The Mech Touch

Chapter 5280 Ves The Instigator

Ves had to struggle really hard not to grin like a shark and cackle like a witch gone mad.

He did it! He actually did it! He managed to bluff the Rubarthans by exploiting their flawed and incomplete interpretation of the contract!

While Ves felt incredibly glad that he managed to attain initial success in this extremely risky gambit, he needed to make sure the Rubarthans did not find out the truth in the foreseeable time!

This meant that Ves needed to show no indication of glee or pleasure over the fact that he managed to pull the wool over their eyes!

It was challenging. Ves deeply wanted to burst out into laughter and express his joyous emotions at managing to fool some of the most powerful humans of the Red Ocean!

He had to employ multiple tricks to keep his current facade as impeccable as possible.

For example, back in the Milky Way, a certain cyborg cat was cackling like a madman as she was sitting on a desk terminal!

Veronica's attention was no longer on the incomplete design of the Transcendent Punisher Mark III as the strong emotions from afar completely overtook the living divine artifact!

"Myahahahahaha! Myaowhaahahahaha!"

Her unhinged behavior had become so disturbing that Helena manifested next to the cyborg cat with a look of concern!

"What is wrong with you?! This is not typical of you. What has caused you to lose control?"

"Hahahahahaha! Sorry, sis, but I couldn't help myself. It's just too amusing!"

While Veronica explained the scheme, Ves just transferred a list that the Rubarthans had requested.

The list contained a set of names as well as a brief description of what they were all about.

Naturally, these descriptions were decidedly less than neutral. Although he made sure that they sounded factual enough, Ves still had plenty of ways to manipulate the phrasing to promote specific interpretations.

Even though the document he transferred over was short enough to read in less than a minute, the Rubarthans took their time to thoroughly process the new information.

"I see that your list does not include the four life forms that have already been chosen by the Red Association." The Inferno Spear spoke up again. "What is the reason for their absence? Are they only capable of supporting a single kinship network, or are there other complications that have led you to remove them from consideration?"

There were good reasons why Ves left out the Solemn Guardian and so on off the list, though he did not want to share all of them to his current audience.

"It is not impossible for the four spirits to oversee multiple kinship networks." Ves truthfully replied. "However, that will cause them to split their responsibilities. Making them less attentive to an individual network's needs. Not only that, they will get influenced by two broad but distinctly different populations, which means that they will never be truly dedicated to either of them. Even if you don't find this to be a problem, the mechers will definitely object to sharing them because it will negatively affect the New Elites Program."

"Understood. Thank you for your clarification."

The Inferno Spear went back perusing the list while silently corresponding with his enormous staff.

Ves did not fudge the list too much. He presented the Rubarthans with plenty of viable options.

For example, if the Rubarthans settled for a more exotic choice like the Phase King, they could gain a greater understanding and feel of phasewater. The price was that they had to be comfortable with living in the presence of an alien entity that shared a disturbing amount of similarities with the phase whale race.

The Illustrious One was also alien in nature, but he could present the Rubarthans with a boost in affinity and feel of energy weapons of all kinds. Directed energy weapons such as lasers and so on would become significantly more effective once the Rubarthans figured out ways to harness them more effectively.

Qilanxo offered a more defensive and protective focus. She also happened to possess a spatial focus, but her understanding and application of this domain was different from that of the Phase King.

Ves had a feeling that none of these options sounded particularly attractive to the Rubarthans. There was a distinct lack of human choices that would have engendered greater trust.

The absence was notable enough for the Inferno Spear to inquire about their eligibility.

"Why have you left out names such as Lufa and Ylvaine?"

"Ylvaine is derived from a man of faith. It is... difficult to resist his beliefs if you are being subjected to them all of the time." Ves responded. "I doubt you will want to turn your citizens into worshipers."


"As for Lufa, he is rather special. First, he is directly related to a classified research initiative. I am probably breaking a rule by mentioning this to you. If you haven't obtained information about this in advance, you will probably learn about it in the near future. You can ask the Transhumanists if you want to find out the answer sooner."

That should be enough to fend off any further inquiries into these two spirits.

Though Ves was not connected to their deliberations, he could practically feel the Rubarthans weighing the pros and cons of every option as they moved down the list.

It was only after they reached the bottom that their interest as well as their confusion became magnified.

"This final option... is not one that matches the other ones." The Inferno Spear pointed out. "We question whether it is a legitimate choice or whether you have added it as a joke."

"I understand that it may be surprising to see this name on this list, but I can assure you that it is a legitimate choice. You asked for options that are capable of supporting a kinship network that is suitable for your population. They should also be able to gain the approval of the Destroyer of Worlds. The final name definitely satisfies your demands, as strange as this situation may seem. If you want, I can call her over so that you can meet with her directly. You will be able to find out for yourself that she is more than meets the eye."

The Inferno Spear couldn't hold back his curiosity. "Please do so, Professor Larkinson."

"It will take a bit of time for her to arrive."

A bit of time flew by while Ves answered a few other questions relating to his design spirits and how they interacted with his kinship networks.

The atmosphere suddenly changed as the entrance opened up. Not one, but two different figures entered the active Hyper Chamber.

Ves couldn't help but smile in delight as he saw her daughter move across the simulated throne room.

Part of the reason for the delay was to give her a quick but proper makeover so that she looked at her best.

She didn't require much makeup to enhance her already cute face. Her blue dress made her look a bit more formal and mature, but not to the point of sapping her of all of her youth.

The focus was not on his daughter, though.

From the moment Aurelia appeared into view, the Inferno Spear already laid his eyes on the cat that the young lady was holding in her arms!

Clixie looked as cute and furry as ever. The golden collar that he had made for her a long time ago added a considerable amount of class to the pet. The lustrous gem set in the center

especially enhanced her mysterious allure.

"Hello, father." Aurelia greeted in a shy manner as she presented herself in a much more formal manner than usual. "Did you call for Clixie?"

"I did. Thank you for bringing her here. Your Highness, this is Clixie, a Rubarthan Sentinel Cat that had originally been gifted to my wife. While she may still look like an ordinary designer cat, she has become greater than that in the years since she has become a part of my family. I won't explain the details to you, but getting exposed to a lot of mysterious phenomena has caused her to grow smarter and develop extraordinary power."

"Truly? I find that hard to believe, yet I can actually sense that she has amassed a notable amount of power... for a cat."

"Don't underestimate the power or the potential of the feline species." Ves responded. "Emma is one of the defining examples of how cats can grow to become our strongest helpers and assistants."

"There are clear differences between Emma and this... cat of yours."

Ves nodded. "Their natures are different and so are their powers, but that does not mean that the potential of our Rubarthan Sentinel Cat is inadequate. She can quickly catch up to Emma as long as she becomes responsible for the entire population of the Rubarthan Pact! Let me give you a taste of what she can do to protect your citizens. Clixie, can you give the good prince a demonstration?"


Clixie began to accumulate power even as she stayed within the warm and loving embrace of Aurelia.

Her furry body started to glow even as it started to absorb the E energy radiation in the immediate environment.

Once she reached a critical point, she began to disgorge a green and rejuvenating beam that caused anyone in its path to feel a lot better!

Although its strength was not that impressive, the Inferno Spear couldn't help but grow impressed as his projected form got struck by Clixie's beam!

The limitations of the remote connection prevented the ace pilot from appreciating the full effect of this special ability, but the Inferno Spear indeed managed to get enough of a taste to understand what Clixie had just done!

The man looked genuinely impressed. "My advisors have told me that the Age of Dawn will introduce many wonders that subvert our previous assumptions. They are correct. Your cat has somehow managed to turn her love, care and benevolence into a superpower that can mend injuries, though I suspect that it is mainly effective on cats. Regardless, I no longer have any reason to doubt her suitability. Still, that does not entirely explain the reason why you have presented her to us as a possible choice."

"It is quite simple." Ves said even though the truth was anything but. "She is fairly innocent and not as complicated as the other spirits that have been exposed to the minds of many mech pilots for a varying number of years. Although her abilities are not flashy or powerful, I am sure that you Rubarthans have no problems destroying your enemies with your superior tech and assets. What you truly need is an entity that can protect your clan against less substantial and more abstract threats. Clixie's abilities are much more useful on that front. Finally, she is the only cat on the list. Who do you think the Destroyer of Worlds will prefer?"

That final reason sounded silly, but the reaction from the Inferno Spear indicated that it was a serious factor.

It was no secret that Divine Irene Mox had a soft spot for cats!

As Prince Antonius and the other Rubarthans struggled to evaluate this choice, Ves decided to take another risk and press his advantage!

"From what I know of the Rubarthan Pact, you are fortunate enough to be protected by two god pilots."

The Inferno Spear looked proud. "That is correct. The Destroyer of Worlds and the Spacelock are our two greatest protectors. The Terrans can only count on the Light of Sol. We expect more god pilots to arise in the future, but for the time being this shall remain the status quo."

Ves nodded. What he was about to say next was crucial to his scheme!

"I am not sure how they have divided their authority and responsibilities. The Deep Strike Plan has made it clear that both of them are bound to have the greatest say in the Rubarthan Pact for the foreseeable time. There are advantages and disadvantages to being led by two equal leaders. However... if the Rubarthan Pact adopts a kinship network that is centered around a cat, I can imagine that a lot of your citizens will develop greater respect towards the Destroyer of Worlds."

"Where are you going with this, Professor Larkinson?"

"Imagine a future where the Rubarthans develop a universal adoration towards cats. I don't know about the Spacelock, but I don't think he has anything to do with cats. The Destroyer of Worlds is the opposite in this regard. She has shown off Emma for over two centuries. I cannot think of a greater cat lady than her! This should make it easier for her to occupy the leading position. Whether she is interested in ruling the Rubarthan Pact or not, she is doubtlessly in need of a lot of administrators and bureaucrats who can do all of the heavy lifting of running an entire first-rate colonial superstate, people who she knows and can rely upon..."

A lot of wheels started to turn in the mind of the Inferno Spear. The man was not stupid. Even if he was, his advisors certainly did not miss the subtext that Ves had obviously conveyed through his words!

The ace pilot began to exchange a subtle look with Ves before directing a speculative look at Clixie.


The Rubarthan Sentinel Cat had no idea that she had inadvertently found herself at the center of a possible power struggle instigated by Ves!

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