The Mech Touch

Chapter 5225 Survivalists Assemble

"This is..."

"Your new mark of identity. Once you wear this badge, you will formally announce your identity as a tier 3 galactic citizen that has been vouched by the Red Association. There is no obligation that requires you to wear it all of the time, but it is best to bring it out during formal occasions. Remember, badge or not, you represent more than yourself."

The badge was exquisitely designed. Though Ves did not recognize who was responsible for designing it, the work had a lot of subtle touches that refined the appearance of the Red Association's logo in a three-dimensional format.

As Ves continued to examine the newly presented badge, he noted that it consisted of a lot of materialized components that had been mechanically assembled by automated systems.

A part of him felt disappointed. The mechers hadn't bothered to handmake an object that carried so much symbolism and meaning.

Another part of him felt relieved that the Association had resorted to such a lazy solution.

He didn't know whether he would want to carry a badge that carried the spiritual contamination of the Xenotechnician or the Polymath. Who knew what these powerful and versatile Star Designers could do to him with this badge as a medium.

Once Ves got over his fascination with the art design of the badge, he tried to analyze the functional components of this device.

It became pretty clear to him that it was packed with a lot of technology. He just couldn't recognize all of the functions based on his limited knowledge.

"What does it do?" Ves finally asked as he couldn't withhold his curiosity any longer.

Jovy smirked. He had been waiting to answer this question.

"It can do a lot more than what is normally possible with an object of this size. First of all, I should tell you that it is attached to a small dimensional pocket space that is packed with advanced technologies. The main feature is its transphasic shield generator. It won't be able to withstand the firepower of the main cannon of a battleship, but it can help you stay alive when all of your other forms of protection have failed."

"That is handy."

Ves knew that every high-tier galactic citizen possessed ample means to defend themselves.

They rarely ever died outside of accidents and natural causes, and these high-tech badges played a large role in preserving their lives.

"On top of that, it carries an anti-teleportation guard. It is not universal and we can still bypass it as long as we transmit the correct code, but it can protect you from others."

At least the Red Association was being honest about integrating a backdoor into this function.

"Furthermore, it contains a compact life support system as well as a reinforced hazard suit that can help you survive all kinds of hostile environments, from the vacuum of space to the surface of a volcanic planet. It comes with limited resource extraction and recycling capabilities to extend your survival time, but there is only so much it can do in a barren environment."

"Got it. Anything is better than nothing. Hopefully, it can buy me enough time to fix up a proper solution." Ves commented.

"The biggest life saver in my opinion is the emergency five-use teleporter. Just as it says, it is solely reserved for use in emergencies. The effective range encompasses roughly half of a typical star system, so it can help you escape pretty much any danger when combined with the other functions of the badge."

Ves raised his eyebrow. Any emergency teleporter that was small enough to be carried by an individual was incomparably precious!

"Can I trigger the teleportation multiple times in quick succession?"

"I am afraid not, Ves. It has to cool down for 24 days before its teleportation function can be triggered again."

That was still impressive. A single-use teleporter was only useful in taking him away from immediate danger. If he remained in hostile territory, then he would have to teleport once again in order to access an escape vehicle and truly make his escape.

"Anything else? Does it come with a storage space where I can stash weapons and additional supplies?"

Jovy shook his head. "lam afraid not. The remainder of the pocket space is occupied by a unique and highly sophisticated authentication device tied to your body. You will need to use it to verify your identity, connect to high-security portals, access confidential information, prove you have the right to cast a vote in important gatherings and so on. Do not allow others to take your badge. Not only is it expensive to replace, but others may find a way to abuse it before it is recovered."

Ves solemnly nodded. "I understand. I will take good care of this badge."

Despite his concerns about what else the mechers had stuffed into the dimensional pocket space of his classy galactic citizenship badge, he was more than happy to take advantage of its known functions!

There was never a case where he carried too many personal shield generators. He had always wanted to get his hands on an anti-teleportation guard, and the emergency five-use teleporter was way more generous than he expected to receive at this stage.

"While we vouch for our technology, please do not put its protective capabilities to the test." Jovy seriously advised. "I know that you aren't the sort of person who would willingly throw himself in the line of fire if you can help it, but with your history, who knows what will happen in the future."

"Hey! I never asked to be caught up in all of those incidents! Relax. I don't think I will put myself into such vulnerable positions again. I am well aware that all of this additional protection should never be used if 1 can help it." Ves reassured his friend.

There was no need for him or any of the conference goers to wear their old badges anymore. The Khamatar Reign had automatically dematerialized them after the end of the final conference session.

This left plenty of room on his chest for his new oversized badge. As Ves looked at a mirrored projection of himself, he could tell that the designers of his outfit had already accounted for this extra element.

"You look good, Ves. You truly look the part of a leading figure who people can trust to make life-changing decisions on their behalf. You would look even better if you added a sweeping cowl or a ceremonial hat."

"Let's not go too far. This is good enough."I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

With that settled, they waited until the both of them got teleported to the chamber where the final vote would take place.

Jovy helpfully used the time they had left to explain the rules and warn him about what he should or should not do. This was an incredibly formal occasion, so Ves could not afford to make a gaffe in front of so many people.

"Just like during the opening speeches, every mecher and associate who is invited to the conference will be summoned to the same space. However, the seating arrangements will be different. You and every other eligible voter will sit in front this time. The rest of us will be seated far away in the rear to prevent our presence from becoming an unwelcome distraction."

"Wait, you won't be accompanying me anymore?"

Jovy responded with a helpless smile. "I am not qualified to stand among the higher-tiered galactic citizens in this solemn occasion. My presence among you will break the pattern and produce greater disturbances. You will have to get by on your own for the duration of the voting session."

That threw Ves off-guard. He had become too accustomed to having a helpful friend and advisor by his side that he was afraid he would start making mistakes left and right as soon as he was by himself.

He recognized that he had become too dependent on Jovy. Ves needed to grow up and handle his affairs on his own. It was not as if he needed to do much in the upcoming voting session. He just had to sit around and cast his vote when the time was right. Nothing more.

"Okay, I can handle this. Hopefully, this won't drag on too much."

Minutes continued to pass by until noon had almost arrived.

Throughout the hull of the Khamatar Reign, teleporters came to life and brought each and every voter directly to their opulent and ceremonial seats in a large but unfamiliar assembly hall!

Ves quickly swept his gaze on the people seated in the front rows. Each of them looked at their best in an extensive variety of ceremonial outfits.

Mech pilots and mech officers wore their dress uniforms that were replete with aiguillettes and draped over by capes that significantly enhanced their statures.

Mech designers and other researchers wore different varieties of robes that always consisted of multiple layers and a lot of symbols that were tied to their identities.

It did not take long to spot certain similarities in the colors and patterns. The adherents of the Xenotechnician, the Fist of Defiance and the Polymath all had their ways of identifying themselves.

It took a while for Ves to count the total number of people with voting rights. 273 mechers and associates were about to determine the course of red humanity as a whole.

How frightening.

As the voters took their seats and avoided any small talk, the remainder of the conference goers teleported in by batches.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm Jovy must have arrived relatively recently, but Ves wasn't able to find him amidst the tens of thousands of individuals who appeared under the cover of darkness.

Once the last batch of people took their places, the podium grew brighter as three special individuals emerged in the air at once.

The Xenotechnician, the Mace of Retaliation and the Polymath all appeared side by side for the first time!

It was an enormous shame that the god pilot himself couldn't be present on this incredibly important occasion, but nothing could be done.

Just like everyone else, the three leading figures had changed into different outfits as well.

The Xenotechnician had undergone the most extreme makeover. He had changed into a crossover between a hypermodern robe and an armored suit. Consisting of a mysterious material that did not look like metal or anything else that looked familiar, the luminescent alien suit glowed in bright teal as it conveyed a dangerous sense of repressed power.

The old Star Designer no longer appeared in the guise of a friendly old grandfather or professor anymore.

He looked every part the valiant and wise scientist king that his supporters hoped would lead red humanity into a safer and more peaceful future!

The Mace of Retaliation opted for a more valiant and martial look. He wore an aggressive red military dress uniform that looked similar to the ones worn by the pilots who were seated at the front, but he had pinned a lot more full-sized medals on his chest!

Not only that, he wore an absurdly oversized cape that dynamically flowed behind his back. The thick and voluminous cape was red on the inside and black on the outside. It also depicted a stylized mace on the back that served as his personal emblem.

Although the Mace of Retaliation's status was ultimately a lot more inferior than the two Star Designers, he did not show any sign of discomfort or inferiority. The ace pilot made his grandfather proud by keeping his head held high in front of the people who attended the conference.

Nonetheless, Ves was not sure whether that was enough to convince the undecided voters to support the risky Deep Strike Plan.

Ves briefly looked around. A lot of people with piloting backgrounds looked as if they had already made up their minds.


Compared to the Xenotechnician and the Mace of Retaliation, the Polymath exuded a sense of greater class and refinement that few if any humans could match.

She appeared in this assembly hall as if she had already been crowned as the ruler of red humanity.

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