of his clan uniform, Ves extended the book in his grasp.

"Please wait. Before you go, you must undergo one more ritual."

Caratan frowned. "What must I do?"

"Please place your palm on the cover of this book and state your intention to leave."

"Why?" The leaver looked at the book with a mixture of fear and suspicion. By now, every Larkinson knew that there was something strange about the Larkinson Mandate! "I have already filed the necessary paperwork."

"We are a clan that abides by rituals. This is one of the essential rituals I've set for anyone who is permitted to leave the clan. If you are honest in your intentions and do not intend to harm or sabotage us, then we won't have any problems with your departure. If that isn't the case, then we will need to keep you for a while longer."

A lot of defecters and other Larkinsons looked disturbed at this explanation!

"And this.. book.. is going to help you determine whether I sabotaged the clan or something?" Caratan feebly asked.

Ves smiled at Caratan like a shark. "Believe what you will. As long as there is nothing bothering your conscience, you have nothing to fear. Just get on with it already so I won't have to deal with your repulsive presence any longer!"

After a bit of reluctance, Caratan pressed his wrinkly palm on the golden medallion adorning the front cover. With his skin touching the contours of the emblem of the Golden Cat, he once again announced his intention to leave the clan!

"I, Caratan Larkinson, wish to leave the Larkinson Clan! From here on now, I shall hold no obligations to the clan, understanding that I am no longer entitled to its privileges! Let my declaration be witnessed!"

The Larkinson Network began to stir. The Golden Cat, who had been paying attention all this time, extended her claws. A small amount of spiritual energy flowed into them, imparting the intangible claws with mysterious power.

With a single, decisive swipe, the Golden Cat severed the bond that tied Caratan Larkinson to the Larkinson Clan!

For an instant, a profound sense of separation seemed to take place! Though the regular family members didn't sense anything strange, the members of the clan all felt the sudden loss!

The clan no longer ostracized Caratan Larkinson. The clan didn't feel anything about him because he was no longer part of the spiritual network!

Ves observed everything with his spiritual vision. The Golden Cat decided to make a clean cut to the bond, signifying that she didn't have any issue with Caratan.

"Goodbye, Caratan." He spoke after concluding that Caratan hadn't sabotaged the clan or tried to smuggle some classified information on his way out. "No matter how short you have been with the clan, you were our comrade for the time you have been with us. I wish you good luck on your future endeavors with the old family."

Caratan frowned, but refrained from making an acid remark. What was done was done and he got what he wanted. He simply turned around and joined the ranks of the Larkinson Family while slowly peeling off his uniform coat.

"Next, please."

The rest of the defectors followed suit. Everyone of them announced their intention to depart, and the Golden Cat cut them off the Larkinson Network as if she was just taking out the trash!

What Ves found interesting about this ritual was that the defectors may have lost active bonds with the Golden Cat, but still retained a hint of a passive bond. This meant that the Golden Cat treated them like the rest of the members of the Larkinson Family. They weren't part of the clan anymore, but still retained their identity as Larkinsons!

Ves wasn't the only one who sensed the spiritual changes taking place.

Standing a short distance away, Ark Larkinson frowned a bit as he stared at the book his nephew held.

There was more to this ritual than mere symbolism!

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