The Mech Touch

Chapter 2489: A Good Mech

Chapter 2489: A Good Mech

Was it appropriate for Ves to bring his pets to a diplomatic meeting? Probably not. Ves did so anyway. As a famed and extraordinarily successful Journeyman, he could get away with a lot. People like him were always abnormal.

Now that Master Willix saw through him, it was no longer necessary for him to cultivate an eccentric image. He still intended to do so because the MTA and other powerful organizations still posed a threat to him. His current patron within the Association couldn't block everything!

When the meeting was about to commence, Ves entered a hall specifically built to receive foreign dignitaries. He wore a more formal version of his regular outfit that enhanced his stature and made him look a bit older than he looked.

He idly rubbed his smooth-shaven chin as a pair of lovely cats padded behind him. "Maybe I should grow a beard."

Once Ves reached the center of the hall, he awaited the arrival of the Crossers. Lucky and Clixie flanked him on each side while Goldie had dove back into the Larkinson Mandate which he currently held.

The clan heirloom held considerably more energy than before. Goldie had so much that even regular people could sense the Larkinson Mandate was special at a glance.

In fact, now that Goldie reached new heights, Ves wondered whether he should upgrade her with spiritual augments. Her spiritual essence had grown considerably in both quantity and quality. This effectively increased her capacity to bear spiritual constructs.

As Ves speculatively studied Goldie's form, he hesitated. A part of him felt that turning everything that was made of spiritual energy into spiritual constructs wasn't the right approach.

Life was chaotic and fluent. Living entities such as his mechs and his design spirits were more than capable of growing and acquiring new abilities organically.

Relying on growth over time was slower, less efficient and much more time-consuming than resorting to spiritual engineering.

Ves basically had to choose between natural growth and artificial creation. There were deep philosophical implications that he hadn't entirely explored yet. While he favored the control and precision of deliberate creation, life was all about spontaneous growth.

"Maybe I should combine the two instead." He mused. "By engaging indirected growth, I can enjoy the advantages of both."

He already did so once when he created a seed of his mother's construct. While the end product came out differently than he expected, it successfully generated a portal.

As long as Ves didn't mind a bit of variance, he could definitely create a lot of useful products. One of his most anticipated projects he had in mind was the replacement for his Grand Dynamo. Once the excitement of his wedding died down, he planned to work on it right away. Once he gained an additional supply of spiritual energy, he wouldn't have to be so frugal anymore.

The double doors leading into the hall slid open. Ves quickly cleared his head and straightened his back.

A number of powerful footsteps echoed across the space. The Crossers seemed to prefer taking their own steps instead of relying on antigrav clothes to move around.

That instantly increased his respect for the new arrivals. Ves couldn't get used to seeing people hovering around just above the ground all the time. Perhaps it made sense for people to do so when they lived in vertical cities, but it was pretentious behavior when it happened indoors.

Five Crossers entered the room. Two of them appeared to be lightly-armored bodyguards. Two more seemed to be important leaders within their clan. At the head, a broad-chested man with close-cropped silver hair stepped forward to shake Ves' hand.

The two gripped each other tightly. A small dominance game ensued as they tried to crush each other with their strength.

To their surprise, neither side succumbed at first. Patriarch Reginald Cross possessed enhanced strength. So did Ves.

As their hands employed more strength, Ves slowly discovered that he still had strength to spare. The accidents that caused his body to mutate to its current state had come in handy once again.

He tried his best not to smirk as he steadily increased the pressure exerted by his hand.

To his credit, Patriarch Reginald did not flinch. Instead, the leader of the Cross Clan mobilized his force of will and attempted to establish dominance on another level!

He failed. Ves may not be able to project such a strong force of will, but his mental defenses were more than up to the task. Having confronted reality-defying dark gods in battle, a mere expert pilot hardly posed a threat!

"Patriarch Cross. Let us proceed with our talk."

The pressure abruptly abated. The Vicious Mountainer grasped the opportunity to withdraw from this game without admitting defeat. "Certainly. Time is short."

The two sat at a formal table made out of the finest Hexer wood.

While a bunch of cats kept Ves company, Patriarch Reginald was flanked by his own clansmen.

The contrast was striking. The Crossers were caught off-guard. They thought that Ves would bring his own advisors, but evidently he was confident enough that he could hold his ground by himself.

What the visitors didn't know was that Lucky and Clixie were quite perceptive in their own right. Ves trusted their instincts.

"Patriarch Larkinson, it is a pleasure to meet you." Reginald began. "You are different from every other mech designer we have met. I have never met a Journeyman or Senior for that matter that has earned more glory, honor and prestige than you. You were born in the wrong star sector. If you rose up in Vicious Mountain, you would have received the respect that you are due. Instead, you are forced to entertain Hexers who constantly look down on men like us as boys."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ves vaguely replied.

He did not think it was fitting for him to badmouth the Hexers when he was relying on them so much right now. If Reginald was a bit more diplomatic, then he wouldn't have brought up such a sore point.

"You're a real man, Ves. You could easily fold any stuck-up Hexer in half with those arms. You have the heart of a true warrior. I'm not surprised you're eager to leave the Komodo Star Sector as soon as possible."

"There are multiple reasons why our Larkinson Clan seeks to enter the Red Ocean."

Ves grew a bit exasperated at this discussion. It had barely started and already the Patriarch of the Cross Clan was talking nonsense!

It couldn't be helped. The Cross Clan used to be rooted in the Garlen Empire. Every leader had to be a high-ranking mech pilot. Regardless of his actual leadership qualifications, the head of the Cross Clan had to be an expert pilot at a minimum.

Ves really wanted to crack open the head of a Vicious Mountainer in order to see what caused them to develop such crooked thoughts. Couldn't the Cross Clan dispatch someone normal for this important meeting?

Patriarch Cross looked more at home in the cockpit of an expert mech!

After some terse exchanges where Ves did his best not to insult anyone, the Cross leader finally addressed his actual business.

"We should join forces." Patriarch Reginald abruptly stated. "We are both in the possession of a substantial number of merits. As long as we seek out one or two groups, we can immediately head to the closest local gate to travel to a star system that holds one of those enormous inter-galactic beyonder gates."

Ves raised his palm. "Whoa there. Let's not put the cart before the horse. Sharing the cost of a beyonder ticket isn't enough. Without an actual grounds for cooperation, our partnership will likely end in ruins. We can't afford to suffer any discord between us when we reach the Red Ocean. Can you start with what exactly the Cross Clan seeks from the Larkinson Clan?"

"Certainly." Reginald forcefully nodded. "We have a list of demands that we would like your clan to fulfil. They're mere details, though. Just leave it up to our underlings to hash them out. I only have a few overriding demands. Aside from sharing the burden of exchanging a beyonder ticket, I would like your help in one critical matter."

"And that is?"

"Help me become an ace pilot."


The Crossers all looked absolutely serious when their leader made this request. To them, issuing this demand was already a given!

Of course, what made sense for them didn't necessarily make sense to Ves! How could Patriarch Reginald make such an absurd demand? Just because the Larkinson Clan coincidently gained a bunch of expert pilots didn't mean that Ves could perform magic!

He cleared his throat. "That is.. quite a request. I'm sorry. I don't think anyone in the galaxy can deliver what you ask. If I had the ability to help anyone advance to ace pilot, I would have spent my efforts on cultivating our own expert pilots."

"Ah, but do you know what trials and challenges an expert pilot must overcome to become an ace pilot?" Patriarch Reginald grinned. "Your Larkinson Clan and the family you came from has never come close to producing an ace pilot."

"There are sources. This is hardly an obscure phenomenon."

The Crossers all sneered in contempt.

"The galactic net is one of the least reliable sources in the galaxy. Do you truly think that expert pilots can transcend by following a ten-step plan?"

Ves frowned. "You're saying that we aren't capable of nurturing ace pilots. Then why are you approaching us in the first place?"

"We want your mechs." Patriarch Reginald plainly stated. "Let me fill you in on a secret to show our goodwill. A good mech is indispensable for any expert pilot looking to break through. An inadequate expert mech cannot sustain the powerful advancement process. At least a Master is required to design a suitable high-tier expert mech!"

Ves was shocked at the revelation! Though he appeared stoic on the surface, he was quite surprised at how much the expert pilot revealed.

Though there was a chance that Patriarch Reginald made a misleading statement, Ves did not think this was the case!

What the Cross Patriarch stated made so much sense to Ves. Third-rate states rarely if ever produced ace pilots. This was despite the fact that they easily retained a hundred or more expert pilots.

With so many demigods, how come none of them ever succeeded in taking a step forward?

The most likely explanation was that their mechs simply couldn't keep up with their growth!

A good mech pilot was unable to express his full strength when piloting a bad mech. This rule applied to everyone, whether it was regular mech pilots, expert candidates and apparently even expert pilots!

This revelation had many implications to Ves. It became even more important to supply powerful expert mechs to his expert pilots!

"Thank you for your guidance." Ves sincerely responded. "That said, it doesn't make sense to approach us. Perhaps we have lucked out in obtaining some expert pilots, but their advancement process is not comparable to that of an ace pilot. Since a good expert mech is indispensable, you should approach an excellent Master Mech Designer instead."

"We have done so already. It is.. difficult to secure the services of a Master we are confident in. While we have gathered the MTA merits needed to attract their services, I dare not spend it all when there is an alternative. You."

"I'm not a Senior, let alone a Master. I can't design expert mechs by myself. You would still need to secure the services of a better mech designer."

The Cross Patriarch nodded. "That is a given, but we have not let off our eye on you. No matter how great your contribution to my expert mech must be, I want you to add whatever is necessary to enable my breakthrough. The Cross Clan cannot be without an ace pilot! It is a disgrace for us to live without returning to our former splendor. Until I correct this injustice, I shall not rest until I inherit the mantle of my father!"

A strong and aggressive force of will swept over Ves and his cats!



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