The Mech Touch

Chapter 3031: Exclusive Research

Chapter 3031: Exclusive Research

Ves was certain that Master Willix and the rest of her following weren't impressed by the welcoming ceremony organized by the Larkinsons.

The second-class mechs fielded by the Larkinsons and their allies probably looked like toys compared to the fancy first-class multipurpose mechs the mechers usually handled.

Indeed, when Ves carefully studied the expressions of the twenty mech pilots that he was supposed to kick into shape, the highly-trained men and women did not show any indication of awe.

They were professional though. Even if none of them thought much of the space peasants, the MTA mech pilots still acted in a manner befitting a member of one of the greatest authorities in the galaxy.

In fact, they didn't actually have to act in such a prim and proper manner anymore. The fact that they had exchanged their MTA uniforms for very ordinary civilian clothing meant that they were not here in an official capacity.

They were just a bunch of random civilian mech pilots looking to take part in Ves' special training program!

As long as this was the case, Ves didn't have to be afraid of the MTA mech pilots bossing everyone around.

Yet just because they were ordered not to kick up a fuss didn't mean they would cooperate with Ves and his fellow Larkinsons without question. These were true favored sons of the galaxy. Anyone who managed to rise up from the ranks of space peasants and managed to join the MTA were all remarkable in their own way. Their egos alone were probably the size of planets!

Making these people obey his instructions and respect the instructions of other Larkinsons would not be easy. Ves already thought about this problem beforehand but he still wasn't certain about his approach.

Well, he didn't have to make a decision right away. He still had an opportunity to pump Master Willix for information.

Once the initial ceremony had ended, many clansmen retreated from the hangar bay in an orderly manner. The Larkinsons still had jobs to do and it was impossible for them to drop everything and allow the Spirit of Bentheim to go out of control due to lack of supervision.

Ves and Gloriana led Master Willix and her entourage deeper into the factory ship. They all remained fairly silent and composed until they reached a formal reception compartment on the upper decks.

Nobody paid any mind to the various refreshments laid out on the table. The comfortable decor along with the quaint and harmonious decorations did not attract any interest either.

The MTA delegation did not come to the Larkinson Clan in order to have fun.

Everyone was all business.

With Lucky and Clixie scurrying off elsewhere and most of the guards left outside the compartments, the guests and their main hosts were finally able to talk without inhibition.

"Both of you have progressed substantially." Maser Willix spoke as her lab-coated form stepped closer and inspected Ves and Gloriana like a teacher. "I was afraid that I would be wasting my time by traveling to your fleet, but the documents you have sent me have intrigued me quite a bit. You, Ves, have especially given me a pleasant surprise. Your research on luminar crystals has progressed in a completely different direction from one of our own internal research teams!"

Ves felt uncomfortable by the praise. He wasn't as impressive as she made it sound. He didn't invent anything new or put too much effort into pioneering a new discovery. He merely took advantage of special circumstances to quickly master some of the nuances of luminar crystals.

He knew very well that his ability to perform true and independent research on luminar crystal technology was actually not that impressive!

In light of this circumstance, Ves made sure to understate and simplify his findings in his logs and reports. He didn't want to attract too much attention from the MTA, yet it appeared that Master Willix didn't easily let him off this time.

How much did she know? Ves quickly threw a glance at Gloriana, but she only looked incredibly enthused at meeting the female Master Mech Designer again.

"Ahem." Ves lightly coughed. "My discoveries aren't worth noting yet. Though I have found a new way to leverage luminar technology, the approach is rather unique to me. Someone without my design philosophy will have a very hard time replicating my methods. Only the luminar race can fully exploit their iconic crystal technology. This hasn't changed, and as long as this is the case, even I won't be able to

"Is this your opinion?" Master Willix slightly frowned. "You know, if you submit all of your research to our Association, you will be credited with a large amount of MTA merits. It is not impossible for you to earn several million MTA merits if you have truly achieved a breakthrough in luminar crystal technology and found new ways to produce vastly more powerful crystals."

"Do you think I wouldn't be jumping at that opportunity? Alas, my method isn't replicable by others. Only those who share my design philosophy will be able to make the strengthened and more potent crystals that I have been able to create by chance."

"If you are able to pass on satisfactory findings to me, your innovations will be tied to me as well. As long as your research can contribute new understanding to the vast repository of knowledge of our Association, my standing will rise. This is an alternate way for you to assist me in fulfilling my objective."

The whole point of Ves taking on these twenty mech pilots was because Master Willix required more clout. Turning the subordinates of current and potential political allies into expert pilots was a considerable favor that could not be repaid so easily.

However, the practice of turning mech pilots into expert pilots was so difficult and fraught with uncertainty that Willix definitely wasn't betting on only this solution. She should be engaging in several different endeavors in order to maximize her chances and put herself ahead of the competition.

Now that she saw an opportunity to pick up an easy bargain, she didn't want to let this opportunity pass so easily!

It was a pity that Ves really couldn't afford to share all of his current findings to Master Willix. Since the mechers refused to pass on their own research on how to make second-class luminar crystals to him, then they shouldn't complain when Ves kept hold of the method he developed by himself!

"My research wouldn't be of use to you." Ves repeated. "Didn't you try and fail to replicate my design philosophy? If you can't get past this hurdle, then you don't have the qualifications to make use of my unique method."

Master Willix did not look pleased when she heard that. She scrutinized Ves quite carefully with her observant eyes, but she did not pick up anything suspicious.

Ves was actually telling the truth this time. He had nothing to hide and he wasn't trying to pull the wool over the Master Mech Designer's eyes.

After all, he was the only one who could channel a composite luminar spiritual entity. What he said earlier was all true. Only luminars were able to draw out the full potential of their tech, and Ves was the only person who was able to channel the Illustrious One!

Master Willix eventually dropped this inquiry. "Very well. I have taken a considerable time out of my busy schedule for several reasons. Before we discuss your expert mech design projects, I'd like to introduce you to these fine ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure you can guess who they are, but their original identities are not important to you for the duration of your training task. Just know that all twenty of them must remain incognito. We have prepared suitable false identities for them, so it will not be easy to find out their true identities. Even their names and appearances are different, so don't expect to be able to track them down once they have returned to the Association."

"I see."

Master Willix made thorough preparations for this training task. The only reason for the mech pilots to spend time with the Larkinsons was to break through to expert pilot. Once they achieved this goal, they would leave and have no further entanglement with the clan.

It seemed that she had been quite wary of the possibility that the Larkinsons might subvert the mech pilots somehow. It would be very bad if they yearned to become a Larkinson after spending years fighting alongside their hosts!

"I understand your concerns." Ves said. "I will do my best to prevent them from becoming exposed, but the mech pilots themselves also have to do their part. Their current demeanor is quite obvious, you know. Only mechers and fleeters have this supremely confident air around them that make it seem that they can even fight against battleships and win!"

How could a Master as observant as Moira Willix not be blind to this? She just shook her head.

"They are mech pilots, not intelligence operatives. It shouldn't matter too much as long as your clansmen do not actively investigate."

"Our clan is quite adaptable and tolerant to outsiders. They won't be anything special anymore."

After exchanging a few more words, Master Willix gestured towards the twenty mech pilots she brought. "From now on, they are under your care. The MTA and I will not intervene in the slightest for the next five years. How do you intend to take care of them, Mr. Larkinson?"

Ves hadn't made a choice, but he couldn't delay any longer. Master Willix obviously wanted to see him take charge in an effective manner. He had to prove to her that he had a solid approach in mind.

He slowly stepped forward. His footsteps echoed against the deck. Though he felt a bit nervous to address the MTA mech pilots in Master Willix's presence, it was not a bad idea for her to be present this time.

As long as she didn't say anything, he would basically show these skeptical-looking mech pilots that Master Willix fully backed his decisions!

As long as he managed to rub some of Willix's authority on himself, it would be much easier for him to command these mechers in the future!

After getting a greater sense of the mech pilots he was dealing with, Ves decided on a more moderate approach.

He could not treat them too gently for fear of getting stepped upon by their feet. An absence of pressure would also prevent them from stimulating their potential, thereby allowing them to break through their previous shackles.

On the other hand, he couldn't treat them too harshly either. No matter what Master Willix promised to him, he was still dealing with elite MTA mech pilots who all possessed much higher standing than a native of the galactic rim like himself!

If he truly pissed them off, who knew what they might do if they returned to their old positions. Perhaps they might use their influence to mess with the Larkinsons or employ their relations to have their allies retaliate against the clan instead!

No matter what, Ves had to make sure that none of the surviving MTA mech pilots would have any reasons to blame him for all of their future suffering.

This was why he settled on a specific moderate approach that would hopefully shove away as much responsibility towards him as possible.

As he continued to gaze at these confident and unflinching MTA mech pilots, he felt this was the right way to go about this task.

In any case, he wouldn't be holding their hands all the time in the next months and years. He had a lot of elite mech forces under his command, so he intended to let his own men be in charge of their daily training.

This was not a mission that he would be able to complete quickly. Ves still had many priorities to deal with, and working on his expert mech design projects took precedence!

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