The Mech Touch

Chapter 5190 Ves The Bigshot

Ves did not exactly know what he got pulled into. He initially thought that this would be a simple discussion on his possible rewards for making an amazing contribution and handing it over to the Survivalist Faction.

Instead, he got dragged into a political debate where the ideologies of the three leaders of the faction collided against each other.

Ves not only gained a greater understanding of what each faction leader stood for, but also managed to make a strong impression in front of the three Master Mech Designers.

It was incredibly fascinating to hear how the top leaders dealt with these kinds of affairs. Ves had never come closer to decision-making on a level that could not only affect red humanity as a whole, but also the lives of every other alien in the same dwarf galaxy!

A huge amount of responsibility rested on the shoulders of these decision makers. They were all tasked with defining a strategy that could help red humanity survive the adverse circumstances it was facing at this time.

Ves did not think he was close to ready to wield this kind of responsibility.

A single mistake no longer risked the lives of himself, his family and his clan around him. A misstep might instead doom the lives of trillions of red humans that sought salvation from the wrong messiah.

As the interesting and unusual debate slowly came to a close, the three Masters finally chose to move on to more immediately relevant business.

"We have not decided as of yet how we wish to roll out your companion spirit fruits." Master Tolarian Cerny informed Ves. "Our policy concerning this particular contribution will be decided after the vote is held. I can already tell you that we will endeavor to use it on a larger scale in at least some capacity. This means that we already recognize and accept your major contribution to the common good of our race and civilization. Unless a later discovery has been made that puts the safety of your work into question, we will make extensive use of it to strengthen ourselves one way or another."

Ves nodded in understanding. "That is why 1 have taken the initiative to present it to you all. It would be a tragedy if my hard work and effort remains unused."

"Your contribution, as impressive as it may be, also puts us in a quandary." Master Henry Urbeck mentioned.

"How so, Master?"

"We are not accustomed to situations where we are confronted by an invention that affects our society to such a drastic degree that originates from... a young independent mech designer."

That was probably the most gracious way to describe Ves' inferior identity and status.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Master Xena Wintress concurred. "It is much more usual to receive contributions of this level from fellow Master Mech Designers, renowned and established research institutions and top developers. They are predominately first-raters who already have lengthy track records of progressively greater contributions. There is not much harm for them to earn slightly greater recognition than they have already attained. You... are in a different position from them. Your success is too abrupt."

"Let us be blunt with you." Master Henry Urbeck spoke. "Our study and analysis of all of your work up to this date suggests that you are being wasted in your current position as a second-class pioneer. You can make significantly greater contributions and help us defend our limited territories much more effectively if you have become a proper first-class mech designer with a strong organization and an extensive network of contacts."

Master Tolarian Cerny folded his hands on the table. "The issue is that this description does not match your current conditions. It is in our best interests to pull you into this higher orbit, but doing so has often proven to produce mixed results. The gap is too wide to make the transition instant. You must undergo a gradual but still relatively brisk transition period where you can become an actual first-class mech designer that is ready to assist our entire race against the predations of native alien races."

Ves figured most of this out himself. To hear that even the Survivalists struggled to do something about it said a lot about how difficult it was for them to come up with an adequate resolution.

"So what happens now?" He asked in a more casual tone than he should.

He was growing a little impatient with all of the dancing around. He wanted to hear a verdict right away so that he could move on to fulfilling his orders and attend other interesting sessions.

"You are scheduled to preside over other sessions in the following days. In anticipation of subsequent contributions, we think it is best that we defer our announcement of your combined rewards until the end of this conference."

"We can already give you a preview of what to expect." Master Xena Wintress spoke with a generous smile. "Your galactic citizenship will rise from tier 6 to tier 4. This is what you are entitled to after you have presented your companion spirits to us for the good of this branch of humanity."

"Galactic citizenship is not necessarily earned. It is a formal recognition of a fact that has already been established. It mostly serves to signal to the wider public that you are a valued human contributor that has become a living treasure to our entire race."

"Higher tiers of galactic citizenship are associated with progressively greater benefits, privileges and most importantly protection. A tier 4 galactic citizen is much more prominent than a tier 6 galactic citizen. This is a stage where hundreds of powerful first-class organizations will begin to scrutinize you in an attempt to exploit you to their own advantage. Even if they show considerable restraint, they may not necessarily have your best interests at heart."

"As such, one of the permanent benefits of tier 4 galactic citizenship is that you have the right to be accompanied by a small escort from the Red Association or the Red Fleet. The combat strength of this escort may not necessarily be high, but their presence serves as an open reminder and deterrent to other parties that your continued survival and wellbeing is of material importance to our entire civilization."

"Not every tier 4 galactic citizen makes use of this privilege. Terran and Rubarthan Master Mech Designers can already count on formidable protection from their respective states or organizations. This benefit primarily exists to serve as essential protection for more vulnerable contributors such as yourself. You may choose to reject it for whatever reason, but we can guarantee you that you will fall into entrapment within the year if you do not reconsider during this period of time."

The three Masters exerted a lot of pressure to Ves all of a sudden. They constantly emphasized how his high-profile development strategy had been a little too successful to the point where he had turned himself into a target for all kinds of powerful opportunists!

As much as Ves disliked this turn in conversation, he could not deny the reality of his new situation.

From the moment he completed his first closed session, he had already painted a large target on his back!

Fortunately, the mechers weren't entirely clueless and impersonal. Master Tolarian Cerny gestured to Jovy, who had remained silent like a rock all of this time.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Our records indicate that you value your autonomy. In no way do we wish to impose upon your space. We can assign Professor Jovy Armalon here to be the head of your security escort. He will have the authority to choose the composition of the escort fleet as well as its personnel. Do you agree with this arrangement?"

As much as Ves wanted to keep his distance from the mechers, it was unrealistic to push him away now that he had made so many eye-catching contributions.

This wasn't even the end of his contributions! He still had to speak in several more sessions before he was done!

All of this gave the Survivalist Faction even greater reasons to accompany him and ensure his safety.

If this was the case, Ves might as well accept this new reality rather than object it out of irrational feelings.

"I like to travel to many different places." Ves spoke. "If my fleet ever ends up in a confrontation against a human or alien fleet, will the escort ships and mechs from your Association stand by or actively participate in battle?"

"The rules are slightly different this time." Master Henry Urbeck replied. "All acts of aggression towards you and your immediate group will not be tolerated. It goes without saying that our fleet will endeavor to defeat any alien opposition without hesitation. We will not show mercy to your human adversaries either as they are not supposed to resort to aggression to you, whether openly or covertly."

Master Tolarian Cerny issued a word of caution. "This is not an excuse for you to wield our power like your own personal club. We will permit you to use our assets to assist you in any battles against alien forces. It is in everyone's best interest if we fight and defeat as many aliens as possible. That does not apply to scenarios where you take the initiative to attack another human group. If this conflict is entirely avoidable or unnecessary, then we do not condone this behavior and will not lift a finger to help your selfish cause."

"That... is understandable. 1 am satisfied with these conditions." Ves steadily replied after a while.

It was unreasonable to expect anything more from the Red Association.

Ves did not want to entrust his safety in the hands of the mechers on a permanent basis. He considered this offer for protection to be a stopgap solution that would tide him over for the next decade.

Once he had successfully uplifted himself and a select group of clansmen to the first-class level, then that would be the moment where he surrounded himself with strong protection that was under his complete control.

By the time he had amassed a sizable first-class force, it was not entirely necessary anymore to have the mechers hovering so closely to him all of the time.

Of course, their presence could still be useful in numerous ways. They could continue to pose as a form of deterrence towards miscellaneous troublemakers.

"Do you have any other questions with regards to your presumably galactic citizenship tier promotion?"

"I do. If there are any situations where my forces as well as your escort fleet defeats a sizable alien fleet, will I have to give up a portion of the bounties?"

All three Masters nodded.

"Our escort fleet is primarily tasked with ensuring your survival and wellbeing. It is not a convenience that is meant to encourage you to attack stronger and deadlier alien forces than what you can safely confront. Every participating group is entitled to the shares that they deserve. If our escort mechs and warships have produced the greatest results in a battle, then our Association will withhold a proportionate share of the rewards. You can choose not to deploy our forces in a fight. You can earn the full reward in this scenario."

That reassured Ves a lot. The escort fleet therefore functioned as a safety blanket of sorts. He could always put it aside in situations where he did not need to rely on the potent firepower and varied solutions of the Association's potent warships and sophisticated first-class multipurpose mechs.

"I have another question. What is the difference between a tier 4 and a tier 3 galactic citizen?"

"The difference... is much greater than the previous transitions." Master Xena Wintress slowly replied. "There is no guarantee that your total contributions will merit this promotion, but if there comes a time where you are qualified to become a tier 3 galactic citizen, then you have become our peer in this aspect. Your protection detail will not be confined to a small escort fleet. You will have the ear of every Star Designer and god pilot. You may be invited into high-level councils where you may be able to vote on policy proposals that directly change our society as a whole."

In other words, a tier 3 galactic citizen had already entered the ranks of the true ruling class of human civilization!

"I see... wait a minute." Ves suddenly looked startled as he made a drastic realization. "When exactly will you upgrade my galactic citizenship tier? Will it happen during the end of the 6th day or the end of the 7th day when the conference has come to an end?"

"There is no need to impose any artificial delays on your case." Master Tolarian Cerny said. "We can process your application within hours. Our administration is highly efficient in this regard. It will happen at the end of your secret session that is scheduled on the 6th day of this conference."

"Oh... does this mean that I get to have a vote on the big decision on the final day?" Ves hesitantly asked.

Master Cenry looked amused. "Do not be silly, Professor Larkinson. You are an associate, not a formal member of the Red Association. However..."

"If you ever happen to become a tier 3 galactic citizen, you can technically become an honorary member of either the Red Association or the Red Fleet. If you accept this privilege, then... you have earned the qualification to participate in the vote."

"...I see." Ves flatly replied.

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