The Mech Touch

Chapter 4458 Ace Mech Rampage

The extravagant seventh, eight and ninth layer of energy shields looked extremely foolish at this moment.

For all of their efforts to contain the six ace mechs that had flamboyantly taken action earlier, they were utterly incapable of preventing the Jedda Sandivar from approaching the surface of the orven battleship's hull.

It turned out that while both the humans and aliens had paid close attention to the high-profile ace mechs, the Jedda Sandivar had deliberately adopted a low profile.

By hiding inside the smoke cloud generated by its Saint Kingdom, the ace light skirmisher was able to move around without anyone able to determine its coordinates.

Saint Marissa Lewandowski cleverly took advantage of this trait and snuck her small and slim ace light skirmisher through all of the gaps that had formed in the first, second and third layer of energy shields.

These gaps had appeared when the orven battleship hastily tried to plug the breach by forming the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth layers of energy shields!

Each bowl-shaped layer that was meant to contain the ace mechs was successively larger than the previous layer.

Perhaps that might not sound like much at the beginning, but the V'gahnt-Zezne had to draw away a lot of segmented energy shields after forming so many emergency layers!

This had given the Jedda Sandivar a great opportunity to sneak through the defensive envelope of the battleship through a different channel.

The problem was that the battleship did not conveniently create gaps through all three layers at the same spot.

It attempted to minimize the chances of something dangerous getting through as much as possible by taking away the energy scales from many different positions.

If any mech wanted to squeeze through all three layers in succession, then it needed to fly through the narrow space between the layers at least twice before it could get inside the defensive envelope.

This was nearly impossible to accomplish, but the Jedda Sandivar managed to do it! The ace mech did so by taking advantage of its small and narrow profile to fly through the narrow space of the active layers.

Although the orvens had tried their best to minimize this dead space as much as possible, the energy shield generators were not capable of pressing the layers any closer to each other due to technical reasons. The sandwiched energy shields would interfere with each other's operations and cancel each other out if they were close to touching each other!

As it was, the Jedda Sandivar successfully squeezed through all of the narrow spaces like a mouse scurrying through a maze and reached the other side without immediately alerting the orvens!

In fact, there was a large chance the Jedda Sandivar might not have been able to pass through all three main layers at once.

The controllers of the V'gahnt-Zezne's defensive systems had tried to be as clever as possible and mainly redirected the energy scales from the first and second layers.

They treated the third layer as a final guarantee and tried to touch it as little as possible.

The problem was that the impulsive decision to create a seventh, eight and ninth layer of energy shields drew away far too many segmented energy shields!

It wasn't even possible to form a complete envelopment with these new layers unless the battleship stripped extra energy scales from the third layer.

This was how a few crucial gaps had opened up in the third and most crucial layer. Though they were positioned far away from the gaps of the second layer, the Jedda Sandivar moved with great speed despite trying to maintain its low profile!

As such, the ace light skirmisher finally managed to succeed where all of the other six ace mechs had failed.

"It turns out that the ace mechs that tried to break past all of the energy shields served as a distraction. If the alien battleship turned out to possess way more than three layers, then the machines had to create as much of a commotion as possible in order to attract the attention of the aliens."

They succeeded. The Embodiment of Love, the Embodiment of Sacrifice, the Mars, the Thunderer Mark II, The Infinite Gear and the Royal Jeem had all done their utmost to generate as much threat as possible.

Though they had all come close to breaching through six layers of energy shields in a row, ultimately the ace pilots had already taken into account that they might not be the heroes of this moment.

They instead adopted the role of sidekicks, all for the sake of allowing one of their number to pass through unnoticed!

Now that everyone could see that the Jedda Sandivar had moved much closer to the hull of the V'gahnt-Zezne than any other human mech, everyone suddenly gained a lot of confidence that the beast could be felled!

"Watch out, Lewandowski! Those plasma cannons are about to fire!"

The Jedda Sandivar immediately conjured up an enormous smoke cloud within the confines of its Saint Kingdom.

The Mars, the Infinite Gear and the Royal Jeem safely retreated from the gap they had just made before the primary plasma cannons finally unleashed their awesome might.

Several gigantic plasma bolts swept through the prior positions of the aforementioned ace mechs.

Several more plasma bolts swept inside the smoke cloud where the Jedda Sandivar had taken shelter in, but they passed through without any indication that they had struck a mech.

The ace light skirmisher was simply too difficult to hit when it was trying its best to evade damage!

Saint Lewandowski hardly experienced any difficulty at all in approaching the surface of the hull.

The V'gahnt-Zezne had shown incredible defensive capabilities. Her ability to reposition her energy scales to form temporary new layers was an excellent way to prevent an opposing warship from punching through her original three layers of energy shields.

It was an advanced defensive solution that was highly effective in battles against other natives of the Red Ocean!

Yet when employed against a bunch of human ace mechs, the V'gahnt-Zezne's most powerful defensives ultimately proved to be flawed.

Now, the reckoning had come. The flagship of the Unspoken pirate group had threatened and frustrated the humans long enough. It was time for the Jedda Sandivar to show what it could do to a formidable armed capital ship when it had reached the exterior of the mighty vessel!

Many of the secondary and tertiary gun batteries had formed a dense and inescapable net of physical and energy attacks along the hull.

Dozens of attacks had to be blocked by the Saint Kingdom of the ace skirmisher mech, but that hardly bothered Saint Lewandowski.

What truly concerned her was the gigantic plasma cannons that were trying their best to recharge as quickly as possible.

"Disable the plasma cannons first! As long as you can stop them from firing, the alien battleship is already half-finished!"

"Roger that."

The Jedda Sandivar drew out its two kamas and infused them with true resonance as it charged towards one of the large and imposing plasma cannons.

As the distance between the two rapidly shrunk, the ace mech did not slow down in the slightest.

Instead, it continued to accelerate and build up more momentum!


A small explosion rocked the massive hull as the Jedda Sandivar tore open the outer structure of the plasma cannon battery before subsequently slipping inside!

As the ace light skirmisher continued to pass through the dense internal components, it attacked so rapidly with its kamas that it was able to tear its way through the other side of the massive structure!

Less than a second later, the heavily-damaged plasma cannon became engulfed in secondary explosions as the damage inflicted by the Jedda Sandivar proved to be too much!

"One down, thirteen left to go." Saint Lewandowski whispered to herself.

The Jedda Sandivar still did not slow down. It proceeded to fly towards the closest plasma cannon battery and proceeded to tear through its structure in the same manner as before!

Though the massive battleship had employed several different measures to prevent the Jedda Sandivar from running roughshod along her hull, none of these measures were effective against a powerful ace mech!

With the protection and support of its unreasonably effective domain field, the Jedda Sandivar not only resisted all kinds of attack and debilitating measures, but also amplified its performance so that it could knock out the plasma cannons even faster!

A dozen more explosions erupted across the surface of the alien capital ship's hull. It took less than a minute for the Jedda Sandivar to tear through many layers of relatively weak hull and structural plating and single-handedly eliminate all of the primary armaments of the once-formidable battleship!

"The V'gahnt-Zezne has been castrated!"

Many people cheered when they saw how easily the ace light skirmisher made short work of the cannons that were all powerful enough to destroy the ships of the human coalition.

Though the secondary and tertiary guns still remained a significant problem, the Jedda Sandivar had no time to attack all of those batteries.

"Open up a gap for us!" Patriarch Reginald Cross impatiently requested. "Drill inside the battleship and destroy as many power reactors and shield generators as you can find. As long as you destroy enough of them, the rest of us can get through and make short work of this battleship."

That was a good way to proceed. Although the Jedda Sandivar was in a prime position to tear apart the orven battleship by itself, an ace light skirmisher was one of the least destructive mechs at this level.

It would take many precious minutes for the Jedda Sandivar to completely disable an enormous capital ship that was probably highly compartmentalized.

"On it." Saint Lewandoski spoke before she flew her Jedda Sandivar to a destroyed plasma cannon battery and began to utilize its kamas to drill deeper into the hull.

Utilizing the vast influence of his Saint Kingdom, the female ace pilot was able to get a grip on many advanced alien technological parts and systems.

A few of the large devices generated or expended huge amounts of energy. It was not hard to guess that they were the targets that she was supposed to destroy.

Although it took a bit of time for the Jedda Sandivar to breach through one compartment after another, the ace mech eventually managed to destroy two nearby power reactors as well as half-a-dozen alien shield generators.

Though the V'gahnt-Zezne was hardly crippled at this point, the ace light skirmisher inflicted just enough damage for the battleship to experience significant problems in trying to maintain all three layers of energy shields.

When the ace pilots waiting outside saw that the coverage of the three layers had grown a lot spottier, they finally couldn't wait anymore.

"This is our chance! Break through!"

This time, the Thunderer Mark II and all of the other five ace mechs waiting outside began to initiate a similar sequence of attacks than before.

The difference was that the V'gahnt-Zezne was no longer capable of repelling the intruders!

The battleship had lost too much functionality at this time. What was worse was that many of the crew members were distracted by the ace mech that was still rampaging well inside the hull!

"We're through!"

Aside from the Thunderer Mark II, all of the other ace mechs had finally passed through the breach that they had just made.

"You know what to do. Have fun and try not to get in each other's way!"

All of the ace pilots had turned into kids that had entered a candy store. There was so much for them to destroy that they eagerly began to tear into the once-formidable V'gahnt-Zezne without any further fears!

A cacophony of explosions erupted on and inside the hull of the Unspoken flagship as a bunch of parasites continued to destroy more and more functionality.

Just as the orven leaders of the V'gahnt-Zezne had issued an order to abandon ship, a powerful spatial fluctuation began to spread across the battlefield.

It took a moment for the human specialists to figure out what was happening.

"We've run out of time! The enemy reinforcements are about to arrive!"

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