The Mech Touch

Chapter 4898 Professor Reylon Kavanaugh

The brisk progress and favorable negotiations with the Adelaide Third Fleet and the Boojay Family boosted Ves' optimism.

This directly translated into better results during his regular design sessions. Whether he worked alone or in collaboration with his wife, his consistently good mood and enthusiasm at the coming changes constantly urged him to put in his best effort in his work.

Though Ves and the others encountered many thorny problems over the course of the Dullahan Project and the Ghost Project, none of them hindered their progress for long.

The most troublesome problems related to the use and integration of advanced technologies.

For example, the Larkinson mech designers had to look up a lot of information and consult the developers of the Seferath AQ-1L, the advanced active stealth system developed by Optaar Integrated Solutions.

This transphasic quasi-first-class stealth system that was especially developed for high-end mechs was so insanely complex and convoluted that Ves felt as if he was out of his depth at times!

He relied a lot on Senior-level Stealth and Cloaking to carry him forward, but this System-granted Skill became increasingly more inadequate as Ves had to address more specific and technical design problems.

Gloriana couldn't offer much help as she was a complete novice when it came to stealth tech.

"Stealth systems are exclusively handled by state actors." She explained to Ves. "This is confidential expertise that is usually taught to mech designers and equipment developers that have already proven their loyalty and commitment to a state. I truly don't know how you managed to absorb so much theory and scientific principles related to this field, but it is clear that you have not kept up with the times."

Stealth technology was undergoing massive paradigm shifts with the introduction of phasewater. The powerful substance offered more cost-effective means to bridge the gap between maximum stealth and maximum protection.

It had often been the rule that stealth mechs were incredibly fragile in combat. Their exterior layers had to be optimized for concealment, not resisting attacks. It was almost impossible for stealth mechs to do well in both areas. The few exceptions that existed only managed to hit this impossible target by using insanely expensive materials to brute force this outcome.

That was no longer necessary. A dash of phasewater could make stealth-oriented plating ten times as resistant towards damage than before!

Of course, transphasic weapon systems could counteract much of this enhanced protection, but Ves had a good solution in mind.

He wanted to maximize the phasewater concentration of the Ghost System's stealth plating!

This was not a simple request. Although the Larkinson Clan paid Optaar Integrated Solutions to provide customization services, what Ves was asking for was such a big deal that he needed to renegotiate his deal with the Rubarthan development company!

Ves dressed up for the occasion. He wore the most luxurious version of his patriarch uniform and made sure to read up on the details of Optaar Integrated Solutions.

"Meow…" Lucky yawned as he laid on the desk.

"I can't make myself look too shabby. The people in Davute already know how good I am, but the folks over at Optaar still regard me as a talented but overambitious Journeyman Mech Designer."

"Meow meow."

"My masterwork certificates can lend me a bit of credibility, but they aren't as effective as I expected. Too many people can't believe that I deserve to have them. They are under the mistaken impression that I have been freeloading off the work of Master Benedict Cortez."

It was a frustrating ordeal. The MTA had an excellent reputation for record-keeping. It would never falsify its certificates as that would threaten its legitimacy as a trade organization!

"Meow meow." Lucky thumped his tail.

"Hey! At least I am being productive. What have you been doing ever since we returned from that pocket space? All you do is wander around and let yourself be hugged and carried around by different people. It's been a long time since you last needed to use the litter box! Don't you think it is time to solve your constipation problem?"


Lucky became so offended by this inquiry that he turned his body around so that he faced away from Ves!

"Look, I don't mind if you take your time on digesting all of your previous gains, but you better produce something really good before I complete my current batch of expert mechs. They all need powerful boosts in order to give our clan a greater edge in combat. I am especially in need of a good stealth-oriented enhancement to maximize the infiltration capabilities of the Ghost Project."


Ves continued to badger Lucky with his demands until he finally received a notification. He quit arguing with his pet in order to prepare for this critical call. He stood up and activated a few commands.

A physical projection came online that depicted a tall and handsome man who wore a high-tech lab coat and protective outfit.

Ves and the projected man quickly shook hands with each other.

"Greetings." The Rubarthan scientist and engineer began. "I am Professor Reylon Kavanaugh. You must be the cheeky young mech designer. You may know me as the chief developer of the Seferath series of transphasic active stealth systems. I have a busy schedule, but I have been persuaded to listen to your demands and proposals."

"Thank you for your time, professor." Ves humbly replied. "I would like to talk about the implementation of Seferath AQ-1L in my Ghost Project. Do not misunderstand me, please. I am not dissatisfied with your product. It is highly advanced and I have great confidence that it will perform well in the field. I have already wrangled with it for many weeks and what I have learned so far has continually reinforced my opinion that I have made an excellent choice to work with your company."

Professor Kavanaugh smiled after receiving this flattery. "We aim to please here at Optaar Integrated Solutions. However, you have not explained why you must speak to me in person. If you are satisfied with our work, then I see no reason to change our transaction."

"The circumstances on my end have changed." Ves quickly summarized his point. "In short, my clan is looking to field a stronger expert stealth mech. I can also work with more complex transphasic systems. What I want to ask from Optaar is whether you can increase the phasewater concentration of your Seferath AQ-1L transphasic active stealth system to the maximum possible limit. This way, my Ghost Project will become even more effective in battle. I want to turn it into an expert stealth mech that can adequately participate in a pitched battle without worrying that it will become defenseless as soon as it loses its resonance shield."

The Rubarthan engineer became upset when he heard this request. "Do you know how disruptive it is to change your requirements in the middle of an active project? Of course you do. You are a mech designer. The Seferath AQ-1L already strikes an excellent balance between stealth, defense, energy consumption and cost."

"Our clan is willing to make additional sacrifices in order to increase the defensive properties of your active stealth system." Ves straightforwardly said. "Can you give me an estimate on how much phasewater we can stuff in your Seferath product before it reaches its limit?"

"That depends on many factors, mech designers." The Rubarthan immediately responded. "The Seferath cannot accommodate too much phasewater due to two main reasons. If your expert stealth mech incorporates other transphasic parts, then you need to pay close attention to the quantity and concentration of phasewater in the design. Too much phasewater in one place will exceed the safety limitations of your expert mech. We can calculate the exact tolerances for you as long as you share your mech design with our company."

Ves quickly shook his head. "That is not acceptable to us. The full details of our Ghost Project must remain confidential. I am sure you understand."

It was outrageous for an external contractor to issue a request to examine the design of an important stealth mech. Ves would have reacted a lot stronger if he wasn't talking to a Rubarthan and needed the cooperation of Optaar Integrated Solutions!

Fortunately for Ves, Professor Kavanaugh had a convenient solution at hand.

"Our Seferath line is split up into multiple different products that are targeted towards different client categories. The AQ-1L is already one of our most extravagant products for wealthy and resourceful second-class clients such as your clan. However, we have recently developed the AQ-3M, a limit-pushing variant that is more appropriate for high-tier expert mechs and ace mechs. It requires you to infuse as much as 8 kilograms of phasewater into its stealth plating to make them resilient enough to resist many attacks."

Ves' eyes lit up. The famous Abasis Armor of the Mars integrated as much as 11 kilograms of phasewater. It provided excellent defensive power in exchange that was worth all of the expense.

"Can you tell me more about the AQ-3M and its differences from your older AQ-1L."

"I would be glad to do so, patriarch." Professor Kavanaugh said with a bit more interest.

Any client that was willing to pay much more phasewater in order to obtain a better product was worth his attention!

Optaar Integrated Solutions may be a powerful Rubarthan development company to a second-class rube like Ves, but it was an insignificant player in the Rubarthan market.

Otherwise, Optaar wouldn't have bothered to sell its wares to poorer and stingier second-class clients in the first place!

"While it is true that we have developed the AQ-3M as a direct improvement of our AQ-1L, that does not mean you can plug it in the place in your mech design. You will need to allocate your time to make substantial changes in the design of your expert stealth mech. The alterations are not too difficult or time consuming as you will primarily have to reinforce the internal structure of your work."

This was not a big deal to Ves. "Does the AQ-3M have other requirements?"

"Yes. Its energy consumption is even greater as it is more cumbersome to activate so much more phasewater. However, this is a good change in our eyes. Energy is the currency of reality. The more your expert mech spends its energy, the greater its benefits."

Ves had never heard anyone describe energy in those terms. It was quite clever actually. He might start using this phrase himself in the future!

"Our clan can handle these changes. At most, we will just have to upgrade the existing power reactor with a superior model. Will you provide us access to your AQ-3M and offer whatever assistance I need to integrate it into my expert stealth mech design?"

"We can satisfy your needs as long as we can both agree on a revised business contract." Professor Kavanaugh replied as he spoke on behalf of Optaar Integrated Solutions.

Ves could handle this situation so long as this was the case.

It took days for the Larkinson Clan and Optaar Integrated Solutions to amend their existing contract.

After that, Professor Kavanaugh and his development team were always on call to solve numerous difficult problems that Ves after he adjusted the Ghost Project to adapt to this major change.

Optaar couldn't provide as much help as Ves wished. The Larkinson Clan could not afford to leak too many details about the Ghost Project.

This meant that Ves often had to be circumspect in his thoughts and words whenever he requested the help of Optaar Integrated Solutions.

In numerous cases, Ves couldn't even say anything because the problem strayed way too close to the more sensitive and important aspects of the Ghost Project!

Though Ves found it regretful that the switch to a higher-end version did not effectively increase its stealth capabilities, he found it more than worthwhile to increase his expert stealth mech's defenses."

"The Ghost Project will become a force to be reckoned with in the field by the time this is finally done!"

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