The Mech Touch

Chapter 4144 The Power Of...

Before Master Dervidian unveiled the great secret to Ves, the Transhumanist first started with a short recounting of the problem.

"Since mechs initially emerged as a viable combat weapon, many people have focused on one of its most serious limitations. Many studies have statistically determined that roughly 3.5 percent of all humans are capable of interfacing with a mech."

"Only roughly, Master?"

These studies are all flawed and cannot take every variable into account." Dervidian smiled. "The actual figures can be considerably higher or lower. The 3.5 percent figure is only accurate on a fairly normal population group from a generic state that has not become embroiled in any major wars as of late. States that engage in frequent fighting can actually lose so many mech pilots that the proportion of living potentates relative to the total population can actually change."

"Ah. I understand."

"There are also cases where populations of prosperous but active states and organizations can actually produce more potentates than normal. Genes, training and specific environmental stimuli can increase the odds of children developing favorable genetic aptitudes. However, this is how far our science has come. We have made very little progress in determining the positive factors that can encourage a positive outcome. Centuries have gone by without any breakthroughs on this front."

This fell in line with the academic literature that Ves had studied recently. The neurologists and other experts spent more time on guesswork and assumptions than on proven theories and frameworks.

"How far away is the MTA from achieving substantial progress, do you think?"

"I am unable to provide an accurate estimate to you." Dervidian replied. "This is not my field of specialty and I am not deeply versed in this matter. What I do know is that the many research teams that we have assigned to this research topic are not optimistic about their chances. It may take centuries at best and millenia at worst for them to discover or develop any meaningful progress. Believe me that this is truly the best that our Association is able to manage. As you can imagine, there is no faction that is more invested in this problem than us. Many of the key members of those research teams belong to our circle."

Ves already suspected as much, but this did not explain why Master Dervidian made it seem that the situation was not as bad as it looked.

"If all of those scientific endeavors have failed to yield any progress after all this time, then how are you able to address the genetic aptitude issue? Wait, if human technology can't provide the solution, then what about alien technology?"

Master Derividian smirked when he heard this possible.

"That is a logical guess to make. It should not be a surprise that a mech designer that is fascinated with exotic and alien technology would think in this direction."

"Am I correct, Master?"

Dervidian sighed. "The truth is that if human technology cannot provide us with the answer, we would have rather wished that an advanced alien race that is well-versed in biotechnology such as the phase whale race can provide us with a viable alternative. At least in this case the solution is systematic and reproducible through independent means. If an alien device that can bestow compatible genetic aptitudes to individuals truly exist, then we would have stopped at nothing to reverse-engineer this contraption and decipher its working principles. Alas, we have never stumbled upon such a wonder tool as far as I am aware of. Neither human nor alien ingenuity can avail us in this sense."

If the alien technology that the MTA managed to get its hands on did not provide the answer that everyone was looking for, then what other alternatives were left?

Ves thought of another possibility.

"Then… if technology can't do it, then what about nature? The power of nature and evolution is powerful in its own right. Whether it is the Milky Way or the Red Ocean, an endless variety of powerful exobeasts and sentient alien races have emerged throughout history. A small proportion of them are naturally adept at biological growth and enhancement. Have you discovered a species that can improve or alter a human's neurology?"

"It would be fantastic if that were the case." Dervidian shook his head. "You are correct. Nature is both powerful and diverse. Our bioresearchers have derived countless brilliant lessons and applications by studying the unique properties of interesting organisms. However, the majority of alien life overwhelmingly consists of weak and trivial creatures. The amount of apex races and peak exobeast races in both of the galaxies that we have settled in are very much finite. None of the ones we have encountered possess the power to do what we would like to see the most."

"I see. It would have been a lot more convenient if there was a convenient beast available." Ves remarked as he looked glum.

Compared to technology, Ves loved to work with other living organisms the most!

As long as they possessed spiritual potential, then he could convert them into design spirits, which made it a lot easier for him to bring them over to his camp!

Even if the alien or beast in question did not possess spiritual potential, then that was okay, because he and his clan had many ways to control such creatures.

In fact, it would be even better if the organism wasn't strong in spirit. This was because their unique and powerful abilities were entirely biological in nature. There was always a way for biotech researchers to extract, decipher and reproduce those exotic powers as long as there was enough support!

Ves scratched his head. "If neither technology or nature is the answer, then what is left? Perhaps the answer rests in a more extraordinary direction…"

"That is an interesting train of thought." The MTA Master smirked on the other side of the communication channel. "Most people would have stopped looking further at that point. It takes someone who has become thoroughly exposed to the less explainable side of reality to expand their vision to this extent."

The man's remark made Ves suspect that he was definitely getting closer to the truth!

Suddenly, an awful possibility came to mind!

"Don't tell me the answer lies within a certain cult…"

Dervidian immediately denied this notion. "Definitely not. The cultists of the Compact have a passionate hatred for mechs and mech pilots. They reject our cause and our method of fighting. As stupefying and exotic as their abilities may seem, their researchers have very little reason to waste their efforts on devising a method of raising one's genetic aptitude. They have no use for it and they do not want to develop any solution that will make their enemies stronger."

There was strong animosity between the Big Two and the Five Scrolls Compact. They built up a lot of bad blood in the past and their ideologies were highly incompatible to each other.

"From a philosophical standpoint, the Five Scrolls Compact places a high importance on talent." Dervidian clarified for Ves. "Many humans are not worth anything at all to the cultists. Ordinary people are pests and vermin in their eyes. The only people who are worth training and respecting are those that possess the talent and bloodline to become adept at their distinct power system. Those that cannot succeed in this aspect will either be discarded or be relegated to menial work."

That sounded extremely harsh, but that fit exactly with what Ves knew of the Compact. There might be a lot of oddballs within the Compact, but those who dared to work together with the MTA would definitely become sinners to the rabid organization!

Ves was out of answers at this point. He had thought of every possible solution that could artificially impart the right genetic aptitude to those who lacked this quality.

"Can you tell me the true answer, now?" He asked. "I've exhausted every possibility that I could come up with. I can hardly imagine what else is left that can make you implement additional security precautions."

Fortunately for Ves, Master Dervidian did not tease him any longer.

"The answer may be a surprise to you. It is not what I expected either when I first learned about this explosive news. You should know that only a small circle of high-level personnel have received the privilege of learning this great secret. There are many reasons why we have not spread it out. The demand is too high while the supply is low. The solution that you are looking for also alludes to a greater phenomenon that is of extreme value and places the principals at the center of it in greater danger. This is why you needed to sign that NDA. The course of human history as well as the MTA's rise to power are at stake."

Ves understood the unspoken message. The Transhumanists valued him and his contributions so greatly that they were willing to bring him into their inner circle!

This was the upside to sharing so much of his research and benefits to the MTA. Though it pained him a lot to give away a few of his trump cards and unique advantages, he knew it was vital to build up a good relationship with a dominant power that had the ability to crush him whenever it liked!

Master Dervidian did not delay any further. Instead to explaining the answer to him head-on, he summoned a new projection that displayed a grainy recording.

Ves frowned. He could hardly distinguish anything at first. Slowly but surely, he was able to distinguish a vague silhouette that somehow exuded a lot of power.

However, the poor quality of the footage heavily interfered with his perception. Not even his instincts were able to tell him much about this obscured mech other than that it was really strong!

A dozen seconds passed by until a change took place.

A single child who was probably ten to twelve years old floated into view.

The little boy was dressed up in a suit that contained a lot of ceremonial elements. His expression was extremely respectful and maybe even worshipful towards the mech in the distance.

Once the floating boy reached a set distance, he halted in place and began to prostrate while remaining suspended into place.

Ves had the idea that the earnest looking boy was speaking out words.

Unfortunately, the awkward visual angle and horrendous recording quality prevented him from figuring out what was being said.

A whole minute passed by as the boy came under a strange influence.

Despite doing his best to maintain his composure, the kid could not control himself. He shook and failed to maintain his prostrating posture.

Just as Ves thought that the kid would lose control entirely, the pressure had disappeared, giving the child a much-needed reprieve.

After bowing even deeper while conveying his heartfelt gratitude, the boy slowly floated backwards before completely disappearing from sight.

The strange recording ended at this time.

"What do you think you have just witnessed, Mr. Larkinson?" Master Dervidian asked in a deceptively light tone.

The footage that Ves just witnessed was pretty bad, so he could only derive a few clues out of the murky clip.

First, the boy that approached and prostrated before the mech was clearly a kid that learned that he did not have the right genetic aptitude when he reached the age of 10. Whatever he did during the recording was most likely a procedure that could allow him to gain what he lacked due to his birth and circumstances.

Seeing that the answer lay in the distant mech-like object that was obscured in mist and show, Ves tried to think what sort of machine could perform such a heaven-defying feat.

Was it a biomech?

No. Biomechs were products of science, and what just took place went far beyond that.

Was it a high-ranking mech?

That was a much better guess. Expert pilots were known to bend reality.

However, Ves could hardly imagine any expert mech that could possess the power to precisely rearrange a fragile child's brain, neural system and other biological elements so that a norm suddenly gained the ability of a potentate!

"Is it an ace mech?!" Ves asked as he came up with his strongest guess to date!

Not a lot of time had passed since he witnessed the completed Mars crush each and any opposition with the help of Patriarch Reginald's timely breakthrough.

Though a lot of the impressive combat power displayed by the Mars was due to its extravagant parts and systems, the fact that it was piloted by an ace pilot as opposed to an expert pilot also played a large role!

Ves had come away from the testing sessions with an extremely high appreciation of ace pilots.

Their power level was on another level!

Not only that, but their ability to affect reality also became a lot stronger!

Depending on their domains and other factors, ace pilots were able to develop all kinds of distinct abilities in combat.

Unfortunately for Ves, Master Dervidian shook his head yet again.

"Your guess is close, but it is not correct. Ace pilots are indeed powerful and capable of performing miracles when paired with powerful ace mechs. However, their unique abilities are largely biased towards combat. They also possess many other shortcomings. In short, they are not qualified to accomplish the feat that you have just witnessed."

"If ace pilots are not strong enough, then…"

Ves completely froze. There was only one answer left, but it was so high and so far away from him that he could not bring himself to speak out his definite guess!

"Your suspicions are correct, Mr. Larkinson. The party responsible for bestowing the child in the recording with the aptitude for piloting mech is none other than a god pilot. When the power of science has failed us, we can find salvation in the power of the gods."


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