The Mech Touch

Chapter 3023: New Heirlooms

Chapter 3023: New Heirlooms

A few days later, Marshal Ariadne Wodin and Patriarch Reginald Cross stepped aboard the Spirit of Bentheim once again.

The ship and her crew hadn't changed since their last visit. While the visitors encountered different mechs and people, the Larkinson Clan remained fairly upbeat and unconcerned about the Crown Uprising that continued to unfold across human space.

Aside from the initial explosions in the expeditionary fleet, the civilization-wide unrest seemed like a distant affair. Other than the disruption in trade and the requirement to increase their security precautions, the Larkinsons lived their lives just as optimistically as before.

Both Ariadne and Reginald wanted to restore this mood to their own people. They were both tired of the constant weight that was pressing on everyone's shoulders.

This was why they did not waste any time and urged their Larkinson guide to briskly lead them to the conference room.

When they finally entered the room, Ves was already seated at one of the ends of the oval-shaped table. Lucky rested before him on the table and graciously offered his back for petting.


Two more objects were placed on the table. For some reason, both Marshal Ariadne Wodin Patriarch Reginald Cross were attracted by the items that tugged most closely at their hearts.

"Please take your seats." Ves commanded or requested as he continued to pet Lucky.

Once everyone sat down, the meeting finally began.

"Are those…"

Ves smiled. "They are the key items which you will be using to interface with my product. I like to call them ancestral heirlooms, because they are alive and can grow over time depending on how you treat them. What they house can't be seen or touched but can still be felt. The exact mechanics are a bit complicated for me to explain to you, but all you need to know is that it is a very bad idea to lose possession of them. I highly recommend you bring them with you at all times. For example, I don't carry the Larkinson Mandate personally, but my bodyguard always has it within easy reach."

When Ves reached out his arm, Nitaa strode forward and silently placed the heavy tome into his grasp.

The Larkinson Mandate had grown warmer and more vigorous since the last time he held it. Ves looked admiringly at his own craftsmanship as he brushed his palm past the solid medallion and special collar affixed to the front cover.

He could feel Goldie's rich presence from within the book. The ancestral spirit was the most important guardian of the Larkinson Clan because only she was able to protect the Larkinsons against threats that not even expert pilots were able to solve.

The Larkinson Clan would have become a much lesser organization if not for the Golden Cat. Ves was truly proud that he had managed to create such a friendly and useful spiritual product.

She had some additional company now. She was no longer the sole spirit who maintained a kinship network.

Though Ves was very possessive of this unique type of network, as someone who bore a lot of responsibilities, he had to take the bigger picture into account.

The Larkinson Clan could not meet every challenge by itself.

Even if Ves valued its future potential very highly, at the moment there were much bigger and scarier fish swimming in the same pond. The only way for smaller fish to survive under these circumstances was to band together and hope that their collective strength was enough to deter bigger predators from taking a bite out of their poor bodies!

The other leaders in the conference room also shared this sentiment. This was why they were able to come to an agreement without too much delay or arguments.

After Ves finished admiring the Larkinson Mandate, he quickly regained his composure and set the heirloom on the table.

It rested right between the two other objects that he prepared. When the three were all placed next to each other, they formed an interesting dynamic.

They were all similar in a way. Each of the items exuded a presence that was very distinct and appealed distinctly to different people.

Two of them exuded much stronger glows than the third object, but it couldn't be helped.

Ves gestured towards one of them first. "This is for the Glory Seekers. It is an ancestral heirloom that I have created specifically to serve as a uniting symbol for your people, Marshall Ariadne. I've taken some creative liberties with it since I want it to become more exclusive symbol for your subordinates rather than just Hexers in general. What do you think about your new Glory Torch?"

"I think… it looks quite amazing." The older Hexer woman uttered. "Your works have always been impressive to us, Ves. This is no different."

Ves created a high-tech handheld torch that was able to float in the air under its own power.

The torch possessed a black handle and a black cylindrical head that was made out of high-quality metallic exotics. Though Ves was too stingy to use up any of his Unending alloy, he blended in some ground P-stone matter in order to make it spiritually reactive.

What really stood out was that it projected a purple flame that crackled with hexagon-shaped sparks.

Ves initially thought about creating a torch that burned for real, but that would complicate the logistics. Even the most durable and efficient torch fuel ran out after some time. Needing to supplement the fuel of the Glory Torch on a constant basis would send the wrong message.

He thought about adding a stylized flame or source of light next. He came up with the idea of adding a crystal prism on top of the base and causing it to glow like an actual torch.

However, his research on luminar crystals wasn't quite finished and he didn't think it was appropriate to involve the Illustrious One.

This was why he settled for a projection. It might be a less technically-demanding solution, but from how Marshal Ariadne reacted, the current form of the Glory Torch already did its job.

Ves pushed his hand towards the torch, causing the hovering object to move over to the other side of the conference table.

Both the projector and antigrav module that Ves had integrated in the inner structure of the Glory Torch could last for centuries. Ves had carefully fabricated each component and subcomponent by hand. He assembled them together with so much excruciating care and precision that even Gloriana would clap her hands if she saw how diligently he had worked!

As a craftsman and product seller, Ves had his own pride. He did not wish to deliver a substandard or flawed product to his customers, especially when it was a custom job.

He had spent hours pouring over the design of the Glory Torch. He made sure to configure and optimize it in a way that every single component and system could last without requiring any maintenance.

He chose to integrate robust internal components that could withstand all kinds of shocks.

He chose to add multiple different power sources, each of which operated on different principles so that a single negative state would not knock them all out at once.

By taking advantage of miniaturization, Ves was able to integrate numerous redundant systems and components inside the torch. Yet the overall structure always remained tough enough to handle plenty of abuse.

In fact, the torch could also be used to club someone's skull!

When Marshal Ariadne reverently took hold of the base of the torch, the projected purple flared and brightened for a time.

At the same time, a small spiritual connection formed between the torch and the person who held the object.

"What was that?!"

"I've programmed it so that the first person to take hold of it will become the inaugural member of the kinship network it supports. In addition, other than the Superior Mother, you have become its highest authority. While you can't directly interface with the kinship network, you can pass on clear and solid instruction to the torch."

Marshal Ariadne had become too engrossed in the faint new sensations that had entered her mind. Connecting to a kinship network was always a magical moment to first timers.

Ves patiently waited for his customer to regain her wits.

She looked at Ves with a great degree of appreciation. "This is amazing! I feel closer to the Superior Mother than ever before! In fact, I feel tempted to never let go of this torch!"

He chuckled. He always found it enjoyable to delight his customers.

"Take good care of the Glory Torch, but treat it with respect. The Superior Mother is always present and watching from this ancestral heirloom."

He meant that literally as Ves had inserted a small spiritual fragment of the Superior Mother in the torch!

The Hexer sincerely bowed towards Ves. "We will treat it with dignity. We do not dare to do anything that dishonors the Superior Mother."

Just like Ves, she did not opt to carry the torch personally, but passed it over to one of her silent guards.

Now that he handled the Hexer marshal, Ves turned to his other customer.

"Patriarch Reginald, your case is a little more difficult." He slowly said. "While I have tried my best to accommodate your demands, I wasn't able to put your father in the position you desired."

The Cross Patriarch frowned. He already had a hunch that he would be getting something different when he gazed upon the object that was supposed to transform his clan.

"What is the matter?"

"Saint Hemmington Cross has already died and moved away. What is left of him in this realm is… not enough. He has already done enough in his past life. He deserves to move on. Keeping him here will only do him a disservice."

Though his excuse sounded rather vague and flimsy, Ves just wanted to move on from this point.

Though Patriarch Reginald found it difficult to accept this answer, what Ves said next distracted him from his current thoughts.

"I have formed an alternative solution that should serve as a proper nexus for your kinship network. I did my best to recreate the spirit of your father before housing him in this exclusive ancestral heirloom. Please accept the Cross of Rebirth that I have made for your clan."

The large, arm-sized cross looked a lot different from the torch he made. In order to reflect the Cross Clan's martial culture, Ves made a heavy metal cross that gave an angular and industrial impression.

There was nothing elegant or refined about the cross. It did not even contain any antigrav modules or other fine systems. It was just a metal block that Ves had carved in the shape of a cross.

When Patriarch Reginald took hold of the Cross of Rebirth, he underwent the same reaction, though to a much lesser degree.

Due to his much greater spiritual strength, he was able to control what happened to an extent.

"Don't resist. The connection that the Cross of Rebirth and the nexus inside is trying to make is completely benign."

It only took a dozen seconds for the relic to complete its first connection. Patriarch Reginald gazed curiously at the Cross of Rebirth. He could clearly feel a bond between him and an entity that resided inside the relic!

"What am I dealing with here?"

"The Cross Warlord is the nexus to your kinship network." Ves dutifully explained. "The Cross Warlord is based on your father, though I did not dare to copy him directly. The Cross Warlord hasn't developed much as of yet, hence why he feels much weaker than the Superior Mother, but he will rapidly develop over time as time passes and your clan grows stronger. I know the Cross Warlord isn't what you wanted, but the most important requirement is that it can serve as your nexus. You Crossers can't keep harping on the past. You need to look forward, and the Cross Warlord will help you focus on the new heroes that emerge from your ranks."

Though Ves not only took some liberties with the truth, but also attempted to steer the development of the Cross Clan, Patriarch Reginald didn't know anything better. He just nodded his head and trusted that the professional in this area knew what he was talking about.

"I will do my best to work with this… Cross Warlord. I might need your help from time to time."

"That's no problem." Ves easily replied… "After-sales support is included in the package."

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