The Mech Touch

Chapter 3244: Watcher in the Dark

Chapter 3244: Watcher in the Dark

The battle that took place in the outer system of the Fordilla Zentra System had finally taken a more serious turn!

After letting the artillery mechs dominate the opening act, the main show had finally begun!

Tens of thousands of mechs armed with rifles released lances and kinetic slugs at each other like there was no tomorrow. The space in between had become so flooded with with lethal ordnance that not even a heavily-armored fleet carrier would be able to survive for long in this location!

As the melee mechs of both sides began to charge forward or maneuver towards the flanks, many thousands of mech pilots grew increasingly eager, grim, determined or focused.

This was what they had been training for. A mech pilot existed to fight, not to train all day and look pretty on parades. True mech pilots always yearned to prove themselves in battle.

However, many of them were also human enough to realize how likely it was for them to fall in battle. The battlefield was always cruel and enemies never held any consideration towards their opposition.

It was undeniable that mech pilots always suffered the brunt of every engagement. They were celebrated and worshipped by many people throughout the galaxy, but only they knew how terrifying it was to fight against other war machines that could easily crush an entire town flat if left unopposed!

There were only three ships in the star system that hadn't involved themselves in the unfolding clash. They had all kept a healthy distance from the battle and made sure to remain at an angle that made it unlikely for any ranged mech to fire in their direction.

The chance of getting hit by a stray projectile was minimal, though that did not reassure Director Olivier Persham aboard the Dented Coin.

"Accelerate faster!" He yelled on the bridge. "Overload the thrusters if necessary! If we get hit by a single artillery projectile, we're doomed!"

He was not exaggerating. In this enormous confrontation between two powerful second-class forces, his lightly-armored third-class trade vessel was as fragile as his beard.

Though both sides of the conflict were aware of the Dented Coin, neither of them spared any attention to this inconsequential vessel.

The dwarven patrol vessel was a different matter. As soon as it became clear that the Ferril Provincial Army was truly trying to annihilate the human fleet, the frigate was trying to distance herself from the battlefield as much as possible. She carried only a handful of compact mechs and could not play a meaningful role in this battle. Staying around would only see her destroyed in vain!

Luckily enough, the Larkinson mechs only fired a couple of laser beams at the ship before giving up. The frigate was fast and agile and she was able to frustrate the aim of distant attackers. Even if a laser beam hit, the vessel was sturdy enough to withstand incidental attacks.

"Hah!" The dwarven patrol captain exulted. "You humans are too inferior! Our dwarven engineering is the best in its class!"

In this way, the cheeky dwarf managed to escape from the battlefield with his life intact.

What the people in the star system didn't know was that the bystanders weren't limited to just two vessels. Aside from the Dented Coin and dwarven patrol ship, there was a third starship floating a decent distance away from the battlefield.

Though this stealthed and completely hidden vessel could get hit by a stray projectile at any time, none of her crew showed any concern. The defenses and stealth systems of this little courier vessel was top-notch compared to the more basic and primitive tech employed by the two sides.

One of the compartments of this corvette had been converted into an observation room.

"Do you feel it, Jovy?" A projection of a dignified figure asked.

"It's so… chaotic." The young Journeyman Mech Designer replied as he gazed at the large projections that displayed the unfolding battle from several different angles. "There are so many different chances for mechs and their pilots to survive or fall in battle. Anything can happen that can affect the future of a mech, whether it is getting hit by a random gauss round, being targeted by a focused charge, or suffering a catastrophic malfunction induced by prior damage."

Every mech designer viewed reality in a different way. Their design philosophies colored their perception and shaped the way they interpreted sensory data.

For example, Ves saw everything in terms of how much life they possessed and how this characteristic affected someone or something. Gloriana judged what she saw by how flawed or flawless they were. Even rational mech designers that tried to be as rational and objective as possible couldn't escape the fact that even their ways of interpreting reality was inherently biased.

To someone who had steadily gained more prominence within the Mech Trade Association as the Reality Trickster, Jovy Armalon principally saw everything he perceived in terms of probability.

He could estimate how likely it was for a mech to suffer a malfunction over the course of a year. He was also able to judge the probability that a mech was able to defeat another mech.

However, this was not the extent of his talents. The design philosophy that he had managed to develop with great effort from when he was young potentially allowed him to affect the probabilities that most people never even dreamed of manipulating!

Of course, that did not make him a god. Far from it. He was just a mech designer and his talents were mostly limited to affecting mechs in minor and subtle degrees. Though these little effects already granted him a hefty advantage, Jovy knew that this was just the start.

The real power of his unorthodox design philosophy would only bloom when he became a Master.

If he reached that level of strength, this battle probably would have become a lot more clearer to him. As for now, he became so overwhelmed by the multitude of probabilities flashing through his perception that he simply couldn't see the forest from the trees.

Sometimes, too much data was not a good thing. Despite his luxurious suite of implants and genetic modification, the input was too high!

"You are pushing yourself too hard." Master Willix's projection said. "Large scale battles are inherently unpredictable."

"These are lower-class mechs! I should be able to figure them all out somehow!" Jovy complained. "Besides, I don't think the outcome of this engagement is in doubt. I respect Ves and his team of Journeymen a lot, but there is a point where gimmicks aren't enough anymore. The dwarves outnumber their opponents by thousands of mechs, none of which are worse in performance."

"How certain are you of this conclusion?" Master Willix looked amused.

"80 percent, and this is a conservative estimate. You… don't agree?"

"Oh, I think this is an accurate enough measure." She replied. "However, don't underestimate this 20 percent. I think a large part of this battle hinges on how well the Larkinsons utilize the few advantages they possess. If they leverage their surprises well enough, then they may be able to overcome the Vulcanite mechs."

Jovy looked suspicious at the Master. "Do you know something that I don't? You've worked on the Larkinson Clan's expert mechs. Have you learned what Ves has in store that might tilt the balance?"

Master Willix didn't deign to answer this question. The two may be part of the same organization but Jovy was not her student. They merely came together at this time because they shared a common interest in Ves and the Larkinson Clan.

The Journeyman knew Willix's character and shrugged before turning his attention back to the projections. He silently transmitted an instruction. A second later, a container filled with snacks materialized on his lap. He grabbed a random piece and threw it in his mouth while continuing to observe the battle as if he was enjoying a good show.

"How much progress have you made on your latest assignment?" Willix asked.

Jovy's joviality abruptly dropped. "Not good. It's difficult to research a major contribution at my stage. I've learned a lot in the last few years and I have managed to develop several promising methods. I have to thank Ves for inspiring my work, but that's not enough to achieve a high score."

"Innovation is never easy." Master Willix said. "It is difficult to find a fruitful direction of research when you have not yet seen enough of what is possible. At the Journeyman stage, you must continue to travel and broaden your horizons. There is no shame in getting inspired by other people's work. As long as you contribute new material to an existing subject, you will further our field."

"That's why I requested to witness this battle in person. I hope I can gain more inspiration from seeing Ves' work in action. He is by far the most interesting indigenous mech designer that I have ever met. No one else in his generation is as ingenious and extreme as him. With his talents and capabilities, he should have been a part of our Association."

Willix shook her head. "He would never thrive in our ranks. His unique life trajectory has pressured him into developing his potential to a completely different direction than what any of our colleagues could ever conceive of. That makes him perplexing and valuable to us at the same time. Some mech designers are untamable. Don't think the mech industry can keep thriving if we attempt to own every talented mech designer in human space. Our Association is too orderly and bound by rules for most passionate mech designers to express their full capabilities."

Jovy Armalon raised his eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like you, Master Willix. You're willing to let mech designers play dangerous games?"

"We are in a greater game, Jovy." She said. "You know the threats we face. In the beginning of the Age of Mechs, we had to reconstruct order from a broken galaxy. That was over four centuries ago. By now, we have not only repaired human society, but also taken a couple of steps ahead. The conquest of the Red Ocean is but the first step to accelerate the potential of our civilization. Humanity has grown up, and must learn to wield greater power for the times to come."

This was a heavy subject within the Association. There were many opinions on what the MTA and humanity as a whole must do to confront the dangers that loomed in the dark.

"Will Ves play an important role in our future plans?" Jovy wondered.

"It is possible, but then again, we have you and many other promising seeds. Any of you can become our pillar of support in the centuries to come. While I am earnestly wishing for his success, we have many options to choose from. That is the benefit of fostering a large and thriving mech industry."

Jovy caught the implicit meaning in Willix's words. She wouldn't intervene if Ves lost his life in this battle. There were far too many promising mech designers in the galaxy. Though Ves was certainly one of the most accomplished in his batch, the truly good mech designers had to be steady enough to survive the long passage of time. Anyone who gambled with his life had to accept the consequences of a loss.

"It would be a shame if Ves falls in this low-level battle. I'm still interested in collaborating with him. I truly want to see how powerful a living version of my work can become."

Master Willix crossed her arm. "You should worry about your own career. So long as you have not made a major contribution, you will not be eligible to transfer to the Red Ocean. I cannot count how many of your rivals across the Milky Way are trying to do the same."

"I won't fail." Jovy stated. "The reason why I'm stuck is not because I'm incapable, but because I can't figure out the right approach. My results will most definitely satisfy the panel once I am done. I am not going to miss out on witnessing the rise of the Red Ocean up close."

"That is good."

"Will I be able to see you in the Red Ocean as well, Master?"

Willix shook her head. "I'm afraid not. I have traveled to the galactic rim for a reason, and the Red Ocean does not hold much attraction for a mech designer of my interests. I will not depart until I have completed my main research project, and that will not happen in at least five to seven decades."

"I see." Jovy said, not commenting any further about Willix's biggest preoccupation. "Ves will probably miss you, assuming he's able to get out of this battle alive."

"There will be other associates of mine who will handle his case in the Red Ocean." Willix said without much emotion. "In the future, it may even be possible for you to liaise with Ves. You must build up your authority first before you are allowed to do so. Wait until you have advanced to Senior."

"I understand." Jovy replied as his glowing eyes shone… "I won't slow down."

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