The Mech Touch

Chapter 2757 - Arnold

Chapter 2757 - Arnold

Even though Ves decided to share some secrets relating to spirituality to Dr. Ranya, he only shared a few surface aspects for now. All she needed to know was that there was an unknown and difficult-to-detect form of energy in existence that served as the source to many extraordinary manifestations.

"Why have I never heard of these theories?!" Ranya voiced her astonishment. "You are talking about nothing less than the origin of high-ranking expert pilots!"

"That’s why I have always been careful with spreading this knowledge. You can’t imagine how many people in the galaxy will want to silence us if we are too careless with what we say. Now keep listening because there are a number of other implications that you should know."

He proceeded to tell her about how every form of sentient life possessed a quality that he called spirituality. He didn’t add too much detail because he wasn’t completely sure about them. He also wanted to prevent Ranya from taking over too many of his biases.

In order to make Ranya as useful as possible, he wanted her to develop her own perspective towards spirituality. As an exobiologist, she approached the phenomenon from an entirely different direction. That was useful as time went on because she might be able to make observations that Ves would never make.

Two heads were better than one, especially when they differed from each other!

Explaining the gist of spirituality already took an entire hour. Ranya listened with rapturous attention and asked questions whenever she needed clarification.

Overall, she absorbed his theories remarkably quickly. She did not question his assertions. As a young and highly-learned academic, she possessed the capacity to absorb ground-breaking new theories without rejecting them by reflex.

Even if she held doubts concerning some of what Ves had shared, she knew better than to offer critique to someone who knew much more about this subject.

While Ves left plenty of material out, Ranya learned enough to know the nature of design spirits. She even found out where some of them came from!

"This is amazing." She uttered as she turned around to observe the slumbering Arganid in a whole new light. "So if you are correct, this small and furry organism has the potential to power the glows of millions of mechs."

"That’s correct, but potential alone is not enough." Ves added. "We still have to find out whether Arnold has developed any usual powers or traits that fit with certain mech designs. For all I know, this furry beast simply stands out by being able to eat sand or something. That’s not usable."

"I see."

Now that Ranya gained a portion of secret knowledge, she felt more driven than ever. She did not wish to disappoint his expectations and began to study Arnold from several different angles.

"The specimen’s brain activity is indeed higher than the other slumbering Arganids." She pointed out. "I can’t detect any specific activity that stands out. The deviation is not very considerable."

"That’s to be expected. Arnold’s body isn’t the focus here. It’s his more intangible properties that catch my attention. I merely want you to study his body because I want you to see if his mental strength affects his physical development in any way. I also want you to keep him alive as best as possible."

Even after Ranya learned about spirituality, she hadn’t been able to gather any data that was undeniably tied to Arnod’s remarkable strength in this aspect. Ves did not hold any high expectations for now. He knew that plenty of scientists had tried and failed to tie the tangible and the intangible together.

"Don’t worry about it. Just let what you learned inform you of anything unusual Arnod might do." He told her. "Let’s wait until he wakes up and gets his bearings before we proceed with deeper examinations. I have other duties to attend to so I’ll leave you with my latest prize. Keep him under observation and inform me if he does anything outside of the norm."

"Yes, sir."

Ves did what he said. He performed his usual duties and attended various meetings with different clansmen.

He never really paid too much attention to what was going on, though. He only spared a portion of his focus on the matter at hand.

What he really cared about was Arnold. He wondered about the planet where the arganid clisenta species came from. Was it nearby? Would he be able to pay a visit to it? What caused the little critter to injure two of his limbs? How did Arnold manage to mutate his spirit when so many of his fellow arganids were rather simple cave dwellers?

Above all else, Ves wondered what kind of attributes Arnold possessed. He inspected the slumbering exobeast’s spirituality many times. He tried to avoid getting too close for fear of frightening or injuring the beast, so he wasn’t able to get a deep impression.

What he did know was that Arnold wasn’t simple. The arganid possessed a murky spirituality that did not exude any strong or straightforward impression.

"He’s different from Zeigra." Ves muttered.

Zeigra was a Crown Cat. He lived and thrived in an environment that was specifically set up to turn the huge cat into an apex predator that was powerful enough to defeat mechs!

In contrast, Arnold was many times smaller and only a fraction as powerful. Let alone smacking mechs, the arganid wasn’t even capable of scratching the coating of a mech with its diminutive physical body!

When Ves finally returned to Ranya’s groundside lab the next day, he noticed that she had rearranged the interior to provide a comfortable living environment for Arnold.

One of the chambers had been converted into a cave-like environment where the lighting, temperature and other conditions were carefully controlled. This was good because the arganid species did not do great in well-lit places.

"He’s awake." Ves said. "Has he done anything out of the norm?"

"So far, I have not detected anything that stands out to me." Ranya replied as she inspected a panel that described the environmental conditions inside the chamber. "I can tell you that ’Arnold’ is quite aware that he’s been moved to a completely different place. He is nervous and is in the process of digging a new safehold for himself."

Ves gazed at a projection that showed the creature using its working limbs to remove soil and small rocks in order to widen a new area inside the tunnel.

"He’s kind of cute. He doesn’t know anything better." Ves chuckled.

"What do you wish to do with him now that we have housed him? If you wish to observe him, then you will need to settle for the long haul."

"I don’t want to waste too much time. I have a better way of learning what I need to know. Pull him out and bring him forward. I’d like to speak with Arnold in person."

"Are you serious? An arganid possesses decent intelligence but they are not known for their ability to communicate with humans."

"I’m different. I can communicate with animals, especially ones who possess stronger spritis." Ves casually revealed. "Just trust me on this. Please pull him out so that I can have a frank talk with him. The best way for me to learn what he is capable of is to make direct contact with him. I don’t see the need to give him the illusion that he is living in his own little world."

Perhaps this was a little too hasty and risky, but Ves didn’t have time to take it slowly. According to all of the clues that Ves had gathered about Arnold and the arganid species, he had a good hunch that the exobeast might be able to contribute to the solutions of one of his current problems.

It took several minutes for a lab apparatus to lock onto Arnold and lift him out from his hidey hole by manipulating gravity.

Poor Arnold panicked as an invisible hand grabbed his furry body and moved him through the tunnels until he passed through a port that was normally blocked and camouflaged as ordinary rock.

After the invisible hand carefully placed Arnold onto a transparent cage that didn’t offer much room for maneuver, two upright bodies who appeared as giants to the arganid’s weak eyes suddenly came close.

All of the fur on the eight-legged beast’s stiffened up as he thought that he was being preyed upon by a pair of greater predators!

Ranya stayed few steps back. She was curious how Ves would establish communication with an alien creature.

He simply talked at first.

"Hello, Arnold." Ves smiled. "Do not be afraid. You have nothing to fear from me. I did not take you from your old home because I want to eat you. You are safe."

"Squeak!" The small exobeast voiced in panic. "Squeak! Squeak!"

The dumb arganid still believed he was in mortal danger. Ves saw that his initial attempt had completely failed. He decided to resort to more drastic measures in order to calm Arnold down.

He quickly concentrated his mind and channeled a portion of Lufa’s glow.

A gentle and peaceful aura formed around Ves. Ranya widened her eyes as she experienced a sensation that she ordinarily felt among LMC mechs. Plenty of wheels were turning in her head!

When it came to most life forms, feelings spoke louder than words. Ves designed Lufa to neutralize any negative pressure and exude a sense of tranquility that made others feel as if they were completely safe.

While this was just an illusion, it was enough for Arnold to subside his panic.

The exobeast started to grow curious at Ves instead. "Squeak.. Squeak..?"

Ves smiled and widened his arms. "I am your friend, Arnold. You have nothing to fear from me. While I do not resemble any of your fellow argonids, I am not a predator. Just look at my flat teeth. Do they look like they are suited to bite into flesh like yours?"

The fact that Arnold did not understand human speech was of no consequence. As Ves spoke out, he communicated with both his voice and his unique Spirituality. Due to his life attribute, he was able to make an intrinsic connection with anyone he addressed.

Somehow, Ves knew for certain that Arnold comprehended his meaning.

"Squeak.. squeak... squeak..."

Ves frowned. From Arnold’s initial responded, he quickly ascertained a problem.

Arnold was only ’intelligent’ in the vaguest sense of the word. Compared to the likes of Zeigra and Qilanxo, the arganid fell considerably short in this department!

It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this was so. Arganids like Arnold lived their entire lives in a small stretch of caves and underground tunnels. They rarely moved and were never exposed to a lot of environmental variables.

Well, no matter. A simpler exobeast was easier to handle. Ves quickly adjusted his planned approach and tried to coax Arnold into trusting the strange, tall lifeform with no fur except for a single mop of hair on his head.

"You are special, Arnold. It’s the reason why you have been chosen by me. You are worthy of my consideration."

"Squeak.. squeak..?"

"I am sure you know what I am referring to. Demonstrate your ability. Show me your blessing. Only by proving your capabilities will you be able to live a better life and rise above all of your fellow arganids. Show me your ability!"

Ves retracted Lufa’s aura at the end. He wanted to see Arnold in his natural element, not when he was drugged out from an external glow.

Several seconds passed as Arnold hesitated. The eight-legged creature was both afraid and uncertain. His instincts and limited knowledge didn’t teach him anything on how to navigate this strange situation.

In the end, Arnold simply did what he was told. His furry face scrunched up as he seemed to call upon something.

As Ves and Ranya paid close attention, the small exobeasts body suddenly began to blur!

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