The Mech Touch

Chapter 2459: MTA Cover

Chapter 2459: MTA Cover

"First, let me reiterate to you that everything I have said to you should not be spread." Master Willix stated to Ves. "After the Star Designer I was travelling with completed her examination of the Ouroboros, she declared the mech to be of special interest to her, thereby discouraging the MTA from looking too closely in the mech. This is her way of safeguarding Mr. S.'s interests."

"So the rest of the MTA doesn't know all of this?" Ves asked.

"The Mech Trade Association is an enormous organization. There are different branches, arms and factions within the Association that each hold their own secrets. I cannot tell you how many people are aware of the truth hidden within the Ouroboros, but even if there are more, they have all chosen to stay mum. This means that it is unlikely that our Association as a whole will immediately tie you to a possible Star Designer."

Ves let out a sigh in relief. He was quite afraid that he had inadvertently pushed himself into a corner. He never expected that fooling around during a single Mastery experience would have so many serious implications to his actual life!

All of the complications and paradoxes surrounding time travel still gave him headaches. He still wasn't sure whether the Ouroboros already 'existed' before the System shoved his consciousness into Axelar's mind.

Had all of his current and future Mastery experiences already affected the past? Was this why Master Willix already constructed an elaborate backstory for Mr. S.?

Whatever the case, Ves knew he had to act in accordance with her suspicions. If he no longer fit in her narrative, then the truth might come out. That would be devastating for him! Without her support, Ves couldn't fend off the MTA by himself.

Though he hated to admit it, he needed Master Willix's protection. She was his only ally within the MTA. Even if he didn't slip up during the Battle against the Abyss, he would have entered the Association's crosshairs eventually.

In his opinion, the best way to get an authority like the MTA off his back was to bribe and subvert one of its members!

"What do you propose, then?"

"Irrespective of your connections to Mr. S., your research is of great interest to the MTA." Master Willix declared. "Your work has already attracted enough attention to make MTA scrutiny inevitable. What I can do is to take responsibility for your case and limit the involvement of others. If your innovations truly pose a risk to mech pilots, then that is sufficient to justify this step. You are not the first mech designer to seek out a way to encourage breakthroughs. The few success cases are so heavily flawed that our Association does not allow them to be publicized."

Ves grew interested in what she said. "There are truly others who have already succeeded in this goal?"

"It's not an actual success in our point of view. Would you be willing to obtain an expert pilot if it means the deaths of thousands of mech pilots?"

"That sounds gruesome!"

Master Willix looked grim. "There are those within the MTA who consider this price to be acceptable. I do not, and so do many of my other colleagues. The Association is governed by cooler minds. Do not forget that the MTA has emerged as a response to the abuses that took place during the Age of Conquest. One of the founding principles that our predecessors have set is that mech designers must always serve mech pilots. In no manner are we allowed to abuse, exploit or endanger those we serve."

He actually agreed with her. Though he hadn't always stuck to his principles, on a fundamental level he approved of this mindset.

When mech designers lost their restraint, they turned into reprehensible monsters who would sacrifice as many lives as possible in order to obtain their desired results. Ves was disgusted by this approach because these mech designers were just as unhinged as the fanatics of the Compact!

"Our work must always better the lives of our customers." He voiced his support. "The mech industry has no place for sadists and murderers who masquerade as scientists. I can promise you that I will never sink to their level."

Master Willix gave him an encouraging smile. "I am relieved to hear that from you, Mr. Larkinson. Too many mech designers who have pursued this goal have slammed into walls. Unable to accept their own inadequacies, they go through extreme lengths, not realizing that they have lost their humanity."

The way she spoke and the changes in her expression hinted to Ves that she might have encountered these unhinged individuals in person. The horror of meeting a monster must have left a strong impression in her mind.

Ves grasped the angle she was going for. There was a reason why she brought up these extreme mech designers.

"So if I understand you correctly, the existence of these corrupted mech designers gives you an excuse to supervise my work. With someone like you around, the rest of the MTA will feel assured that one of their own is on the case."

"Not entirely, but close enough. In truth, I cannot accompany you in person. I can only put an administrative block on your name so that those who do not outrank me are unable to study your complete record or contact you through official channels. I am also not allowed to show obvious favoritism to you. While I can bend the rules, I will never break them unless a superior intervenes. The protection I can offer to you is limited."

"It's better than nothing, ma'am. I truly appreciate everything you can do for me. I need enough space to develop myself."

Master Willix leaned forward. Despite being over 170 years old, she looked as old as a mother. "Do not mistake my actions for charity. I expect some sincerity from you. The research you are engaging in is of great importance. It would be a pity to lose your gains because of an untimely death. Unless Mr. S. steps forward himself, it is best if you confide in me so that I can properly back up your research."

Though she sounded noble, to Ves she sounded just as selfish as any other bastard. While he wasn't pleased with her demand, he already accepted this outcome. The only way he could trust her to cover for him was if she had a vested interest in doing so. Divulging some secrets to her was an acceptable price to pay as long as she did not divulge what she learned.

"I am.. reluctantly willing to share some of my research results with you." He carefully replied. "However, I have already made my own demands clear. I want your promise that you will not divulge my research to anyone else. Can you do that, ma'am?"

He hated this situation. He was all alone in the territory of someone else. While he managed to secure some bargaining power for himself, it was all based on smoke and mirrors. He did not dare to leverage Mr. S. too much in this negotiation for fear that Master Willix might suspect the truth!

Master Willix slowly shook her head. "I cannot entirely promise you that. As I've already said, a Star Designer that I am acquainted with is involved. In the process of running interference for you, I may need to borrow her influence. It is only right to inform her as well."

Ves froze. Getting a Star Designer of all people to pay attention to him sounded awful. Star Designers were probably intricately involved at the highest levels of the Association. That meant that they were surely aware of the Five Scrolls Compact.

If Ves ever exposed the System or his relation to the Compact, that Star Designer would probably be the first person to deal with him! With the immense amount of power and influence these inhumanly brilliant visionaries possessed, there was no way for him to resist!

Master Willix misunderstood his reaction. "You do not need to be concerned. Star Designers are preoccupied with affairs far beyond your imagination. You are just a tiny Journeyman who hasn't realized his design philosophy yet. Until you reach Master, all of your gains are temporal. Besides, Star Designers do not have the habit of interfering with the disciples of their fellow peers."

Ves relaxed a bit. "So she won't do anything?"

"Let me just say that she shall remain apprised. What she chooses to do with the information I supply to her is not something I can influence."

His regard for Master Willix shot up tremendously. She spent time with a Star Designer, but was also in speaking terms with one! This was an amazing connection and partially explained why her influence at the Komodo Branch was so great!

He was both fortunate and unfortunate to be in contact with someone who had access to the top level of the MTA. If he played his cards poorly, he could kiss his life and freedom goodbye!

"As long as it's just a single Star Designer, I can live with that." He spoke with resignation.

"Good. We have an agreement, then?"

"Hey! Don't forget about helping me develop some expert mechs." He reminded her. "My clan needs at least 5 of them and more in the future."

"I haven't forgotten that, Mr. Larkinson. While I am intrigued at the prospect of collaborating with you on a mech design that incorporates your innovations, it has been much more difficult than I thought to obtain an exemption from the neutrality rules. Do you recall Master Colin Drexel? He and several other recalcitrant Masters within the branch are preventing me from abiding by this term."

Ves sunk a bit. "Does that mean you won't be able to help?"

"You do not need to be worried. This is why I told you that I might need to involve a Star Designer. Once she makes a move, there will be no problem anymore."

This was what the authority of a Star Designer was capable of! The onerous rules and regulations of the MTA no longer formed a hindrance to such an individual!

The two talked a bit more about what they expected from each other. Ves promised to be sincere about teaching her his trade secrets, while Master Willix would do everything in her power to keep the MTA off his back.

"Mind you, there are limits to what I can do." She warned him. "Unless you join the MTA, I cannot offer you our protection. I can suggest to the public that you are of interest to me, but not everyone will respect this signal. I have enemies as well, and certain powers such as the Terrans and the Rubarthans will not be deterred. Keep your behavior in check and do not go on any wild adventures such as your most recent trip. Is that clear?"

"I understand. I'll be on my best behavior, ma'am."

She looked suspicious at him. It was as if she didn't believe a word he said!

"I'm serious! The Nyxian Gap has already traumatized me plenty enough to haunt the rest of my life."

"It is for that reason that I really do insist that you share your findings with me. Your risk profile is so alarming that archiving your current progress is one of my highest priorities. I cannot let your entire work be forgotten because you failed to control yourself."

What a cynical viewpoint. She sounded as if Ves was ready to throw himself to his death at any moment!

His face grew ugly, but he did not deny her request.

"What do you want to know?"

She smiled and leaned back on her chair. "For a start, tell me the premise of your design philosophy. Please speak in plain terms, and do not bring up any irrelevant distractions such as 'faith' or 'the power of love'. I believe we have moved past these childish tricks."

Ves wasn't sure. He would have liked to stay there instead of moving on. He dreaded telling the truth!

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